Pretty Eyes

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//summary- Ranpo realizes something- He's never gotten a good look at Poe's eyes.//

//no angst. But sorry fo the blurry picture ( I'm planning on adding smut in part 2!)//

Ranpo was annoyed. He really was— he and Poe had been dating for almost a month, and he had never gotten a good look at Poe's eyes. The two were curled up on the couch, watching old crime documentaries. It was easy enough to figure out, but Ranpo kept quiet for the sake of Poe.

The author hated spoilers— everyone knew that. Once Dazai had spoiled a movie the Agency, along with Poe, were going to watch. Poe had gotten up and left without a word, and didn't visit for a week. It happened again with Kenji, then Atsushi. It didn't take long to figure out why the author was always in a bad mood after, or why he always turned down offers to watch movies with them.

Some may call that overkill, but Ranpo understood why. That and the fact that Poe had told him. "Sometimes I just want to relax and.. and not think for once. Knowing what happens puts more stress on me than you can imagine, and I can't explain why..."

Once, Ranpo had finally managed to convince Poe to join them for a movie, and Ranpo had accidentally let the ending slip. The other members didn't mind, they were rewatching and old movie, but Poe had never even heard of it. He had been enjoying it too, which added to the guilt.

Poe had the look of absolute betrayal on his face as he excused himself and left without a word. By the time Ranpo had caught up to him, it was easy to discern the sound of muffled crying from the other noises. Guilt had filled Ranpo as he hugged the author. The two had quickly moved on from that incident.

Ranpo had realized, even when the author was crying, he had never gotten a good look. He decided he was going to find out.

"Poe-kun?" There was a startled Yelp, before Poe turned to look at him. "Y-yes, Ranpo-kun...?" Adorable. He thought, "Can I see your eyes?" The author seemed surprised, and was starting to hunch in on himself, withdrawing again.

There was panic in his posture, the air filled with tension so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. "Only if that's okay!" Ranpo added in a rush, not wanting to add even more pressure. Poe seemed to relax, shaking his head. "It's fine. I trust you." He moved forwards, face to face with Ranpo.

Ranpo raised a hand to Poe's face, brushing his bangs aside with ease. Poe's breath hitched, and Ranpo's breath caught in his throat. The author's eyes were a peculiar shade of gray, filled with lilac swirls and tiny flecks of gold that were barely noticeable.

Light freckles dotted the author's nose and upper cheeks, they were cute, Ranpo had decided. Poe looked down momentarily, "I don't like them... because they look so dead."

An idea formed in Ranpo's mind slowly as he leaned closer to Poe, "I can fix that."

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