The Enchantress

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Tsumugi held her glistening fingers out and Kokichi's eyes went wide.

"The... The vials! We didn't lose them! You had them!" He prepared to grab them out of her hands before being meeted with a silver revolver.

"You seem to have forgotten the simple fact, that... Well, you have no control of the situation you're in." She kept the gun pointed towards Kokichi and swirled her other hand, keeping the two vials between her fingers.

"Just... What do you want?" Kokichi's breath was warm with anger.

"You two." She smiled. "You two are the key ingredients in my plan. Of course, I don't even have to ask you to follow my lead or anything."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I actually don't need you're guys commitment or agreement to my plan. I just wanted to see your helpless faces." She put her head in her palms, twirling.

Kokichi stepped back. "What... Are you planning...?"

She laughed. "You and your boyfriend here are gonna join my army." She held the vial, storing them with a soft finger. "Manifactured despair... Its so beautiful..."

"..." Kokichi glanced at Shuichi. He was struggling to get up. Kokichi could see his face twisting in pain as he tried his absolute hardest to get up or at least lift himself a tiny bit.

"Of course, the manifactured stuff is nothing like the real thing." Tsumugi was still stroking her vials. "With real despair, everything becomes meaningless. People are killed, civilisations are brought down. All slight chance of hope is extinguished."

"That includes the chance of ultimates going to space. With the ultimate's going in space, it gives earth the tiniest but of hope." She became angry, her gaze managing to land on Kokichi as she raised her voice. "Civilisation doesn't deserve hope! It deserves despair, it deserves to gravel in the pits of suffering and longing for an escape that will never come!"

She raised her gun to the still struggling Shuichi, a crazed look in her eye. "How much despair would it bring you to see your pitiful partner lying dead in front of you. Would that make you suffer? Make you cry?"

"D- Don't hurt him..." Kokichi stumbled over his words. He was both terrified and disgusted at the same time. He wanted to run away, yet he wanted to protect Shuichi. So he stayed in one spot, staring wide eyes as Tsumugi approached Shuichi, gun in hand. 

Shuichi blinked slowly. He couldn't see much, his eyesight was starting to become blurry. His hearing was off too, he could hear exact words, only a bunch of tuned out voices. He couldn't tell who was who, he was useless.

I... I don't know what's happening, what's going on...

His eyesight was getting worse by the minute, reduced to only a few blurry shapes. They seemed to be distorted.


He was starting to lose consciousness. He couldnt talk as much, to try was too painful.

Save yourself...


He watched as a figure stood over him, or he assumed it was someone.

He lost consciousness after that, not remembering much from after that. Not even pain.


Kokichi ran out of there. He didn't want to. He, he wanted to save Shuichi! His one friend, the one who he trusted with everything! He was the only person who could save him!

But Kokichi was a coward.

And he knew it.

He saw Shuichi's foggy eyes staring towards him, as if he could really see Kokichi, even if there was no reasonable way that was possible.

Shuichi's mouth whispered him.

"... run..."

So he ran.

He was a coward...

Kokichi hid inside the building. His main idea was to call Kyoko from inside the building, but then he realised that would make him trapped there if Tsumugi was guarding the door.

She... She wouldn't kill Shuichi would she?

Kokichi thought about it.

It would make sense for her to kill Shuichi. It would save her despair vials for someone not ingured.


He couldn't accept that!

Tsumugi- she need the ultimates alive, right? Yeah, yeah...

Killing an ultimate would cause worldwide despair...

Shut up!

"Shut up, shut up shut up!" Kokichi whispered to himself, clutching his head.


"Kokichi?" A voice asked from the end of the corridor. Kokichi looked up swiftly, his mind on high alert.

Kiibo was standing at the end of the hall, clearly distressed for Kokichi.

Kokichi stumbled towards him, mumbling something. Kiibo ran forward and met up with the boy, who was now shaking.

"...kiibo you have to get out of here, she could come in any minute, she's after us...." Kokichi's voice was fast and low and Kiibo couldnt catch most of the words he was saying

"Kokichi, calm down. I can see your fairly panicked right now, but if you can come with me and we can discuss this somewhere else, I feel you may calm down." Kiibo comforted the boy, who was just shaking now.


Kiibo took this as a yes and quietly escorted Kokichi to a door with a blueish - red tinge.

"...wheres this... " Kokichi glanced at the door before glancing at Kiibo. "..dont tell me we're going to your lame room..."

"That's precisely where we're going!" Kiibo said, with as much authority as he could muster. "I was thinking you could calm yourself in there, as well as explaining the situation."

"...does it have a lock?" Kokichi asked out of nowhere.

"I value my privacy, so yes!"

"Eww, you wanna lock me in your room with you!" Kokichi pushed the robot away.

Kiibo frowned. "Kokichi, if this isn't adequate enough-"

"-No, it's cool, I'm just messing with you..."

"...At least your mood has changed."

They sat down on Kiibo's bed. Kokichi bounced on the bed at bit before growing bored of it.

"I've heard tea is helpful for calming people down. Would you like one?" Kiibo got up, finger on the switch to the jug.

"Nah. Why do you even have a tea machine, you're a robot?"

"It's specially made tea, designed to be digested into my system for-" Kokichi interrupted him.


Kiibo frowned. "You're still managing to take the focus off the state I found you in. Would you... mind explaining?"

Kokichi glanced to the door. "Can you make sure that's locked."


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