18 - am i interrupting something?

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hold onto your wigs!

also i kind of changed their grade to juniors— they're 16-17. so no smut in this book, ever. also.. i'm #5 in the tags for clouis?? 🤩


It was probably a day after the river-dog situation. It was a little comforting for her, but once again; Peace wouldn't be peace if it wasn't interrupted by Sophie and her jealous girlfriend instincts. For some reason, word got around that they were in the river; and stories of what probably happened sparked up. tldr; Louis taught Clementine how to float, they dried up together, and then got cornered by a dog. That was all the tea. But what other people said was that they did shit, and it was bullshit

Clementine didn't feel the energy. She was bumped out, for no reason. She felt like the encounter of the dog yesterday took her energy. She was exhausted, and those 'hot' rumours made nothing good.

She could hear arguing in the background 'What were you doing in a river with her dirty hat?' 'I just taught her how to swim! You're being too much' 'She's a fucking skank, you're disgusting'

Louis crossed his arms, as he stormed off. Clementine muffled the cafeteria sounds with her hands, she was just.. ugh, fatigue.

Today, she decided to hangout with Mariana and Gabe. She was in no mood for the mess called 'Sophie' How the hell is Minerva related to her? They're totally different.

Gabe tilts his head, noticing the distressed girl "Ignore them, they're sick." Clementine squinted her amber eyes, as she snuggled onto her jean jacket, It seems like everyone in this school has something to comment about Clementine; because she's 'new' doesn't mean she's weak and stupid.

"I want to, but it's like they're nagging me" Mariana nibbles onto her chocolate bar "Stupid rumours, why i hate this school." Her look of disgust was mainly focused on the red head, with shoulder length hair.

"It'll get better soon, if not; We can always call Javi" Clementine chuckled "Thanks, but Javi wouldn't want to deal with Sophie, even though he could."

Gabe looked at Mariana with a concerning look "It's okay, We hear rumours about us dating" Mariana and Gabe gagged at the phrase, Clementine rolled her eyes "This is West Virginia, not fucking Alabama" She sighs

Clementine had a ventilation while talking with the siblings, and also with Violet. If she could she could just lunge at Sophie, and beat the shit out of her, but it's not that simple. Last thing she wants is to get kicked out for a school for trouble, and Lee would be disappointed. That's the very last thing she wanted to do to Lee, waste his money on some "4.5 out of 5 star" boarding school. Those are lies

Clementine was usually nonchalant about shit, but for some reason she can't tolerate it anymore. As much she'd love to keep the dreadful slightly thoughts about Louis' slightly psychotic girlfriend. She can't help but ventilate

Lunch is seen to come to a close as the hall monitor rings the bell, signalling they need to go back right now. Mariana separates from the two Juniors* as she disappears into a different hall

"You skipping Spanish this time?" Gabe shook his head "I would, but I want to keep your sanity intact" He joked around, Clementine punched him lightly "Alright,"

They go to the classroom, to see a puddle of water infront of them. She sighs "I'll go grab a mop, you can go ahead." Gabe hesitates "I can go with you"

"It ain't that far, Beanie boy." Gabe's cheeks turn an obvious red at the other nickname, besides 'dork'. If anyone called him Beanie Boy, he'd punch their lights out. However with Clementine, he can only smile.

Clementine walked to the nearest janitor's closet, to see it was jammed. 'Is someone making out in here again?' Clementine sighs, as she turns the door knob sideways, Seeing it wasn't locked anymore. Her sight was cursed with something she thought she'd never see

It was the sweet dread head, Louis; being pinned next to the shelf of materials by Sophie, who had her head attached to his neck. Clementine coughs, before grabbing the mop "Oh uh, sorry for interrupting a moment" Clementine can feel her heart slightly shatter. It didn't matter at this point, she didn't care for any explanation, If any yet, this was a punishment. Besides she cares about the water spillage more than this shit.

"I'll just go now, continue to suck on each other." Clementine closes the door shut. But it would be a sad lie to say she wasn't upset, But now is not the fucking time.

Clementine came back to the classroom, looking a little shocked, and in a different daze. Her look was something new, but it was a look someone had when they saw something shocking


To say at the very most, he had enough of Sophie's bullshit. The fact she treated her like shit, got her punched and kicked by two people that subjected her to date rape, It was disgusting; What has his 'girlfriend' become

The word 'girlfriend' made his body shrivel. He just wanted to dump her already, but knowing the consequences, he can't say anything at all..

Sophie grabs his arm and drags him to the near by closet, after bickering with him for a few minutes now. They shared the mutual feelings of disgust, except Louis was a lot more genuine with his feelings

Sophie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, she licked her lips "I love you" Louis shivered as Sophie attempted to kiss him om the lips, despite dating for a while, they never actually kissed. Louis pulled away "Sophie, no. I don't want to do this"

Sophie furrowed her eyebrows and hit him in the shoulder "Why does a new girl seem to entertain you more. I'm your girlfriend, remember that." She pulled him by the shoulder and forced her mouth onto his neck, sucking and biting on his exposed neck. Louis pulls back, but Sophie was much more inferior at this point

The door springs open, as the girl with the baseball bat had her shocked eyes burn into him, her lips formed into a displeased scowl "Oh uh, am I interrupting something?" Clementine searches for the mop, which was tucked inches away from Louis "Sorry! Continue to suck on each other!" Her expression made his heart shrivel, and he pushes her away from him

He storms out of the room and into a boy's bathroom. He sighs "God.."

word count: 1099

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