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chapter fourteen;
not over yet

SHE WATCHED PETER AS HE USED HIS WEB TO TIE SCOTT'S LEGS TOGETHER. Lucy create a bubble around herself and flew herself towards Scott. As she got closer, Peter was already tying his legs together and Rhodey and Tony were already on their way to help her out. Her palm was glowing. Lucy, Tony and Rhodey all together punched Scott, knocking him down on the ground. She smiled as she saw him return to his original size.

Lucy's smile faded away as she noticed Peter on the ground. She quickly teleported beside him. She knelt beside him and shook his shoulder. "Hey! Hey, headphones wake up!" she said. Peter groaned in response. A surge of relief washed over her. If anything happened to him, she couldn't have handled the amount of guilt she'd have. "Peter! Peter, come on" she said. Tony appeared beside her.

"What happened?" Tony asked. Lucy stepped back as Tony stepped up. As Peter woke up, his first reflex was to fight. "Hey! Hey, same side! Guess who? It's me, hi" Tony said. Peter relaxed as he noticed Tony. Lucy knelt back beside him.

"Hey, man" he said.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, concern laced in her voice. Peter nodded and tried to stand up, failing in the process.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm good" he said.

"You don't look so good" she said as she helped him up.

"You're done. You're done, alright?" Tony said. "Good job, stay down" he added.

"What? No, I'm good" Peter reassured. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"You're going home, or I'll call Aunt May" Tony said as he started to stand up. "You're done" he said, before flying away. Lucy turned to Peter and smiled.

"You did good today" she said.

"I did?" Peter asked. She laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, you did" she said. "For someone who has never been in a huge fight before, you did good" she nodded. "Just don't talk too much next time" she added. Peter chuckled.

"Talk less. Got it" he said. A chuckle escaped Lucy's lips.

"You're great, Parker. We should hang out at school" she smiled. Peter's eyes widened.

"Really?" he asked, before clearing his throat to sound like he didn't see it as a big deal when it clearly is. "Uh- um i mean, yeah! We totally should!" he said. A laugh escaped Lucy's lips.

"Alright. Your fight's over for now" she said as her palm started to glow. She glanced up to the sky where she saw Tony and Rhodey going after Steve's jet, Sam behind them. "I gotta go. See you in Algebra" she said. Just before she flew away, Peter stopped her.

"Where are you going?" he asked. Lucy created a bubble around her to help her fly. She smiled at Peter and pointed at the sky where Tony and the others were at.

"My fight's not over yet" she said as she flew away. Tony and Rhodey were already way ahead of her. Unfortunately, her flying isn't as fast as Tony and Rhodey. So, it was hard to catch up with the two. Lucy was already way behind when she noticed Vision firing at Sam and him dodging it, resulting to Rhodey falling down. Her eyes widened as she tried her best to fly at a faster rate. "NO! RHODEY!" she yelled. She was trying, but she had also used up most of her powers. It took her last bit of strength to even make herself fly.

Both of her hands were controlling the bubble that's keeping her flying. So, even if she was close enough to save him, she couldn't. She watched as Rhodey fall down to the ground. A gasp escaped her lips. She approached him and landed in front of Tony, tears welling up in her eyes. "Rhodey?" she said. He was unconscious, blood was coming out of his nose. "He's okay, right dad?" she asked.She knew he's clearly not okay. Panic rose up her chest. She can't lose Rhodey.

Rhodey has played a major part in her childhood. He's her godfather, and her second father figure in life. She can't lose another person that she cares about after what happened with Pietro. Tony looked up to her and sighed. "FRIDAY detected a heartbeat" he said. Lucy nodded. Lucy could feel Sam landing behind her. She turned to him.

"I'm sorry" he said. Before Lucy could reply, Tony fired at him. Lucy's eyes widen.

"Why did you do that?!" she asked. Tony scoffed.

"It was his fault" he stated. Lucy shook her head and sighed.

"If he didn't dodge Vision, he'd be no better than Rhodey. Then that will be our fault" she said. Tony didn't reply and she sighed and looked down at Rhodey. "God.. how did this get this messy" she said, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Tony looked up to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Lucy scoffed.

"My family's falling apart, how do you think I'm feeling?"

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