Fanfiction: 1.3

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Japan: Kon'nichiwa, we are here again. This time, we have a few guests. First of all My 2P. I think you like him. I don't do it.

2P!Japan: Of course you don't! Tzz... Stopping those damn Fangirls is so damn stressful! And my name is Kuro. Do not think I'm like that Otaku thing.

Japan: Not only Otaku. I also like-

2P!Japan: Being atom bombed by 1P!America?

Japan: iie! Just shut up!

Germany: Japan should stand up to himself more like this.

2P!Japan: You were the one who got me here.

Japan: And I can bring you back!

2P!Japan: Pff, just go on already.

Japan: Arigatou. Our other guests are Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Please take a sit over there. As far as possible away from Prussia. And maybe Russia.

America: Senpai! You meant ,,friendless Commie" right?

Japan: Don't call me that in public!

2P!Japan: Of course you two are in love. Tz and I thought You'll hate each other for Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Pearl Habor and a few other things...

Japan: Shut up and keep your comments for youself!

2P!Japan: Tsundere.

Japan: Anyway. Latvia is Number 13, Lithuania 14, Estonia 15 and...Kuro is Number 16. Since I needed to stop the last round, It's Hungary's turn.

Hungary: Thanks.  ,,While Prussia and Austria fight about something, did Hungary came to Japan and reads Yaoi, a lot of Yaoi."

Japan: We can do this somewhen. I have enough Yaoi for at least one year.

Hungary: I come today over.

Japan: Which pairing do you want to see?

Hungary: AusAus, PruLiet, GerIta and RoChu.

Japan: It's possible. You have a nice taste for pairings....Even though PruLiet gets a lot of hate.

Prussia: It's my turn! ,,Austria went to Australia and they-"

Austria: No. If you do that I'll dissolve you a third time.

Prussia: Kesesesese! You can't! ,,-and they went to a bed in Australia and did sleep with each other." Kesesese! Don't mess with me when it's my turn!

China: Aiyaaa! It's my turn! ,,Russia and China cuddled with each other, while Japan fanboyed."

Russia: Ehi. Ch-China! *as red as a tomato* ,,After a while Prussia came too and so they three fell asleep and Japan suffered from a Fanboy death.

Japan: ...You are mean.

Russia: I know that *^^* Latvia, it's your turn.

Latvia: J-Jā, Mr. Russia. ,,Latvia did hide under a table with the other Baltics to escape the Chaos."

Lithuania: ,,Prussia ran into a wall and suddenly wasn't a nation after the wall fell."


Lithuania: I can't hear you, you already made me deaf.

Prussia: JAPAN! LITHUANIA ROASTS ME! THAT'S InnocentShipSmoothie 's JOB!

Lithuania: What do you expect, you fell, not I.

Prussia: You're Duchy fell with me!

Lithuania: At least my country exists!

Prussia: And my country will rise again! Just like Poland's did!

Lithuania: But that's Po. You are naughty and arrogant, Po is awesome! More awesome than you!

Prussia: Shut up, Little country!

Lithuania: Shut you up!

Japan: ...Why did I knew it will end like this. Estonia, go on. We'll ignore those two. As long as nobody is dead (I's not like Prussia isn't already dead) we can be happy that they didn't start fighting physically...yet.

Estonia: Jah ,,The Nordics finally accepted Estonia as a Nordic and he got to live with Finland."

2P Japan: ,,And after this, Germany started another World War!"

Germany: Shut up! It wasn't my fault.

2P Japan: Say you.

Germany: My superior was just a little crazy...and tried to escape the Treaty of Versailles...with...weird ways plus he was Austrian!

2P Japan: Stalin was Georgian still everything what he did, did Russia.

Lithuania: Everyone doesn't like you!

Prussia: YOU don't like anyone!

Lithuania: You tried to invade Russia over damn Ice!

Prussia: And your Duchy fell so deep that you was in Russia!

Russia: Wha- GILBERT!

Prussia:...I'm out *runs faaaaar far away*

Lithuania: Idiot.

Japan: And here the first FanFiction ends-

2P Japan: NOT, because the Third World war started!


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