he who shall not be named

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A/N: I'm putting the rest of the poems I've written about he who shall not be named here wnzjsjjs oof


when you like someone you don't know,
you'll take measures to get closer to them
one friend at a time

craving their eyes on your eyes
just their presence is enough
hoping their voice is directed towards you

you want to be in their vicinity
and when they come near you,
you hope it's so they can be closer to you

but you start to wonder,
when is it too far?
when is another glance, one glance too many

you feel like you're being careful and calculating
however, it's obvious when you stare
when they glance back at you, is it them looking at you or them noticing you?

A/N: I named this one guilt?? bc idk i felt guilty having a crush on him and i might have written this after i broke up with my bf (not bc of this guy. I'm just not an affectionate person and i just fell out it) idk idk


you threw away my confession
throwing me away with it
there wasn't much there to begin with
but I thought now that you knew, it didn't matter that you threw it away

I should have seen
that he wasn't that into me
was I not clear of my true feelings
or was the message clear enough and I was not

you threw away my love note.
that should have been an obvious sign
that you didn't actually care all that much
of my opinion and feelings toward you, of me

I'm trying to get over you
you never gave me the time
he never gave me a chance
he walked over me and my feelings like trash on the sidewalk

I should be over you
I should know I'm worth more

A/N: jesus christ paige get a grip

unconscious subconscious

I keep dreaming of you
I can't say your name
without negative repercussions
you are on my unconscious mind

you held me in your arms
and my heart swelled
to finally be loved by you
we were warm and perfect together

before, I hadn't noticed much
you caught my mind's eye
when you put yourself out there,
free spirited like, in a pink tutu

all of my poems are about you
no one's been as lucky
I've shed one too many tears
but I still wish for you, subconsciously

it felt so good to be in your arms
even if it were only a dream

A/N: as you can see I wrote this after having dreamt of him 🙄 storytime I think the first time i actually noticed him was on the last day of our junior year and he came to school dressed in a pink tutu and I just thought. wow he really is cool (smh)


I really made a fuss didn't I?
it turns out, you're not that great after all
seeing you again after so long was pretty underwhelming
this is what I've been crying over?

you're kinda overrated
I think you think you're better than everyone
yeah you're smart and handsome but what else was I attracted to?
someone who obviously avoided me?

boy if you knew,
you'd probably run screaming for the hills
"this girl's obsessed with me!"
and for what? why? how could I?

you said all but two words to me
this, this is what I've been yearning for?!
a year long waiting period is great for hopeless hearts
I guess that's what I needed

this was the final straw
the last nail in the coffin
goodbye my longest lasting crush

A/N: this is, hopefully, my last got dang poem about him! I wrote this a couple months ago after detective pikachu came out and we saw it together with a couple of his friends and it had been a year since I'd seen him (since we graduated) and after I was like...? really? that was it? why was i so hopelessly infatuated with him again?

well I hope you enjoyed these obsessive poems about a boy who probably sucks irl

- paige

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