Chapter 10

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"Is- is he ok?" I ask nervously.
"You're gonna have to find out yourself."
Sally leads me along the cold tiled corridor, walking past pale blue doors, each with a small rectangular window, to see through the door, I never look in any window, I wouldn't.
"Right this way, Nick." Sally says, holding open a pale door.
"Uh.. OK." I say, hesitantly.

Sally gently pushes me in. As I step in, I hear a faint tone, beeping, none-stop in a smooth, beating rhythm. Fluids pump through a small plastic bag to Jack's mouth. His leg held up in a cast. Bandages wrapped around his arms and chest. This is all my fault. My imagination is getting the of best of me, and I have nearly killed him twice in one day. What is wrong with me? Angie walks up to his bed slowly, cautiously reaching for his fingers poking out of his cast, dangling off the side of the bed. I don't even remember putting Angie down.

"Is he OK?" I ask, afraid of the answer.
"Yeah.... I'm.. Fine." Jack says between breathes.
"Jack. I'm so so so sorry. This is all my fault, I should've watched out for you, instead... I just.. I.." I say, lost for words. If I tell him what I saw, they'd all think I'm insane. Am I?

"No. It's not your fault, Nick. Don't worry. I'm fine." He says, as he sits up. I've just got a few broken bones, I'll be alright." Jack smiles at me, and I believe him.

A few knocks on the door startle me. A nurse walks in halfway through the door, and says, in a soft voice," I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over. You are going to have to leave. I'm sorry."

* * *

One. Two. Three Four. Five Six, Seven Eight. Again! One. Two. Three Four. Five Six, Seven Eight. I look down to the gym, below me, watching four girls lift my sister in the air, while she stands. They push up, pushing her high in the air, she twirls around, and lands in their arms. I look down back to my phone as I receive a message. It's from Ashlee.

I'm so bored....

I reply.
Me too.

She replies.
Wanna come over?

I look towards my mom. "Im going out." I say, knowing if I ask she will argue. She nods her head. Rolling her eyes.

I type on my phone.
Will be there in 15.

I climb in my car, and start the engine, the radio turns on, an advertisement for carpets blaring through. I turn down the volume and pull my seatbelt on. I reverse out of the small car park and drive through town. A few streets later I pull up outside Ashlee's house. I look up at the pale blue house, white trimming runs along the grey roof, and white framed windows scatter the walls. A big white wooden door stands upon me, the metal door knocker staring down at me. I feel so short standing at this house. I knock on the door three times, and the door flings open. Ashlee stands at the door in her nighty.

"Evening sir, how do you do?" Ashlee says with a failing posh tone.
"Evening madam, I'm feeling marvelous today, how about you?" I say in a mocking tone. She giggles and pulls me into the house. She leaps up onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"I've missed you. You haven't called for days." She says.
"I missed you too." I say, before planting a kiss on her lips.

"They won't be home for another hour or so." Ashlee whispers in my ear.
"Ooh. Really?" I ask, jogging up the stairs, holding on tight to Ashlee. A few giggles slip out of her mouth before she buries her face in my neck. I run into her room, plonking her on the bed.

My phone jingles a few times as I sigh, pulling out my phone from my pocket. My dad.
"I'm sorry." I say to Ashlee before answering the phone, walking out of her room.

"Uh Nick?" My dad asks on the phone.

"Yea?" I ask.

"There's someone here for you, she says it's important."


I hear the line go silent and then a few quiet mumbles.

"Stella." My dad says.

"Stella?" I say, dragging my hand down my face sighing. "What does she want?"

"I don't know, she says it's important. Just get your butt home. I'm not your messenger boy." My dad says before hanging up.

"Ashlee?" I call out to her, sulking over to her room.

"What's wrong?" She says, worry creeping on her face.

"Nothing. I think. I have to go home, I'm sorry. I'll be back... Tomorrow?" I ask, giving her a peck on the cheek.
"Can't. We're going to Miami to visit family for the week. Remember?" Ashlee says with a sulk.

"Aww.. I'll miss you." I say, burying my face in her neck, lightly kissing her up her jaw.

"Yea. Me too." She says pulling away. "Well, I won't hold you any longer, you got to go. I love ya." She says, pushing me out the room towards the stairs. I jog down the stairs with her right behind me.

"Love you." I say, going out the door.

"Love you too." She says, blowing a kiss goodbye. "Miss me!" She calls out before I climb into the car.

"I'll miss you now and forever!" I call back, closing the car door. She waves goodbye, as I reverse out. Now, what the hell does Stella want?

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