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A young, lively girl sits near her plants with her loyal cat, Tic. She's probably just entertaining herself with all her fun, little antics, like many girls like her do to entertain themselves. What a gal. She must have an equally silly name, right? Perhaps. You should ask her for her name, but she already distracted doing who knows what. You wouldn't want to bother her. Maybe you should just give her a name at this moment.


Huh, she doesn't seem angry with the name. Her name is Stinky now, I guess? What a strange name. Maybe that isn't quite right. Perhaps you should ask her yourself. Nah, maybe later.


What do you mean? They're right there! In plain sight, you idiot!


You try to roust Stinky from whatever she's doing. She looks startled. She turns her head a bit and grabs a pencil and paper. She quickly writes something down and places the piece of paper behind her. It reads...

stinky???? tht's a horible name!!! also ver rude >:(((( i'm not stinky!!! i'm very clean acutly!!!

my actual name is ===>


Your name is CAMI, like said before. You have been RUDELY interrupted from your ANTICS, and as usual, you don't know what happened during that time. As expected, you have many interests. You have trouble keeping up with them. That's how many interests you have. You have a small little sack with colorful bands inside just to keep track of them! Anyway, your current fixation is PLANTING.


You're not too good at playing the clarinet just yet. Everytime you try, it ends up terrible. Maybe in time, you'll play it. You wonder why you even have a flute if you're so bad at playing it. Maybe you should throw it away...

No! Throwing it away would be a waste of a perfectly good clarinet! You just need some practice. You decide that you wanna captchalogue it. But first, you need to set your FETCH MODUS. You have a vast variety of FETCH MODI to choose from. Your grandma brought this set of MODI for your birthday months ago. You wish she was still here. You don't know what happened to her exactly. Anyway, all the MODI are based off many GAMES, which things much more entertaining for you. You select the MEMORY modus as you have a habit of forgetting about things and this could help you a bit with that. You set your modus to MEMORY and captchalogue the clarinet. You allot nine cards for your deck, which is more than enough. The modus gets nine more cards for the game. The flute is split into two cards and placed randomly in the card grid. In order to use an item, you must select its card and its matching card. It's a frustrating game for many but you decide to try it out.


Well, your plants do need some watering and such! And mooing like a cow sounds like fun! Might as well do it while you still can!

This is so fun!

You captchalogue the fertilizer for later uses. It splits up and gets placed randomly on your deck grid.

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