Necessary Help

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You hurriedly walked down the hallways, your hands covering your neck. The areas the brothers lips had touched seem to burn and you winced.

After repeating yourself a few more times, the brothers had let you go, saying they had to take care of a few things and would meet you for lunch. 

Yeah right. You thought as you made it to your room's door. Slowly you opened it and stepped inside, making sure neither prince had magically appeared. Shutting the door, you leaned against it and sank to the floor.

Why is this happening? You thought to yourself. What have I done to deserve this? I was always kind and helpful. I hardly ever complained about why am I being punished?!

Shaking your head, you stood up and ventured into the bathroom to assess the situation. Staring at the mirror you felt your fingertips hesitantly float across the two markings the brothers had made. The spots had already begun to bruise, making pale blue and purple splotches on either side of your neck. You untied the ribbon around your neck and readjusted it so that it sat over the two marks.

Thankful that it didn't look too weird, you went back out and sat on your bed. You wanted Micah to come check on you, but at the same time you didn't want to run the risk of him seeing what the princes had done to you. Sighing, you picked up the closest book on floor and turned it over, running your fingers over the title.

A Guide to Royal Manners: The Do's and Don'ts.

You wrinkled your nose, but not having the energy to get up and choose a different material, you settled into your pillow and opened the book. Your eyes skimmed over the first few pages, briefly absorbing the topic before letting your mind wander.

I wonder how Alex and Nadia are? What about my parents? Do they all miss me? You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them. I wish I could sneak out and see them. Just for a night. I miss them.

You scoffed at the idea. It wouldn't be possible, not with Aiden and/or Connor trying to get into your bed every night. Unless...

You shook your head and resumed reading, trying to ignore the growing idea in your head.

You were abruptly brought back to reality as someone knocked on the door and opened.

"(Y/n)? Are you ready for lunch?" Connor asked as he gazed at you.

"I'm not hungry Connor." You replied as you went back to reading.

"Come now. You didn't have breakfast or dinner last night. You have to be at least a little hungry." He came over and sat on the bed.

You shifted away from him slightly, "No, I don't. Now please leave."

He frowned and sighed, "I like your stubborn nature sometimes, but right now I'm finding it very annoying."

You glanced up at him, "If you find it annoying, then go away and find your brother. I'm not someone who's supposed to please you at every moment."

He laughed, "You kind of are (Y/n). You're our toy, our queen."

You scowled, "I'm not your queen."

"Not yet, anyway. Now are you coming to lunch or am I going to have to carry you?"

You put the book down, glaring, "Neither. Now, I'm going to ask you to get out of my room one more time before I start getting angry."

His eyes sparkled in amusement, "(Y/n)? Angry? Well I kind of want to see that now." He leaned towards you, "Show me. Show me that cute angry face of yours. I want to see those (e/c) eyes fill up with hatred."

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now