Unknown Meaning

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"(Y/n)! Run!" A voice cried and you turned your head to see a figure coming towards you from the forest.

You were outside near the stable, looking at a brown horse. The sun was slowly setting, and all the trees seemed black against the sky.

"Why aren't you running!?" The voice asked as it came closer.

You frowned. Why were you supposed to be running? You felt...calm. There was no need to run.

"Please! Listen to me!" The figure was coming up to you and your eyes widened. Their hand clutched their side in pain, and something dripped down to the grass.


Your eyes zeroed in on it and you slowly lifted a hand towards the person.

"I said run!" Your eyes met theirs and panic shot through you. They shoved you backwards before they fell to the ground, their breaths labored.

They looked up at you pleadingly before they slowly sank completely to the ground.

"No! ----, stay with me!" You fell to the ground before them, the world slowly falling away around you.


You gasped and sat up abruptly. You looked around the room, panicked, as your pulse slowly started to return to normal. It was dark in the room with a faint soft light from the moon coming in through the window, illuminating it a bit.

Who was it? You thought tiredly as you rested your head in your hands. I said a name, but it wasn't clear. I can't remember any of their features either.

"(Y/n)?" A voice murmured softly and you turned to see Connor staring at you worriedly.

"I'm fine," You whispered as you smiled faintly, "Go back to sleep."

"You were making noises." Another voice mumbled and you turned to see Aidens face pressed into the pillow.

"I'm sorry." You murmured as you looked away from them.

"Its okay, just come back to sleep." Connor reached out and pulled you gently back down onto your pillow.

You looked up at the ceiling. It was just a dream, so why did it bother you so much? You furrowed your brow as you tried to figure what differentiated it from every other dream you'd had.

You saw Aidens hand come down and cover your eyes, "Sleep dear. It was a bad dream. Close your eyes and find a better thing to dream about."

"How did you know?" You whispered.

"You sounded distressed." Connor said as he wrapped an arm around you and settled back into the covers.

"Now go to sleep." Aiden grumbled as he lifted his hand and softly placed it in yours.

You closed your (e/c) eyes and waited for sleep to take a hold of you once again.


You felt someone slowly lift you up off the bed but didn't care. Sleep was so close, and you wanted it back. You shifted slightly and heard someone's breath hitch for a moment before a sigh of relief echoed around you.

What's happening? The foggy feeling was slowly slipping away and you were becoming more aware of your surroundings. 

You were walking. Well, the person who was carrying you was walking. There was a soft murmuring of voices, but you didn't have the capabilities to hone in on the conversation yet.

Dejectedly, you slowly opened your eyes and saw someone. Upon looking at the fabric beside you, you concluded it was Aiden.

"...It's just to be safe." Connor sighed as he walked next to Aiden, his face cold.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now