First Mistake

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The inside of the stable looked exactly how you imagined it. Rows of stalls that housed horses lined the walls and a few sacks filled with oats and barrels filled with apples cluttered the floor. You were mildly shocked to see Micah sitting on one, his eyes closed and his face stern. You glanced behind you to make sure that neither Connor nor Aiden were coming inside before you ran over to him.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, confused by his presence.

"A little thank you would be appreciated first, angel." He replied as his eyes followed Reed around the stable.

You sank down on the barrel next to him and watched Reed as he went about feeding the horses in the stalls. "What am I thanking you for?"

He laughed, "What shouldn't you be thanking me for."

You wrinkled your nose.

"I'm kidding. I'd do everything over again, but I saved both yours and Reeds life a few hours ago."

You raised your eyebrows, "How so?"

He scratched the back of his head nervously, "Well...I went to go to your room to see if everything was okay after...your trip this morning, and I heard Aiden and Connor say they were going to interrogate Reed about you being here last night." He glanced over to Reed who was grinning and stroking a black horses mane and a faint smile tugged at his lips. "So I ran down here and told Reed what had happened. I don't think he understood completely, but he must've understood enough because you're both still here."

You stared at him in shock. Once again, Micah had come and saved you from potential danger and this time he saved Reed as well.

"...Thanks..." You didn't know what else to say. It didn't seem like enough just to thank him, but you couldn't think of anything else.

He noticed your look and laughed, "Don't act so surprised (Y/n). I'm your knight in shining armor, remember."

You tucked a few strands of hair behind your air as you looked at the ground, blushing slightly, "Yeah. I guess spending a night with the princes made me forget about kindness, at least for a while."

You turned to look at him and smile, but stopped as he glared at you.

"(Y/n)..." He trailed off as he pushed more hair away from your face, "Where on earth did you get those?" His finger brushed against one of the bruises.

You flinched and pulled away from him, "W-well..."

His face was a mixture between pain and anger, "(Y/n). Don't treat me like the princes. I'm not going to lock you up, so don't lie to me."

His hard tone practically slapped you in the face. Never had Micah's voice sounded like that.

"The princes did it..." You murmured, not sure if you should elaborate further.

"Well of course they did that. Who else is gonna do it? The horses? When?"

"Micah...You seem really upset and I don't wan-"

He stood up and kicked the barrel he had been standing on, "Of course I'm upset! Damn it (Y/n), I'm supposed to protect you from those devils, not hand you over to them and let them have their way!"

You slowly stood up and placed your hand on his shoulder, "You can't watch over me 24/7 Micah. It wasn't your fault. It was theirs and mine. Now if you calm down...we can enjoy the morning with Reed and-"

He stepped away from your touch and slowly started walking to the exit, "I don't want to hang out right now." His figure disappeared outside.

You followed him but stopped at the threshold. Did you follow him, or wait until he calmed down?

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now