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After a few minutes of attempting to break free of your restraints, you sighed and practically hung in defeat. Never in your life had you been in such a situation, having been the golden child of the village and never really acted mean towards anyone. The shackles hurt your wrists and you winced at the thought of them having bruises tomorrow. Your stomach growled, you hadn't eaten dinner last night or breakfast for that matter and you wondered if you were going to get any at all. You kept twisting and moving your arms every few minutes, restless and fearful. Your legs were already starting to ache and who knew how long those sick princes were going to keep you there for.

After it had seemed like an hour had passed you heard footsteps echo back down the stairwell and stop in front of your cell. You had re-assumed your previous position, staring at the floor, your (h/c) hair covering your face.

The creaking of the cell door met your ears, but you refused to look up until you saw a pair of white shoes stop in front of you. You looked up to see worried blue eyes staring back at yours.

"Micah?" You breathed, not sure if it was a hallucination caused by your lack of food.

He held a finger to his lip and held up a small square tablet in his hand.

"What is that?" You whispered, eager to talk to someone who had a shred of human nature.

"A food tablet," he said as he slowly unwrapped it, "The Princes give it to us when we have to work a lot of hours, it holds off your hunger." He waited a few seconds until you opened your mouth and he put it in.

Your taste buds immediately hated the bitter taste and you gagged, wanting to spit it out, but somehow you swallowed it, your face twisted in disgust.

"Sorry I should've warned you about that part." He said sheepishly as looked at you for a second before starting to head back towards the cell door.

"Wait!" You cried, but he shook his head as he reopened the cell door.

"I only knew you were down here because of your screaming," He said with a sigh, "And I knew you had never eaten dinner, so I risked coming down here to give that to you. I can't stay any longer or Florence or the Princes might notice. I'm sorry (Y/n). Just hold out, okay?" He gave you a timid thumbs up before quietly ascending the staircase again.

You let out another soft whimper before looking around the cell once more. It was typical with metal bars and a rough stone floor. In the row across from yours you could see they had a toilet and a bed, but yours had neither. You assumed it was like that because people typically were shackled to the walls in these. Not knowing what else to do, you softly started singing the same tuned you had hummed yesterday. You remembered your mom singing it to you on nights that you struggled with sleep.

A young man walked through the forest

With his quiver and hunting bow

He heard a young girl singing

And followed the sound below

There he found the maiden

Who lives in the willow

He called to her as she listened

From a ring of toadstools red

"Come with me my maiden

Come from thy willow bed"

She looked at him serenely

And only shook her head

See me now, a ray of light in the Moon-dance

See me now, I cannot leave this place...

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now