Crime Doesn't Really Happen on Thursday Nights

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Peter's POV

      Crime doesn't really happen on Thursday nights. It's a good thing, but it leaves me bored. The sun was starting to set, and it left the sky a fiery shade of red. I began to make my nightly rounds until I saw a girl on the ledge of a rather high apartment building, MY rather high apartment building. I started to panic thinking that she was going to jump. I quietly landed behind her as she continued to walk along the ledge of the building. Say something, anything, I told myself.

     "D-don't jump..." Really, Peter, 'D-don't jump...' That sure sounded confident.

     "...what the hell? I-I'm not planning on jumping," she replied softly.

     "Oh. I'm glad." That wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I thought that she would actually jump, or explain why she was up here, or, something. I started walking towards her without thinking.

     "S-stay back! Who are you?" she questioned harshly.

     "I'm Spider-man." She must be new around here. "S-sorry I scared you. Most people around here know me."

     Before I knew it, I was sitting next to her on the ledge. We were talking about anything and everything. Her name was Rose Crystal Liberty, and God, did it fit her. She looked as delicate as a rose. Her eyes were a soft, deep, brown. They looked like they held the mysteries of the world. Her hair was a similar shade of brown and it was long. Her cheeks and jawline were defined, but they also didn't look sharp. We kept talking and I learned that she was an orphan. I couldn't exactly tell her I knew what it felt like to lose members of your family because I'm Spider-Man right now, not Peter Parker. Her story reminded me of how fortunate I was to have Aunt May. She told me about some of her old foster homes. They sounded terrible, and I think she kept the worst parts from me. 

     "What are you doing up here?" I asked.

    "I was actually listening to music, but my phone died awhile ago," she said, motioning to her phone.

     "What songs were you listening to?"

     "Mostly songs from musicals, Heathers, Legally Blonde, Wicked, The Prom, Dear Evan Hansen, the list goes on and on," she chuckled. "I have some Panic! At the Disco songs mixed in there too."

     "I've think heard of Heathers before," I responded. I heard someone at school talking about it.

     Her eyes it up. "You should listen to the soundtrack, it's amazing! The musical was based off of the movie, but I favor the musical. I've always wanted to play Veronica, she's my dream role, but I don't think I'll ever be able to. All of my old schools didn't have a drama program so they couldn't do plays or musicals."

     "Are you going to go to school while you're here?"

     "Actually I am, I think its called Midtown High or something..." Midtown High kept echoing in my head. Of course she was going to my school, she lived in the same apartment building. She kept talking, but all I could think about was how I was going to be able to meet her a Peter Parker. Maybe we'll become friends.

     "Oh! Uh... um- I mean oh." Real smooth, Parker.

     "You know someone that goes there don't you?"

     "Is it really that easy to tell?" I laughed. Most people around me wouldn't have picked up on a reaction like that. She was sharp.


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