Chapter 3

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Bonnie's POV

(AT 11:59)

~CMON CMON TURN 12:00 ALREADY I NEED TO SEE WILLOW!!!~i willed the clock but i was momentarily distracted when i heard the door open and a chick with a security guard hat walked in and into an office right when the clock struck 12:00 and i ran back stage to check on Willow "Willow?"i asked not caring that the cams turned to me "Willow you in here?"i asked looking around "Hmmm?! mehhhh whaaaaaaaaat?!"asked a groggy voice just a few paw-steps ahead of me "Looks like someones grumpy"i said teasing her "BONNIE?!"she yelped recognizing my voice "Yup YOU GET A PRIZE!!!"i yelled laughing while Willow sat up rubbing her eyes "I thought you were mean Hazel"she said "nope shes hanging out with foxy if you know what i...OW"i yelped when she threw a bolt at my head "Don't -_-"she said "Although that would be funny to see"i said chuckling "Wanna go see what their doing?:3"she asked with a retarded smirk on her face "YUS!"i screamed bolting out "YOU JERK YOU GOT A HEAD START!"Willow screeched running out behind me but i stopped short because the security guard was right in front of me staring at me but i fell forward when Willow crashed into me causing us to roll in front of the guard "OWOWOWOWOWOW"Willow said laying over me "Willow can you do me a favor??"i asked "Yeh sure..What?"she asked "GET YOUR TAIL OUT OF MY FACE I CANT SEE!!!!"i yelled and trying to hold in a snicker "Oh sorry"she said wagging her tail first in front of my nose then moving it but by the time i was about to sneeze "AH AH AH AHCOO!"i sneezed flying backward while the security guard jumps 4 feet into the air running back to the office "Ow..."i said getting up and pulling Willow to her feet "You ok love?"i asked her "Yah...Wait...Love?"she asked a devilish smerk on her muzzle "Oops..."i say covering my muzzle "Well Bonny is there something you want to tell meh?"she asked her lovely blue eyes staring into my soul causing me to start shaking and blushing "Well?"she pressured " see......ILOVEYOUWILLOW!!!"i said quickly and ran away the cam following me as i left a very confused Willow behind to try to figure out what i said.........i screwed up big time............

Willow's POV

Bonnie just left but with strong blush on his face and he said something really quick before leaving lucky for me the cams recorded it but sadly the cams are in the office "Whelp i gotta go see the cams to try to figure out what the hell Bonnie said"i mumbled to my self before walking to the office but before i made it to the door it shut right on my muzzle hitting it making me cry out in pain and falling back and that's when i got angry(I have a bit of a short temper when in animatronic form) i saw a glow on the window and i soon noticed that glow was coming from my eyes they were all black with blueish red pin-point pupils and my eye lid twitched as the last piece of my sanity left me and i lunged at the door angrily smashing into it "WILLOW?!"i head a shocked and terrified scream i looked for the source of the sound only to see Bonnie standing there with the rest of the animatronics and that's when i saw a golden bear appear in my field of vision then nothing........please dont let me have hurt Bonnie................

Bonnie's POV

"Willow?"i asked timidly because her eyes have turned fully black then her pupils came back but a golden color and her lip peeled back into a smerk while a beautiful ghost girl around my age of 15 (Yus they r all 15 except Golden and Freddy their 16) floating next to her suit with a shocked expression on her face then it became determined and soon she dissappeered into the suit while i backed up along with the others as Willow stalked closer to us eyes filled with now i dont even know "Willow please this isn't you"i said still backing up "Please love..."i said but then my back hit the wall shaking everyone else hiding in the corners in pairs Foxy and Hazel,Chica and Tomas,Gabby and Freddy,And John was all alone (FOREVER ALONE XD) "Lass it'll be alright Bonnie has it under control right laddy?"Foxy asked(I suck at this) holding a shaking Hazel "Y-Yeah i got it under control"i said not moving my eyes from Black-eyed,Demonic,and somewhat...Golden? Willow wait GOLDEN?! "GUYS I KNOW WHAT WRONG WITH WILLOW!!!!"i yelled making everyone jump "WELL LADDY SPIT IT OUT WONT YE?!?!?!?"Foxy shouted(still suck) at me trying to calm Hazel down "GOLDEN FREDDY IS POSSESSING HER!"i cried angrily looking at Golden Willow? Standing up "Ok Goldy you wanna play lets play"i muttered eyes turning black and lunging at Willow knocking her down but i guess i wasn't concentrated enough on the lunge because i landed on her and thats when our lips met.....i saw Willow's eyes widen and go back to their original state but blush crept up on her face and i think mine too i broke the kiss and looked to the left to see Golden Freddy with a cheeky smerk on his face then dissappered then i looked around to see everyone else with shocked faces (kinda like this @//////@)"heh oops?"i said getting up and pulling Willow to her feet when the power shut off and a scream sounded causing us to hold our ears "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW"was all we said when it was over "Jeez what was that?!"i yelled "WHAT?!"Willow yelled "WHAT?!"i yelled back still hearing a ringing sound but it soon stopped "ok so what?"i asked Willow "Uhhhhh what was that scream?"she asked "Not sure lets check it out"i say walking to the office my magenta/purple eyes glowing when i felt someone grip my arm i looked down to see 2 lovely glowing light blue eyes looking at me "Sorry i got scared"Willow said releasing my arm "No its ok"i said putting my arm around her holding her close as we made it to the office door we saw a girl who looked really familiar "Hey you ok?"Willow asked her tilting her head and the girl turned to us and started shaking hard enough to shake the chair and we held out hands up "Whoa whoa easy girl!"i said as Willow hugged me tight now slightly nervous "Hey its ok love"i say holding her close "WHOA WHOA WHOA ANIMATRONICS CAN DATE??????"The girl asked "Well ya what do you think we hate each other all night?"Willow asked "Hmmmm your voice sounds really familiar have we met before?"She said "Uhhhh no its not we've never met before"Willow said looking away "Ya i have heard your voice before but that was 10 years ago when"the girl said her voice dropping with sadness and Willow looked distressed "What is going on?"i asked confused "Uhhh we may have met 10 years ago"Willow said looking ashamed "Wait we did meet?"the girl asked Willow "Yes but we were only 5 at the time on the day me,Nicole,Alaniz,John,And Tomas died"Willow said ears flattening on her head and i instantly hugged her trying to calm her down "Shhh its ok it happened years ago"i said and looked at the clock 4:56 ~Almost time to go back on stage~i thought "Dianna?" the girl asked and Willow nodded sadly "BONNIE?! WILLOW?!"i heard the others call "Uhhhh Maple we have to go try to stay safe cya tomorrow night"Willow said pulling me along as she darted away "OI WE FOUND OUT WHAT MADE THE SCREAM!"i called to the others "Well what was it?"Freddy asked "just an old oven"Willow said making Freddy laugh "Ya we do have to get now ones!"he smiled and we nod in agreement "What time is it anyways?"i asked "About 6:00"Willow said but froze same with everyone else "6:00?!"We screamed but we still haven't froze in place "Ok this is getting weird..."I said still in full motion "Maybe its because i put you on permanent free-roam mode"Maple said from behind us grabbing her coat and getting ready to leave "WHAT?!"We exclaimed happily (Ok this is when the weird stuff happens plz don hate meh T-T)"yeh oh and here"she said tossing us some necklaces "Go on put them on"She said and we did what she said and i was soon engulfed in a pure white light as pain shot through me causing me to screech before falling to the ground and back out

Maple's POV

All the animatronics put the amulets on good soon the white light faded leaving about 9 now humans with animatronic parts (Like the tail ears and accessories)laying in the exact spots where the animatronics were when one started to come to he looked about 15 with a purple shirt and soft gray jeans,and his hair was dark brown with purple highlights he also had rabbit ears and tail Bonnie he was laying next to a girl also 15 but she had wolf ears and tail she was wearing a soft blue dress top with a white and gray skirt and her hair was a blondish-black Willow another guy was alittle off from the group he had a red shirt with brown jeans and a hook with an eyepatch and his hair was a dirty red Foxy and a girl lay right atop him she had a black shirt with red jeans her hair was black with red highlights Hazle i saw a girl with pure blond hair that fell to one side she had a soft yellow shirt and an orange skirt with a watch that had "lets eat" on it the most shocking thing about her were her large yellow wings on her back Chica and a fellow lay curled around her her had a black shirt with golden spots and dark gray pants his hair was dusty blond(sorry nicole) and he had a wolf tail and ears Tomas next to him was a lone kid he had dark black hair with a white highlight he had a white shirt with stripes and gray pants he also had a striped tail of a white tiger and the ears John and the pair farthest from everyone the guy of the pair had a dark brown shirt with black jeans and a black hat he had black hair with a light brown highlight he also had bear ears and tail Freddy and the girl who was in Freddy's arms she had soft brown hair with a tan highlight she was wearing a black shirt with brown sleeves and a tan skirt she also had German Shepard ears and fluffy tail Gabby  "Willow?" Bonnie with the rabbit ears asked flicking his ears this is going to be fun

Bonnie's POV

i felt a pounding in my head as i got up from blacking out after the white light "Willow?"i called and soon took in my surroundings i saw i was surrounded by humans but they had animatronic parts and i looked beside me to see a girl about 15 with a light blue shirt and gray with white skirt "Well good to see you finally woke up Bonnie"i heard Maple say "What happened?"i asked trying to stand up but stumbling a bit "Ow my head is killing me"i complained when the girl that was next to me started to come around "Bonnie?"she mumbled and i looked a maple confused she want over to the girl and tapped her necklace and there now just waking up lay Willow then Maple tapped Willow's Necklace again and now sitting up Willow was a human "Ah Jeeze my head!"Willow whined holding her head in her hands but wait if Willow is human then oh god i took a quick look at my paws to see that they were replaced with human hands "Hmmm i need to find a way to hide your animatronic/animal parts"Maple mumbled to her self "OH SHOOT WE NEED TO BAIL!!!!!"Maple screamed and i looked at the clock "7:00!?!"i cried "CMON CMON!"Maple cried "WHAT ABOUT FOXY AND THE REST"i snapped picking up Foxy and Hazle i saw Willow pick up Freddy and Gabby and Maple picked up Chica,John and Tomas ~Daym shes strong for a human~I thought in shock as i ran out of the Pizzeria "BONNY WILLOW OVER HERE!!!"Maple yelled for us and we ran to "Put them back here"She ordered and we did as told but Chica's wing slapped me in the face "Damn even when shes passed out she STILL has to slap me..."i mumble "I CALL SHOT-GUN!"Willow yelled running to the front her tail flying behind her "AW CMON!"i whined walking to the trunk and hopping in "Do i really have to be in the trunk?"i whined "Yus i called shot-gun!"Willow teased and i stuck my tongue out "I swear for 15 year old you sure do act like kids Willow called shot-gun first Bonnie now stop fighting"Maple complained "FFFFIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEE"i said dragging out the word then laying down in the back of the car soon falling asleep.........

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