Chapter 7

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Willow's POV

-7:00 in the morning-

i felt something poke my nose causing me to squeak and wake up only to see a purple figure with rabbit ears next to me fast asleep ~Bonnie~i thought and i soon saw an Expo marker on a shelf near us and i smiled evilly as i silently got out and grabbed it uncapping it and drawing on Bonnie's face trying not to laugh and after i drew a mustache on his face i ran out to prank the rest of the gang but i need get the girls first so i went to get nicole first and i found out shes with Foxy so i went and i saw Foxy had his good hand out while his hook was under his pillow "Hazel!"i whispered to her "mmmmm?"was what i heard "hazle!!!!!!!!"i said again this time abit louder thank God that Foxy is a heavy sleeper (XD) "What???"she asked sitting up "SHHHH!"i told her and i held up a can of shaving cream "Wanna do the honors"i asked her passing her the can "Why thank you!"she said putting the cream on Foxy's good hand "Lets get the others then we prank them at the same time"i whispered walking out of the cove with Nicole at my heels giggling her tail wagging like mad "lets go get Alaniz"i said walking backstage again and seeing Freddy and Gabby cuddled up together "Gabby!"i called softly "Wha?"she said waking up quickly sitting up while Freddy turns around snoring "Get you lazy ass up its pranking time!"i whispered making Gabby shoot up "where do we start?"she asked an evil smile on her muzzle and i hold up a make-up box "Are you ready for Freddy?"i said giggling taking out mascara Nicole grabs blush and Gabby grabs lipstick (IM SO EVIL X3) and i started while Gabby finished Freddy's lipstick and Hazel finished Freddy's blush as i finished his mascara and i snickered "lets go get Chica"i said walking out and finding Chica and Tomas passed out in the bathroom Chica hanging from her wings on weirs in the ceiling and Tomas was asleep upsidown with a pizza on his face "oh god!"Nicole said with a small giggle "Chica!"i called "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"she whispered "wake up its pranking time!"i snickered "oh ok!"she said dropping off the weires "What are we going to do to Tomas?"Chica asked "Hmmmmmm.....How bout we tie him to a motion siren and when he moved itll alarm scaring the shit outta him"Hazel asked and i nodded luckly we had a spare one so i went to grabbed it and bringing a peice of string "To his tail?"i asked and they nodded so i tied the alarm to Tomas's tail "ok only 3 more left...."Alaniz says walking out with us on her tail "ok who first?"i asked "How bout Bill (XD)"Nicole asked and i nod exited "But what do we do?"Chica asked and i hold up an eye patch smerking "Noooo your not thinking what im thinking?"Nicole asked giggling and i nod running to the security room where Bill crashed under the table he was in human form sooo i put the eye patch in his other eye and walking out "ok Golden freddy and John to go"i say and i walk to where Golden Freddy slept and i saw he was laying with his muzzle on the ground which nearly made me laugh out loud and i pulled out a design template with 3 others and washable spray paints and we started coloring Golden Freddy rainbow "ok one left"i say walking out and finding John passed out on a table snoring away "ok so what do we do to him?"Nicole asked "Not sure..."i say "How bout we put a scare pic on his face so when he wakes up hes scared shitless"Chica says and i nod smerking and heading to the front room where theres a printer and printed the scarist face i could find tapping it on his face "ok thats all ready to wake everyone?"i asked laughing and everyone nodded going to their stations ~oh dis is gunna be guud~i thought going backstage to see Bonnie still sleeping ~Lazyass!~i thought mentally laughing "Bonnie! Waky Waky!"i say shaking him "Nuuuuuuu let me sleep forever!"he whinned making me laugh "GET YO LAZY ASS UP!!!!!!!!"i shouted making him jump while i fell to the ground laughing at his face it was all covered hearts a mustache and a dick (OMG XD) making me laugh louder then before

Nicole's POV

I hear Willow Laughing her ass off with her dolphin-ish laugh which was my cue to tickle Foxy so i wave my tail on his nose makiing him pull his good hand to try to swat my tail but smack cammed himself "WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!"Foxy cried his face all blue with shaving cream and i started laughing so bad i nearly passed out

Alaniz's POV

I hear Nicole laughing her ass off and that was the signal for me to wake up Freddy and see what he looks like with his new make-over "Fredz"i whisper tickling his ear "hmmm?"he asked still half asleep "Wake up! I Bored!!!"i cried "ok ok im up"Freddy says sitting up and shaking his head and looking at me making me fall on the floor laughing "Wut???"Freddy asked looking confused

Chica's POV

I hear Alaniz laughing super hard and i took that as my signal to wake Tomas "Tomas!"i say "HMM WHAT?!"he asked alarmed sitting up his tail going straight up in fear causing the alarm to go off scaring him "Dude -Snicker-Calm do..BAWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"i laughed so bad as i rolled on the floor while Tomas ran around waking the others and when they came to the dining room all the girls including me started laughing so bad we all colasped on the floor laughing and that when the guys saw eachother

Bonnie's POV

I ran out of the backstage area when an alarm was heard and i think everyone else heard it because i heard alot of paw steps running to the dining room so i ran too only to stop short because everyone looked diffrent and Bill was stumbling around and he walked right into a wall i looked at GF (Golden Freddy) and instead of his golden color he was rainbowed and he had a shitload of designs i looked at Foxy his face was all blue with i think shaving cream i then looked at Freddy and nearly died his face was full of Make-up i looked over at John who was screaming his ass off with a picture taped to his face i then looked over at Tomas who was running around like an idiot with an alarm tied to his tail and then Willow handed me a mirrior and i took a look and saw my face for the first time it had hearts a mustash and a........dick......"Willow what did you do??"i asked "i didnt do anything!!!!!!!!"she said laughing but i shifted to my human form aswell as the others to wash all this shit off our faces i looked over to the girls and they too were in human form

-agter bonnie and the guys wash their faces-

once i was done i walked back out to see the girls just sitting there chatting "hey guys!"i shouted waving "Hey whacha do"Willow started but was cut off by a loud bang "What the fuck was that?!"Willow cried "i dont know...."i said walking to the door to see 2 police man standing there "Hello we've been summoned because we heard a group of teenagers have been staying here and havent gone to school and i recommend you get in the van so we can take you to school and you have 2 options can come peacefully 2.we take you there by force..."he said and i was scared "Bonnie whos there?"Willow asked coming to see who was at the door "uhhh give us a sec please..."i asked "Im sorry but we cant do that you come peacefully or by force!"the cop snapped with abit of anger "i need to talk to the rest of the gang!"i snapped "NO YOU COME OR WE DRAG YOU!!!!!"the cop yelled taking out a tazer "OH SHIT WILLOW RUN!!!!!!"i scream running and pushing willow infront of me "ANIMATRONICS RUN!!!!!!!!!"i yelled running to the repair room and running out the back door with the others behind me and the cops behind us "WHATS GOING ON LADDY?!"Foxy screamed running at his top speed "CALL BACK UP!!!!!!!!"the cop said and called back up and to tell the truth the back up came real fast and cornered us "WE ASKED YOU TO COME PEACEFULLY!!!!!!!"the cops yelled at us and pulled the tazer out "WE RAN CAUSE YOU THREATANED US WITH THAT!!!!!!!"i yelled "Well sorry kiddo but we have to take you to the school by force"he said pulling tazer trigger and amed it at Willow and sadly i wasnt fast enough to block the taze it hit her right on her heart and she started glitching as smoke came from her till she passed out "WILLOW!!!!!"i cried pulling the tazer cords off and holding Willow close and i was protcting her till the cop tazed me on the back and it all went black

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