Chapter 1

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As Hank answered the door, Y/n stood behind him for safety precautions. "Can I help you?" Hank asked the man.

"Uh... yeah, what happened to the school?" The man asked.

"The school's been shut down for years-" but before Hank could get anymore words out, Y/n stepped infront of him and asked the man, "Are you a parent?"

"I sure as hell hope not." He said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hank. Hank McCoy." Hank said pushing Y/n behind him. "This is Y/n Maximoff, we take care of the house now."

"You're Beast?" The man asked, completely ignoring Y/n. "Look at you, I guess you're a late bloomer."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hank replied. "But I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

The two men then began arguing and shoving the door back and forth. Y/n scoffed, rolled her eyes and began walking back towards the lab when the man barged in. Hank then repeated, "I said, the school's closed. You need to leave."

"Not until I see the professor." The man said.

"There's no professor here, I told you that." Hank said, grabbing the man's shoulder and turning him around.

"Look kid, you and I are gonna be really good friends." The man said punching Hank in the face. "You just don't know it yet."

Hank grunts, turning into his Beast form while the man goes upstairs, calling for the professor. Y/n just watches in amusement with her arms crossed and her hip jutted out, not wanting to get in the middle of what's happening. Y/n hears grunts and a scream from the man as he flies over most of the staircase and lands on the other side. She tries to stifle a laugh but fails miserably. Y/n laughs even more when Beast throws the man on the table in the middle of the room. Beast then jumps down and onto the chandelier, as he gets ready to attack the man, all three of them hear, "Hank? Y/n? What's going on here?"

Y/n immediately stops laughing and straightens herself out. Hank looked up from the man, and then the man asks, "Professor?"

"Please, don't call me that." Charles mumbles.

"Why, you know this guy?" Hank asked.

"He looks... slightly familiar." Charles answered. "Get off the bloody chandelier Hank."

"You can walk-" but Charles cuts the man off saying, "You're a perceptive one."

"I thought Erik-" the man was once again cut off by Charles. "Which is slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on the way in... this is private property my friend. I'm gonna have to ask him, to ask you to leave."

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that because, uh..." the man trailed off. "Because I was sent here for you."

"Well, tell whoever it was that sent you..." Charles started. "That I'm busy."

"That's gonna be pretty tricky, because the person that sent me... was you." The man said.

"What?" Charles questions.

"About 50 years from now." The man finishes. Charles begins to laugh. "I know stay with me."

While Charles is laughing, Y/n is completely interested in this. She never thought time travel was possible... until now, of course. Hank just scoffs and looks away.

"50 years from now, like in the future, 50 years from now?" Charles asks.

"Yeah." The man answered immediately.

"I sent you from the future?" He questions again.

"Yeah." The man answered again.

"Piss off." Charles said aggressively.

"If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth." The man states, shocking the three of them. Y/n realizes that she shouldn't be present for this conversation. She slips away discreetly without the others noticing.

See, when Y/n arrived at the mansion 5 years ago, her and Charles made an agreement. The agreement was, and always will be, is that she and Charles should never talk about their powers. They knew it was silly, but it was for safety reasons. After the students and the teachers were drafted for Vietnam, Charles was broken. Thats why he takes the serum. He doesn't want the voices. He doesn't want the power. For Y/n on the other hand, just didn't like to talk about her powers much. It was a too sensitive of a topic for her. Hank and Charles knew that if Y/n got to emotional, it would be deadly. Her emotions took too much of a toll on her powers. If she got to emotional, the mansion would shake. It would crumble because of her. She hated that. So, from that moment forward, she always made sure to keep her emotions in check.

A/n: I just wanted to ask if any of you readers have an idea of what her super hero name should be. I cant think of one, but if you guys can, that would be amazing. I am open for suggestions.

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