Squad Profiles

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"Ah! You must be the Squad Manager's New Assistant, (insert name here.)"

A stack of Manila folders is slid towards you on the table you're sitting at.

"This is the Squad that you'll be assisting, 17."

You look at the female scientist quizzically when you realize that there are only thirteen folders.

"Why are there only thirteen folders when they're called 17? Well, they're the seventeenth squad formed. The less boring explanation is that they're thirteen boys, three units, and one squad."

You nod your head at the explanation as you read the names on each folder.

"Now enough dilly-dally. I need you to study these profiles. Each boy in this squad is unique with their own SAGE-"

You stop her speech to ask what a SAGE is. She looks at you incredulously.

"You don't know what a SAGE is!? Hmph, I guess they're just that hidden to the public. Listen up because I'll only say this once. SAGE is an acronym that stands for, 'Superhuman Augmented Gene Evolution.' In our current time, millions of people are born with a SAGE. However, only a few people are capable of activating it. Activation happens when you go through a stressor, so these people tend to be jaded in some form or another. (AN: Because of the ages and the extreme situations of the characters, I will place * when there are mentions of violence, ** when there are mentions of mental illness, and *** when there are mentions of underage sexual violence. You have been warned.) Anyways, study their profiles because you'll be doing a lot of support work from behind the scenes. And if word of what you witness or work on here is spread to anyone, you'll wish you were dead."

The female scientist walks away after her explanation. You gulp at the kinds of torture they'll put you through if you even think about spreading anything. You shake the image of your limbs tied to running horses before you look down at the folders in front of you.


Folder 1)

Kim Mingyu

DOB: April 6, 1997

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DOB: April 6, 1997

Blood Type: B

Height: 187cm

Weight: 80kg

SAGE: (You'll find out in the story.)

Stressor: (You'll find out story.)

Age of Activation: 21

Year of Recruitment: 2018


Folder 2)

Lee-Choi Chan

Lee-Choi Chan

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