First Kiss

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Light awoke to the gentle shuffling of soft duvet covers, the fabrics stroked his face lovingly as his eyes slowly opened to reveal Ryuzaki lying on his back. Starring into the blank ceiling above. It had become a common sight for Light Yagami in the mornings, to see his long term rival starring blankly out into the depths of the room that was built around them. Light had always wondered why Ryuzaki was so restless, why even after the brutal hours of the Kira case he still couldn't lay his fragile head to rest and close his grey eyes to drift into a welcoming slumber. Infact sometimes Light would look at him late at night and catch him starring out the large window whispering under his breathe as he counted stars.

It had always been a small ambition of Light's to help Ryuzaki sleep. One day Light planned to see L rest eternally in a grave...a grave which Light would dig himself and then watch Ryuzaki take his last steps in the human world before falling in. The temptation would come night after night, as sometimes Light would awaken to find Ryuzaki's widened eyes glarring at him. It was no longer a hinderance or an unusual thing so Yagami-kun would stare back for a while and resist his urge to reach out and hold Ryuzaki tightly. This strange feeling had been growing in him lately. A strange feeling but it was so warm. He would look at Ryuzaki with his darkened eyes and messy hair and admire his child-like manner. He was charming and interesting and irrsistabley adorable. Constantly looking like a lost child.

Light shuffled amoungst the smothering duvet and attracted Ryuzaki's attention.
"Good morning Light-kun did I wake you?" asked Ryuzaki asked.
"No, your fine. I'm just a little early waking up today," smiled Light. The handsome young boy sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes vigorously to be able to see. The room was still dark and the sunlight had barely begun to break over the horizon.
"Happy Valentines Day Light-Kun," Ryuzaki chanted emotionlessly as his eyes fixated on the topless young Yagami sitting lazily infront of him.
"Hmmm..? What was that Ryuzaki?" Light asked as he pushed his hand through his hair and smiled gently. His eyes were still heavy with sleep and he looked like a dozing Adonus gathering his wits.

"I said Happy Valentines Day, Light-Kun. Did you buy Misa-Misa a gift?" asked Ryuzaki. Light's mind suddenly shot back from his unearthly daydreaming and his gentle smile faded as he remembered his personal blonde and screaming fan girl that lay softly sleeping just a few floors below his own. Valentines Day. It had always been useless. Light had always recieved many presents from many different girls. All chocolate and flowers. Soppy and romantic. It was just another excuse for retailers to sell shaped candies. Light had many girlfriends in his time but non of them ever meant anything. They never challenged him mentally which made them boring, they clung to him constantly which made them needy and they had such trivial desires which made them shallow and now he had the worst of them all...

"No..." replied Light rather sharply and coldly.
"Do you not like Valentines Day Light-Kun?" asked Ryuzaki. Light turned to find the handsome young detective lying on the bed, with his shirt riding up revealing his lushious well toned stomach and his perplexing black eyes resmbling those of an abandoned puppy. His dark locks were particularly messy but it only made him more attractive. Light sighed deeply, resisting the urge to stroke Ryuzaki's pale skin. Yagami-Kun leaned in close to the resting insominiac and tussled his hair.
"You look so scruffy all the time, try and discover a brush some time," laughed Light as he ran his fingers through L's soft, black hair. Light had completely relinquished himself of the duvet and was completely revealed. kneeling with both knees either side of Ryuzaki, he displayed himself with no shirt and tight black jeans un-buttoned at the top.

"I've never seen you in jeans before Light-Kun," said L. Light looked down at his un-ironed garments and sighed again. He was losing his touch.
"My mom insisted on me wearing comfortable clothes than my day to day formal attire. She insists I look like a twenty seven year old man than the teenager I am," he laughed gently. L's hands slowly began to creep up Light's legs.
"I think you look good with jeans on," said Ryuzaki emotionlessly as he began to cling to Light's trousers. Light laughed slightly. Ryuzaki was acting strangely sweet and complimentary lately, it was all rather odd but Light himself felt himself grow more and more comfortable around Ryuzaki by the day. The chain on the handcuffs slowly rattled and bought Light back from his day dream.

"Did Misa-Misa give you chocolates Light-Kun?" asked L.
"Yes but I don't know why, she knows I'm not into sweets," replied Light.
"One does not have to like sweets for it to be a sweet gesture," said Ryuzaki.
Light starred at the handsome detective for a second or so before sighing.
"Would you like them Ryuzaki?" smiled Light.
"I don't want to steal your sweets Light-Kun," replied L.
"I told you I hate them," laughed Light as he reached a single hand into the dresser draw and produced a heart-shaped box of expensive looking chocolate.
"Oh designer chocolate isn't someone loved well?" said Ryuzaki with a blank expression on his face. Light smiled cunningly.

"Eat them," Light smiled. Ryuzaki opened the box and began to finger each chocolate in turn. Stroking their smooth surfaces with care and delight. Light imagined L's hand slipping across his own and then their hands interwinning and slipping and sliding across one other. Light held in a slight cry of pleasure. Ryuzaki finally stopped at a chocolate shaped perfectly like a heart and carefully lifted it to his mouth. Light was watching his every move. Ryuzaki placed the chocolate on his tongue and bite into it hard. Light slightly blushed and advanced slowly.
"So Ryuzaki, what flavour did you pick?" Light asked as he moved closer.
"Strawberry, Light-Kun," replied Ryuzaki.
"Really?" asked Light.
"Why would I lie Light-Kun?" asked L.
"I want to taste for myself," grinned Light.

Light lowered himself onto L and placed his hands around the dark detectives waist and chest. He kissed L's lips slightly and then began to gracefully glide his tongue into Ryuzaki's mouth. It was warm and gentle at first. Their tongues touching and calmly gliding past one another but suddenly the heat of the moment swept them away. The kiss became deep and passionate. Both men lapping at the other for more. Their saliva interwinning and their bodies becoming arroused with heat. Their hands clutched and grabbed at their partners body whilst their tongues moved quickly in order to satisfy their needs. Slowly the men released one another and ressumed their former position on the bed.
"You were right...Strawberry," grinned Light as he licked his lips slowly.
"Light-kun..." asked L.
"Yes Ryuzaki," smiled Light. Running his hand along Ryuzaki's chest.
"That was my first kiss," blushed the dark haired detective.

"Did you like it?" grinned Light.
"," Ryuzaki began to blush harder.
"If that was your first kiss then you've never been pleasured before right?" Light smiled innocently and he lay his head on top of Ryuzaki's chest. L's face blushed a bright red as he looked down to glare at his partner of investigation.
"I don't think we should..." whispered L.
"Yes we should," began Light as he started slowly kissing his way along Ryuzaki's chest, up to his neck, and then slowly to his lips. He began passionately kissing him until Light began to slowly bite at Ryuzaki's lower lip. It was the biggest turn on Ryuzaki had ever felt. He felt hot and dizzy like he wanted to throw up but couldn't and his private areas were yearning for attention form a certain seductive and good looking young man lying on top of him.

"Happy Valentines Day Ryuzaki," smiled Light as he slipped his hand down Ryuzaki's boxers and grabbed his penis tightly. Ryuzaki let out a slight groan as he began to sweat profoundly. Light just laughed and lowered his head ready.
" Light," huffed Ryuzaki.
"Don't worry I'll give you the best Valentines Present ever," laughed Light. He lowered his head and began his special treatment. L panted and groaned delightfully. Every second was pure pleasure he'd never felt before. His body was hot and yearning for more. He could feel every inch of him tingling with humidity. Light still had one hand upon his chest and was stroking him lovingly. As Light bought his head back from under the duvet, where he had been introducing Ryuzaki to a new meaning of love, he smiled seductively and wiped L's face.
"You look so flustered," he grinned. Ryuzaki couldn't answer. His face was blushing red and he was breathing heavily. He looked like a defenceless child at Light Yagami's mercy.

"I love the way you look now, like your mine," grinned Light.
"I thought..Misa..Misa..was..y..your..." Ryuzaki stammered.
"I've never had this much pleasure out of Misa," smiled Light."Or this much passion and rawr love. I much prefer you and your love." With that he bent down and kissed Ryuzaki softly on the lips and began to stroke his blushing face.
"You shouldn't say s..such things," huffed Ryuzaki.
"I know what I'm go to sleep and when you wake up I'll be waiting for you," smiled Light. Ryuzaki couldn't resist the motherly comfort of slumber now that his body was aching and his head spinning wildly. He could feel Light-Kuns hand hold him close and stroke him lovingly. He fell softly into a deep sleep held by Light Yagami. His murderer to be.

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