Exams !!!

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-the next day-

Izanami wakes up to Recovery Girl seeing her, in a basic exam.

"You will need to rest until the exams come up, then you should be good," Recovery Girl says depressingly 'Great I am useless again, but I am glad my mother taught me college stuff when I was young, she was absolutely crazy to do that' Izanami thinks as Shoto enters the room.

"Izanami I came by to tell you Bakugo and Midoriya are beginning to get tense again! And the written exam in a few weeks away" Shoto says as he sits down next to Izanami who sheepishly looks over to him.

"Shoto, I am glad to have you as a friend, but my body needs to heal so I may not be able to take the exams,  and how on Earth did you get so caring since your around Endeavor?" She asks as Shoto laughs some.

"Well my mother gave me that, but I doubt your mother did, but I just wanted to talk," He says as Izanami nods some.

"First of all watch, this"  Shoto says as he pulls up an interview.

"SO IS SEXINESS REQUIRED TO BE A HERO? Our guests are Mt.lady who has just recovered perfectly from Izanami's attack, and MId Night who also has recovered some from the hard-hit she also sustained from Izanami" The host says as Nemuri and MId Night sit down next to each other.

" SO some say that the showing of skin is not required so that is why they passed the act," The Host says as Mid Night smirks some.

"I think that a quirk like mine needs to show skin as some people believe that showing of skin is nessacary,"  Mid Night says as Mt.Lady just sighs some.

"It's just what you like isn't?" Mt.Lady says as Izanami laughs at the fight, then falls asleep leaving Shoto  to leave and begin to study, same with everyone but Bakugo and Eijiro to get some of the lowest Mid Term while Izanami who was weakened managed to get number one, then Momo in number two, the finals were announced, 

-the day of written exams.-

Izanami POV

 I am waking up again to see Recovery Girl smile some 'Wonder why she is doing this?' I think as she just smiles at me.

"I think you should be fine now, any way you should head for your exams!!" She says, I bow and say thank you and run to my class in time to get a test and take it. 

"You almost did not make it, anyway here you go try to answer all of the questions," Aiwaza says to me I take it and manage to finish it in time,  I finished in twenty minutes much to most surprises,   after the testing I leave and head home when Momo stops me.

"How did you finish so fast statically speaking you guessed," Momo says as I roll my eyes.

"I used my actual quirk and no I did not guess my mom taught me this for six years until I got it all, including the dates" I respond as she gasps and walks away,  Shoto comes to me.

"SO...Izanami how do you feel?" He askes me as I giggle some 'Why doesn't he just talk to me?' I think as Todoroki moves to me some

" I feel nice but next time ask me something other than a cliche,  I have to go"  I say as I head to get something.


Izanami comes back with a shirt she made him while she was sick, it uses white and black string.

"Here you go I got bored so I made you a shirt,"  She says as he blushes some.

"Thank you, Izanami,  but have you seen The Bob?" Shoto asks as Izanami giggles some 'Clever Shoto, clever' She thinks as she begins to walk so does Shoto, then Bakugo appears.

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