
136 28 56

17 Years Old

An obvious change was felt when the first day of school began. The happiness sorrounding Yvonne radiated like a beam of light from the sun. Pure joy that's what he felt. For the past year, nothing but a seemingly endless affection was the main highlight of his life. In his mind, he had it all. Nothing could go wrong. He had his friends, his family, his luxury, his most beloved girlfriend, and of course, his Zivry.

When he entered the gate, all his friends were there. They greeted him as if he would be the next Hollywood Star. His first day of school was amazing. The only thing that is missing is his daily dose of Zivry gazing activity. He did not find his best friend roaming around the school.

On the other side of the school where the intellectual students were gathered, one could hear the loud laugh of Zivry Augh Sanders while talking with Marcel Keixer Lewis. They had been talking for awhile now.  When the bell signified the beginning of classes, the two went to their classes

During lunch time, Zivry and Marcel went to eat at the Cafeteria near their school. Zivry introduced Marcel into his new obsession -- alternate reality. And before they knew it, the two of them had a lengthy discussion regarding the topic. They emerged themselves to expound the possibilities of the alternate universe with their alternate selves on it.

Yvonne found Zivry in the middle of his heightened explanation of the quantum physics theories and debunking some obsolete postulates slash theories.

Marcel glanced at Zivry's back only to find out that his idol was behind his best friend. He blushed so hard that he choked on air. When Zivry managed to calm down from his undeterred state, he observed the obvious anxiousness of the boy in front of him. He immediately knew the root cause.

"He is behind me, isn't it?" His question was affirmed by the enthusiastic nod of Marcel. When he turned around, he saw the now tanned and buffed Yvonne in his glory. Zivry observed Yvonne with feigned disinterest.

The silence became uncomfortable that it made Marcel excused himself to avoid Yvonne's piercing stare. When Marcel stood up, Yvonne replaced the former's place.

Now they sat face to face to each other. The first one who broke the silence was Zivry. "Where is my summer gift?"

The question caught Yvonne off guard. "Wow, we haven't met for one month and the first thing I hear from your mouth is asking for a gift? I felt used." Yvonne pouted as he said this.

"Exactly. You missed one month of not communicating with your best friend. Again. Be glad that I even bat my eyelashes in your direction." Retorted Zivry with humor in his eyes.

Yvonne felt guilty for that. Due to his fun-filled summer vacation, he was not able to call or text Zivry even once. Not that he didn't remember his best friend, but it was a common tradition of their family not to entertain themselves with gadgets while on vacation. And because Yvonne had spent quality time with Zivry before he left, he didn't feel guilty during the span of his fruitful vacation.

But now, he felt as if he wronged Zivry in a way. He felt like he forsook his Zivry into a forlorn state.

"I'm so sorry, Munchkin. Let me make it up to you." Yvonne pleaded like a beggar.

Zivry was enjoying Yvonne's pitiful state. He pretended to think of something to make it appear that he didn't want to consider Yvonne's attempt of compromise.

"Fine. Take me to the amusement park. I want to conquer my fear of heights." Clearly, he was thinking impetuously, and he knew he would regret it later on. Just thinking of the Ferris wheel already made Zivry imagine his impending doom.


After their classes, they met at the school's parking lot. When Zivry saw Yvonne, the latter was whispering and muttering something soft in his phone. But when Yvonne saw Zivry's incoming self, he bid goodbye to the person on the other side of the phone.

Inside the car, Yvonne felt uneasy. He kept on glancing at Zivry. Zivry while humming the tune of the song in the car, had unknowingly sent Yvonne into the abyss of apprehension. Without putting force he pushed and plummeted Yvonne into a guilt trip.

Zivry's innocent face had once again captured Yvonne. That was one of the reasons why he felt the guilt was eating him alive. He convinced himself to be a felon of a crime he consented, and he was afraid the Zivry would be his willing victim.


The park had the usual attractions, a boardwalk, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters, bumper cars, a taffy stand, and an arcade where you could shoot streams of water into a clown's mouth.

The first ride they engaged into was the roller coaster. Even before the actual ride, Zivry was on the verge of fainting due to his unfounded theories he came up with after watching Final Destination. And the funny part was, when they were buckled up, a loud tune of Dust In The Wind was playing along. Thus, when the ride started, Zivry's terrified scream was swallowed by the crowd's shouts of excitement. When they were on the higher part where their positions were suddenly upturned, Zivry's tears were relentless. Upon seeing Zivry cry, Yvonne held Zivry's hands, squeezing them softly for reassurance.

At the end of the ride, Yvonne pulled Zivry to an empty stall and comforted him. He placed Zivry on his lap while the latter was hiccuping with tears. Yvonne whispered soothing words for Zivry. Yvonne blamed himself upon seeing Zivry brawl.

After five minutes, Zivry calmed down.

"I am such a baby." The self pity in his voice made Yvonne embrace him securely.

"Yes, you are. You are MY baby. So don't scold yourself. Everyone has fears. Your fear might not be the same as mine, but it doesn't mean yours are invalidated due to its absurdity." Yvonne cradled Zivry gently. Seeing Zivry upset would make Yvonne upset. That was one of the major reasons why this thing he was secretly hiding from Zivry would either make or break them.

"I want to eat popcorn and cotton candy." The demand of Zivry made Yvonne smile. His demanding little Munchkin was back.

After their food trip, Zivry wanted Yvonne to win him that pig stuffed toy with a cute nose. Being weak to Zivry's puppy eyes, he complied without any hesitation.

The appearance of Zivry's dimples lit up Yvonne's world. If there's one thing that Yvonne wanted to poke all throughout his life, it would be Zivry's dimples. It made him feel content. It was as if he could do anything when presented with Zivry's jovial face.

To call it a day, Zivry bravely permitted Yvonne to take him to a Ferris wheel ride. This time Zivry faced his fear of heights with dignity. Suddenly, he felt a rush of the accurately placed deja vu with the way the Ferris wheel was moving to Yvonne's goofy smile. It was as if it already happened. He can't help but wish for this moment to be immortalised in the tablet of the gods.

Seeing people come and go at the entrance of the park with the diminishing sun as their background, Zivry thought of all the mundane things they had to do after this escapade.

Come the tomorrows of yesterdays, the  sands of time continue to stir the fates of these two boys. But with their determined spirits, they knew no matter how high or low, they'd be together as already written in the stars.

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