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Yvonne's 21st birth anniversary is just a day away. Through it all, Zivry is calm. He knows something is going to unfold and he's already set to face such event.

Through the years of watching Yvonne grow, Zivry is confident enough that Yvonne will be ready when the time comes - the time where destiny will call upon him without Zivry on his side.

The war waging inside Zivry's mind for years has finally raised the flag of surrender. He is now at peace.

The time has finally come. Yvonne and Austell will be there for each other. This time it's theirs alone. And I will be happily watching them from afar.

Such melancholic thought can't bring him down. Zivry feels that his time with Yvonne is slowly coming to an end. But before that, he wants to savor each moment with his best friend, his donut, and his soul mate.

As to his son, Austell Matthew, his love for him is eternal. He will place Austell's happiness before him. He may not be the perfect father, but he did what he could to be there for his son. And although he is not legally and morally obligated to impart his life with Austell since he is only his gene provider, he feels that Austell needs his guidance, hence his fatherly concern.

Throughout the day, Zivry's mind is glazed over. His hazy memories of his childhood is fluctuating - back and forth.

The mini version of Yvonne he used to adore with his whole heart is fading and drifting away from the confines of his memory.

Zivry tries to hold on that thin line that separates him and his past with urgency and desperation. The blurry figures of his own teenage version starts to fade away.

With everything he has, he tries to cling to that thread that stays to keep his state of mind sane.

Zivry returns to his natural state when his phone blares with Yvonne's name indicated in the incoming call.

"Hello, Yvonne, how are you?" greets Zivry.

"Hey, Ziv, why don't you spend the night here in our house? I miss you. You've been ignoring me for the past days. It's my birthday tomorrow and here I am, stressing from the fact that you are ignoring me. It's taking a toll on my mind, you know?" says Yvonne in that charming voice he usually does every time he wants to ask something from Zivry.

"Hmm. I assume that you're just overreacting, as usual. And yes, tomorrow is your big day. Are you excited?" asks Zivry with a tone of excitement.

"Of course, I am! I get to spend my birthday with you and my loved ones. Ziv, before this day ends, I want to spend this very day with you. You know what? Austell and I have been hanging out for the past few days when you weren't here. He's so cool that I honestly think that you're not his father at all."

Zivry could almost see the smirk behind Yvonne's statement.

"I'm glad  that you're giving him a chance to be closer to you. Just give it time, and soon, you'll discover how lovely Austell really is. He is my treasure, after all. And yes, I will spend the day with you. But I have one request," says Zivry in a mysterious voice.

"Anything. Just ask anything, and I will see to it that it shall be done," comes the automatic reply of Yvonne.

"Well, you'll find out soon once I get there. Goodbye, Yvonne," then the phone call ends as both of them wear two different expressions. One is of elation, and one is of melancholy.


When Zivry arrives at Yvonne's house, the said young man is already waiting for him with a smile that speaks of fondness as he stares at Zivry's incoming form.

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