Squink's home

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After Jackle followed squink to her home, he felt this feeling that he never felt before, a feeling of happy and sadness, having a roof over his head and still have now real parents, squink was kinda scared about his heath said "Jackle are you ok? you seem a little sad." "Its that-t i have no real parents no one will ever take me in and feel like i am supposted to be here!" Jackle said with a feeling of no holding back.

"Jackle, get your self to gather everything will be alright." Squink said. "O-Ok its that i cant do my music hobby!" Jackle said "Yes you can!" said squink "How i am a more of a metal person not a kpop and rock person!" Jackle said "There is a bigger market for metal!" said Squink
"really?" Jackle said 

Here is another short filler chapter! 

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