Chapter 4

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When Namjoon reached the location, he left his car at the side of the road and started searching every alley. He didn't know what to think. Did Jungkook really have the potential to assault someone? The Jungkook he knew looked like he would never hurt a fly.

Keyword : 'looked'.

Namjoon shook his head and forced all rationality back inside his mind. It was no time to speculate yet.

He bumped into someone, too deep in his thoughts. They both stumbled slightly, sending books sprawling onto the floor.

Namjoon quickly picked up the books, embarrassment tinting his face red. "I'm sorry..."He quickly glanced at the label. "Jimin-ssi."

"No, it's alright! It was my fault." Jimin took his books and bowed, his round glasses going ajar for a second. Namjoon patted his shoulder as he strode past him, his pace no longer a fast walk but a run.

Voices came from an alley up ahead. Namjoon frowned and peered around its corner, seeing two figures hidden in the half-light.

Jungkook stared, wide-eyed at him. "Namjoon-hyung?"

"Jungkook! Thank god you're-" Namjoon abruptly cut himself off, seeing the bruises on the younger's face. His eyes travelled to Jungkook's palms and saw that they were scuffed and red.

"H-hyung...I..."Jungkook trailed off brokenly, seeing the look on Namjoon's face.

"Hey, back off," The stranger stepped in front of Jungkook, blocking Namjoon's view. "You're scaring him."

Namjoon finally noticed the stranger. He was a absolutely handsome man, with perfect features that Namjoon had never seen before. Yet he glared hard and cold at Namjoon, causing the first, dumbstruck-by-beauty effect to fade.

"What are you here for? Money? Fame? Well, let me tell you this. Jungkook would never hurt someone." The man lifted his gaze confidently.

"No, hyung, I did!" Jungkook suddenly burst out, cradling his legs close to himself and crumpling into a defeated ball. "I choked him. But I was so angry. And-and I didn't know why! I-I didn't know w-why I could suddenly just..choke someone! I-I didn't...I don't..."

At the younger's confused and afraid expression, Namjoon softened. He came closer, sidestepping the handsome stranger.

"I understand," Namjoon said softly. "You're not the type of person who would get so angry easily."

Jungkook looked at him, a pitiful expression on his face. "Y-You believe me?"

"Yes," Namjoon held out a hand. "Let's get you cleaned up. Back at my place."

"Uh, excuse me," The stranger blocked him once again, much to his annoyance. Why was this gorgeous man interfering so much? "How do I know you won't drive him to the police station?"

"Hyung-" Jungkook tried.

"Well, if you're so skeptical, why don't you come with us?" Namjoon asked challengingly. At the attractive stranger's raised eyebrow, he realised it had come off wrong and immediately blushed.

"You are inviting me, a stranger, into your home?" He deadpanned. Then his eyes drifted towards Jungkook, a protective gleam in his eyes. "That makes you all the more suspicious. Lead the way."

Namjoon opened his mouth to answer, but was simply too shocked to actually say anything. He closed his mouth, giving the man a weak glare before turning to Jungkook.

"Let's go. It's a matter of time before they search for you here." Namjoon placed a jacket over his head, covering the obvious bruises and the most likely popular-by-now face.

Jungkook and the stunning man followed Namjoon to his car. Namjoon quickly started the engine before anyone could notice them.

The beautiful stranger buckled himself in with a snort. "You know, if you're inviting me into your home, might as well ask me my name."

Namjoon screeched to a stop at the traffic light, glaring at the man with a flustered expression. "I'm not-!"

"Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you." Seokjin flashed a smile. When he did, Namjoon felt all his words die in his throat.

They stayed like that for a while before Jungkook spoke up timidly, "Hyung, the light-"

Namjoon whipped his head back forward, stepping on the gas with his ears redder than a tomato.

Seokjin scoffed. "I knew it."

"Shut up."

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