Chapter 23

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They pulled up to an uncharacteristically empty street. The streetlights were on, but the windows of the apartments were all dark. There wasn't a single car or a person.

It was as though they had accidentally driven into another dimension.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Yoongi asked, doubtful.

"I'm pretty sure I keyed in the right address," Namjoon muttered, pulling to a stop in front of what seemed to be Jaegyu's apartment building. "and I followed the GPS."

"It's unsettling," Seokjin said, worry in his voice. His eyes darted around the car, showing that he was worried for the group. "maybe we should wait, Namjoon-"

Namjoon suddenly reached over and grabbed his hand. Yoongi looked at their linked hands in well as everybody else.

"We have each other. It's going to be alright." Namjoon reassured him with a smile. Seokjin returned a gentle smile of his own. The world dissolved around them for a few moments before Yoongi was forced to intervene.

"I will start my search now." His sudden words immediately made them break apart. They had pale blushes on their cheeks.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before pulling his right glove off with his teeth. He unbuckled his seat belt and touched the floor of the car, focusing intently on the ground beneath them.

His senses reached out, expanding quickly and covering the radius of a few blocks. There really were no civilians. Jaegyu must have cleared them out.

However, he could feel steady hands pointing more than a dozen snipers on them. They hid behind the windows of two  apartment buildings on either side at every floor, waiting for them to get out of the car.

"Dozens in the apartment buildings. Their guns are trained on us," Yoongi reported, opening his eyes grimly. "the only reason they haven't shot this car to bits is because their darts aren't as strong as bullets."

"It's time," Namjoon said, his tone steely with determination. "everyone ready?"

They nodded in unison, their morale boosted by the short speech that Namjoon had given earlier.

"We don't have a group name." Taehyung suddenly piped up.

Yoongi stared at the boy, dumbfounded. "Really? Now?"

"How about the Olympians?" Jungkook offered excitedly before anyone else could interrupt.

"Pretty sure that's copyright," Seokjin said in amusement. Yoongi stared at him in disbelief. "Ooh, how about BTS? Short for Bangtan Sonyeondan. Bulletproof Boy Scouts."

Yoongi cringed, along with Namjoon. "It sounds like we're a boy band." He complained.

Namjoon agreed with a look of clear disgust on his face. "Yeah, but...sure. It's all we've got." Everyone looked at him, expecting him to officially declare their group name.

With a sigh, he relented. "BTS it is."

He's already stuck with this group of misfits, and now they have an official name? It was almost like they'd stick together.

But as Yoongi glanced at each of them, he finally realised that maybe it wasn't all bad. He had been alone for so long that he had forgotten the warm company of good friends.

And maybe...just maybe, he liked BTS, no matter how unlikely the circumstances of which they came together. Not too long ago, he had read the book The Tales of the Greek Gods and remembered something about the Three Fates. Had the Fates spun their destiny together? If they hadn't been reincarnations, would they still find a way to each other?


And with that thought that came without much debate, Yoongi no longer felt too stressed. The rest would cover his back, no doubt.

Hades, he said warningly. You'd better not fail me now.

There was a sudden, sharp jab of annoyance at his words. Underneath it was an edge of acceptance.

Hades would work with him too.

Was it because their personalities were similar? At that moment, Yoongi didn't give himself time to ponder.

"Let's go." Namjoon declared, and they opened the doors.

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