Chapter 25

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Hoseok had so much things to say that he didn't know where to start. His hands curled into fists as cold fury began to build up within him.

He swallowed a deep breath, looking at Zeus with an undaunted, narrowed gaze.

"You're an egotistical bastard."

Phantom thunder boomed in the empty, lawless dark, but Hoseok hardly flinched.

"Because of you, our lives are ruined!" Hoseok shouted. "You condemned seven souls to a life that we didn't want! And for what, for you own survival? Grow. Up. Everyone dies eventually, you're just to prideful to see it."

"And who's been keeping you alive all this while?" Zeus' voice was booming like thunder itself though Hoseok didn't care. "without me, you would have been dead a long time ago."

"Without you, I wouldn't have any problems to worry about in the first place!You always think you're right no matter what. Sure, Prometheus did things wrong, but he did it for the survival of Man. And you? You condemned them for another's mistake. How can you call yourself a god!? "


"You're in my mind now, you don't get to talk!" Hoseok retorted, feeling so much anger and hatred on behalf of others. "Because of you, Prometheus had corrupted someone's soul for revenge. Because of you, six other people are probably risking their lives to save me! Because of you, I can never live a happy life again!"

Deafening silence followed his words. Hoseok felt anger, but also an undercurrent of sadness that ached his heart. Zeus stared at him, an unreadable expression on his face. No doubt the god could feel what he was feeling.

Hoseok took in a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "You're not a god. You're just a bully. A bully who feels the need to make others inferior," He raised his head, glaring hard at Zeus. "I wish the Olympians will never save us. I wish that I'll just die in this cell. That way, everyone will be freed of your tyranny."

"You call me a tyrant?" Zeus asked in a quiet, deadly voice.

"Yes," Hoseok agreed boldly. "yes, I do. Maybe, just maybe, for once in your immortal life, you try to think of others. Not you, not the Olympians, but people who have their whole lives ahead of them."

"You're obnoxious, you know that?" Zeus said mockingly. "You're too naïve for this cruel world."

Hoseok lifted his head. "I'd rather be naïve than take part in any of that cruelty."

Zeus said nothing. He almost looked taken aback at Hoseok's words. Surprised that a mortal had stood up to him.

Suddenly, the god disappeared in a puff of smoke, and the invisible floor beneath him gave way to the dark void. Hoseok heard the wind whistling in his ears when his eyes slowly opened.

It took him a while to adjust to the bright light of the room. Hoseok squinted at the room that Prometheus was in, hearing muffled shouts and thuds.

Then, a guard was slammed through the door. Hoseok started, his eyes wide as he watched the guard hit the next wall with a dull thump.

Someone peeked in. Someone that wasn't dressed in black or wore the face of Kim Jaegyu.

That someone's face immediately brightened. He hurried over to the console and pressed the button.

"My name is Kim Taehyung," He introduced himself brightly. "we're here to rescue you!"

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