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I don't own the originals or the vampire diaries or any of their places, plots or people.
I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun shining down through the canopy of leaves above me, I could here the water running down a stream not far away and the beautiful sound of bird song in the trees above.

Suddenly I felt something beside me shift, I turned around to see a very pretty man. He has messy light brown hair that I wanted to run my hands through and beautiful brown eyes the sparkled with mischief and something else I couldn't quite place.

"Come on darling, we better be getting back before my brothers think that I've kidnapped you" the strangely familiar man said a little smirk appearing on his face while standing up and extending a hand out to me.

I took his hand and he pulled me up effortlessly, like I weighed no more than a feather. I stumbled slightly running straight into his chest. He placed two fingers under my chin and tilted my head up to look at him.

"I really shouldn't do this" he murmured, seemingly to himself, as if he didn't think I could hear it before he stared to lean down towards me.

'Ring, Ring' I heard my alarm clock go off beside my bed, I looked around taking in my room. It was just another dream.

I lay in bed thinking. Why did I keep having these weird ass dreams? Why did they feel so real? Who were the people in them? Why did I feel as if I knew them when I had never met them? I had so many question and none of them had any answers, none that made sense anyway.

"Sylvi, I know your used to sleeping in at collage but you really need to get out of bed it's almost 12:00" My Little sister, Elena said sticking her head round the door to my room.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm up, I'm up, now get out of my room you little rugrat" I replied back to her sitting up, yawning and rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"I don't know, can't have you falling back asleep again" she said teasingly, smiling fondly at me.

"OUT" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her only to have it hit against a newly closed door.

I smiled slightly shaking my head at her antics, some things never change. I slowly got up out of bed, stretching out before heading over to my en-suite bathroom to get showered. While I was standing in the shower I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to the dream I had the night before.

"Where are you taking me" I said loudly a large smile on my face, my hand in his being dragged along to a mystery location.

"It's a secret darling, but I promise you'll love it" he said turning round to look at me a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

"Mmmm, I don't know, I'm not really sure I can trust your word, you're not Elijah after all" I shot back, teasing him fondly, he hated being compared to his older brothers.

He gave me a weak glare, his eyes filled with exasperation and that thing again rather than anger or even annoyance, there was however a layer of hurt and insecurity hidden beneath that.  

I laughed before running to catch up with him and giving him a little peck on the cheek. "Only joking, Of course. I trust you, with my life, with everything" I said making sure he got that I was being serious then.

I suddenly snapped out of the memory, dream it was a dream not a memory, when I felt cold water hitting my back. I shook my head to clear my mind of the thoughts, feelings and question brought on by the dream and got out of the shower to get ready for the day ahead.

Time Skip

"Dami" I squealed running down the stairs and throwing myself into his arms. The vampire turned around quickly and caught me spinning me around.

"Syl" (pronounced sill) "bought time you showed up" he said fondly setting me down and ruffling my hair.

"Hey" I whined slapping his hand, my hair was all messed up now and I had just fixed it up.

"Wait, guys, there's a note on the back" Elena said suddenly drawing everyone's attention back to her and the item in her hands.

"What's that" I whispered quietly into Damon's ear, having to stand on my tiptoes is that I could reach.

"An invitation to the Mikaelson's ball" he whispered back rather loudly.

"Elena, Sylvia, I think that it's time that we finally meet, Esther" she continued to read out loud, a look of intrigue on her face.

"If Esther wants to talk to us, maybe we should find out why" She suggests looking up at us.

"Well that's a dumb idea, she already tried to kill you once" Damon stated, I Knew there was no way in hell that he would let us go.

"For once I agree with this dumb idiot" I said reviving a weak glare from said dumb idiot. "I'm not risking either of our lives to talk to a madwoman El" I continued addressing my little sister directly this time.

"No, Elena is right." Stephan contradicted us.

"What! Stephan how could you even think that" I almost shouted, surprised that the gentle and kind vampire was so far gone.

"Bonnie was led to open that coffin for a reason. I think there is more to this than just some family reunion" He argued. It was a rather convincing argument, I had to admit.

"Can we go back in time where the old Stefan cared if Elena lived or died?" Damon spun around to Stephan practically growling with frustration at his younger brother.

"What for? It's your job now." Stephan replies nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders as though her life really meant nothing to him.

"And what about Sylvia. Are you going to let her die, again" Damon hissed his eyes filled with the pain of remembering something terrible and his voice filled with anger.

Stephan stayed quite, ducking his head and looking angry at himself and ashamed of something.

"Again?" I spoke up loudly wondering what he was talking about. I had certainly never died before and there was no other Sylvia here that was about to be put in life threatening danger.

"Stefan has a point, Damon, Sylvi. We should find out what she wants." Elena persists, as stubborn as ever, not giving Damon time to rely to my query.

"You can't protect yourselves, either of you" Damon persisted, he was starting to give in.

"Hey, I'm basically a hunter at this stage" I interjected before reviving a glare from both vampires.

"Okay, fine then. I'll go" Stephan compromised.

"You've pissed off enough Originals to last a lifetime. I'll go" Damon argued seemingly frustrated with everybody in the room. He looked at Elena and snatched the invitation out of her hand before she could protest.

"Hey!" She shouted looking down at her hand where the invitation had been and then back up at Damon.

"End of story" Damon intoned before storming out of the house, Stephan following closely behind him.

"Rude" I remarked closing the door that they had left lying open.


It's your author here. I really hope that you guys liked this chapter because it's been something that I've been working on for a while. A warning in advance this book won't be updated regularly as I am currently writing several books and I tend to write very sporadically. Sorry about that.

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