Glee: Sam Evans x reader ✔️

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Here I stood: watching as the one person I loved performed in a quiet little choir room after school at McKinley high

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Here I stood: watching as the one person I loved performed in a quiet little choir room after school at McKinley high. I had been dating Sam for so long and he had never told me he could sing, let alone this well. Standing at the door to the room, I fiddled with a strand of my hair before sighing and walking off.
Maybe I should audition for Glee Club...My school has one and Sam always say's I'm a good singer...
I nodded to myself, grabbing my bag from Sam's locker considering I had left it at his house, and heading out to my car.
Over that weekend I had spent most of my time with said blonde boyfriend messing around, laughing and - for once - singing together. Sam lay on my bed as I danced around the room blasting Lady Gaga, the blonde laughing at my ridiculous dancing as I pulled him up to dance with me.
Soon enough a slower song popped on, Marry me - Jason Derulo, and I wrapped my arms loosely over Sam's shoulders as his hands went to rest where my waist and hips meet. A smile crossed my lips as his forehead leant against mine, the two of us quietly singing along.
When the beat started to get quicker, we started to get a bit more fun, creating a random routine as we jumped and laughed.
As the end of the song neared, Sam spun me so my back was against his chest, his hands on my hips as I moved with the music while my hands looped up around the back of his neck, another song coming on that happened to get anyone in the mood. SexyBack. He placed a kiss to where he knew was the most sensitive part of my neck.
My hands trailed down from his shoulders to his chest as I gradually went into a slut-drop before getting up and spinning to face my blonde boyfriend. I pulled his shirt over his head before connecting my lips with his, quickly receiving a kiss in return. My own shirt was quick to follow as Sam backed towards my bed, pulling me with him.
Soon enough, the blonde was sat on the edge of my bed and I was in his lap, rocking back and forth against his growing bulge.
"...How far are we going to take this...?" My eyes were half lidded and so were Sam's, his hand (already under my skirt) shifted higher up, hooking my legs around his waist as he stood up. I ended up with my back against my bedroom wall and his fingers pushing my panties aside so they could slip passed my folds.
"Sam!" I gasped at the feeling of his fingers being inside of me, thrusting in and out. One finger...two...three. People say three is the magic number, and for right now that was entirely true, sending me over the edge as I came over his fingers.
He chuckled as he detached his lips from my neck, having left dark purple and red patches on the skin. Considering my room was pretty high, Sam managed to shift my legs from around his waist to over his shoulders in one swift move, his mouth and tongue quickly coming in contact to where his fingers previously were. I threw my head back as a moan escaped my lips, my fingers tangling into his hair and gripping, forcing his head closer as he worked wonders on my body.
My climax was quick to arrive as I whined and panted through a moan, straightening up as my back arched.
"Oh my god, nngh~" My legs tightened around Sam's shoulders, forcing his body closer. "Sam! Ah! You're so good at making me cum- Ahhh..!" There was emphasis on the last word because I felt his teeth graze over my clit, his tongue pushing into my vagina and earning the same whine as before as I came again. That's three orgasms in the space of what, five minutes?
As I calmed down from my high, Sam lapped up my juices, which had started to run down my thigh, gently nipping at my skin. My grip on his hair loosened drastically and I let my fingers graze his jaw as the blonde shifted my legs back to his waist.
"You alright?" Instead of a response, I grabbed his jaw and planted my lips on his in a thoughtless kiss. Our lips moulded together perfectly as they moved in sync, his tongue gliding over mine.
"Do it." I panted, my forehead resting on his. "Come on Sam, please, I need you."
The next morning, I grabbed Sam's clothes from the floor and tossed them to him before going to my wardrobe and grabbing a clean pair for myself. A cute, slim, red dress that only went down to mid thigh. I headed over to my bed and grabbed my shoes from beside Sam as he now sat on the end of my bed, only for him to grab my wrist and pull me into a kiss.
"Come on! It's Monday, we have school." A giggle escaped me as Sam then started to chase me around the house.

We managed to make it to McKinley on time. Over the weekend I had told Sam I would be transferring from my school to his.
Through the entire walk from my car to class, Sam had his arm around my waist seeing as (for me) it hurt to walk thanks to him last night.

After school Sam encouraged me to audition for Glee club.
"I'm sorry I can't be there, I love hearing you sing..."
"But practice comes first. I know. I'll see you later. Love you." I pecked his cheek only for him to pull me back and set his lips on mine. Pulling away, he sent me a wink before heading off to Football while I followed the corridor.
I gently knocked on the door when I saw that the entire group was in here and so was the teacher.
"Hi, would you like to audition?" I nodded to the teacher, one of the girls in the back sending me a dirty look. Maybe she hoped I would take any of her solo's? "Great, what song do you want to do?"
"Loverboy, by You Me At Six." Everyone stared at me but the band prepared. I didn't look like the kind of person who listened to You Me At Six, so whenever I mentioned a band like that or Mayday Parade I always got strange looks. And the first note played and I sang, hitting every high note perfectly.

The teacher smiled and started off a clap that everyone joined in on.
"What's your name?"
"Well (Y/n), welcome to glee club."

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