Blue Exorcist: Renzo Shima x reader ✔️

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I watched with wide eyes as Rin fought with Amaimon, his body alight with brilliant blue flames, Shima's arms wrapped around my torso as I had been buried into his chest earlier, our sides facing Mr Okumura. I had to watch as Rin was consumed by his flames, losing control of himself as I let my body relax with realisation.
"Shima..." my pink haired classmate looked down at me, but all I could do was stare at Rin "let go for a second..." so he did and before he could stop me, I had quickly pushed his arms from away from me (just as Shiemi twitched to start running) and started towards our classmate, away from the group, gradually speeding up as time went on. I could hear the boys calling out behind me but I was only focussed on Rin.
"(Y/n)! Come back!" I could hear two voices mix together, Yukio's and Shima's.
"Rin!" I called out again, causing the fifteen year old to get up and face me, although quickly pulling him in a hug, my face buried into his chest as his arms hung limply at his sides. I felt him stop moving and even relax a little, however he tensed up when I started to barely audibly cry and physically shake. "Please, just calm down! This isn't like you!" His flames grew brighter and seemed to edge out a little further than before.
"(Y/n)! Everybody step back!" I could hear Yukio's voice in the distance behind me as my grip tightened on Rin. My body grew a little bit warmer and I opened my eyes a little and looked up to Rin's eyes, seeing him relax and his flames disperse as his arms wrapped around me to pull me closer as he set his head on mine and apologised countlessly into my hair, one hand on the back of my head. His entire body relaxed and I slowly lowered him to the floor as the Koma sword slipped from his grasp.
"Rin!" Yukio's called from behind me before hurrying over and doing a once over of his older brother.
"Is he going to be okay...?"
"I'm not sure-"
"Ah so blue. As blue as that night, don't you say?" Everyone looked up to see the newest Paladin. "Good morning everyone! I'm Arthur Auguste Angel, a senior exorcist first class with the Vatican Headquarters." He and Shura discussed something about her reason for being here just before Mephistopheles joined the conversation.
"You're as perceptive as always, aren't you? Long time no see, Angel, I've heard news through the grapevine that you've been appointed Paladin. You have my congratulations good sir."
"So you show your tail? Reports of your treachery have reached the ears of the three sages, the Grigori. This incident will prove it with no doubt."
"Actually a gentlemen never shows his tail, such a rude accusation." I turned my head back to the demon in front of me as Angel was holding a sword to his back, only to disappear and drop him, allowing me to catch him before someone could stop me, holding him close to me as a child would a stuffed animal.
Mephisto handed me the sheathed sword with a sympathetic glance as he set a hand on top of my head while the two exorcists with Angel took Rin from my grasp. I sat back on my knees and watched them leave, a hand setting on my shoulder, I turned my head and found Yukio's staring down at me with a forced sad smile as we watched the exorcist's leave.
"Yukio?" He hummed "What are they going to do to him...?"
"I don't know..."
While everyone was with Konekomaru in the infirmary, Shima was down the corridor talking with me. He stood with his back against the wall and his arms crossed while I was staring out of the window, leaning against the windowsill watching the world go by.
"Why'd you go to him?"
"I didn't want him hurting himself." I quietly argued, never letting my eyes move away from the outside happenings.
"And I didn't want you getting hurt, so why'd you do it anyway?"
"What did you want me to do? Stand at the side with you guys and let him go for Shura and Yukio?" I glanced behind me and noticed Shima was no longer looking ahead of him at the opposing wall.
"I would've preferred that, yeah! Cause then you wouldn't have had to be engulfed by Rin's flames!" He was looking right at me, the smallest hint of worry had slipped into his sight and it was hard to ignore with its angry companion.
"Oh who cares about his flames?! He's my brother, Shima! I'm supposed to risk life and limb for him!"
"I don't care! I don't want you getting hurt!"
"He wouldn't have done me any harm!"
"And how do you know that?!"
"Because the flames don't burn, you idiot!" Shima fell silent for a literal second and just stared at me, his body language changing completely from his usual care-free state, now standing tall with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"And how did you know that before today?!"
"Because I do!!"
"How can you protect him when he's a demon?!!"
"Because it doesn't matter if he's part demon-"
"He's Satan's kid!"
"So am I!" A small burst of blue flames surrounded me and the window beside me shatter with a loud, resounding smash, causing me to let out a short but noticeable scream as I stepped away from it, stumbling a little with wide eyes and erratic breathing. My arms wrapped around my torso as I hugged myself and leaned against the wall opposite Shima, noticing his expression, which made me look down to the floor. There was a long moments silence between us before chatter came from Koneko's room and Bon and Yukio popped their heads out of the door to see what was going on.
"What was that?" Yukio took notice of the window and then me as I looked over to him apologetically while Bon looked between Shima and I sceptically.
"What was that light?"
Shima was quiet and so was I.
"Not sure, it was too bright to see anything." Bon looked to me and I nodded in agreement with Shima.
"(Y/n), come here, step over the glass carefully." Yukio held his hand out to me and I took it when I was close enough to him after jumping some of the glass, he soon began to lead me down the corridor.
"Sounded like you two were having one hell of an argument out here."
"Yeah...guess so. How's Koneko doing?...." We grew too far away from the two boys but eventually ducked into another room where Yukio wacked the top of my head with the nearest book.
"Hey! That hurt!"
"You let your emotions get out of control." I pouted and didn't reply, knowing he was right. "You found out your powers before Rin, meaning you have more control over them, what happened?"
"Shima and I got into an argument about me going to Rin, I guess I just got too defensive..." Yukio sighed but ruffled my hair with a small smile.
"You may be the youngest out of the three of us, but you're usually the most level-headed, try to control it next time, okay?" I nodded, my smile returning as he pulled me into a hug. "We're going to try and help Rin, and I have a feeling it'll work." I nodded as an okay.
"Waddup guys!" Rin pushed open the door to one of our classrooms and everyone turned to him with silence, except Shiemi.
"Good morning, Rin!"
Oh, and me.
"Rin!" I squealed, hopping down from where I was cleaning with the girls and hurrying over to him to wrap him in a tight hug, which he returned with a chuckle. "I'm so glad you're okay! Yukio wouldn't let me go with everyone else once the sword was fixed so I had to wait to see you and you've been in the dorms so I thought I'd just leave you be, but-"
Someone grabbed my collar and tugged me back from my brother and I whined as Renzo shook his head at me as I pouted. While I had quietly ranted Kamiki had been saying something, to which I had only caught the last bit of.
"'s just a matter of time before you expose your true nature and become a threat." Rin's eyes widened with a shocked gasp as he made eye contact with me while I looked down realising she was right. Shima's arm wrapped around my waist from behind me and he rest his head on top of my own. We had talked about what had happened before and he was surprisingly cool with it now, saying he'd help me out with my powers in any way needed.
"Those blue flames of yours! They kill people!" Rin subconsciously glanced over to me in Shima's arms. "My grandpa, Shima's oldest brother, Konekomaru's parents...they were all killed the same way, by your father, Satan!" Rin stayed quiet, but I was the one to snap.
"He's not our father!" The group all turned to look at me, most of them unaware I was even related to Rin. "Shiro was our father! He raised us! We didn't ask to be the children of some demon! We didn't ask for our lives to be problematic for everyone else!" I tried to pry Shima's arm from around my waist but he just held on tighter, dropping the net he was holding and looping his other around my waist and lifting me as I continued to try and wiggle out of his grip while he walked out of the room into the corridor. "Shima, put me down!" I continued to struggle as he set me down but didn't release me. "Let go, Shima! Let go!" He continued to refuse to, his back now to the door we had come out of and my back was still to him. "Renzo! Let go!" And yet again I was set alight by blue flames, although they weren't anywhere near as hot as you'd expect them to be, at all, they were like a cool breeze on a warm summer's day. I stopped struggling when Renzo's arms suddenly left my waist, causing me to stumble forwards, and roll over at the sound of a Kirik, using my hands to keep me propped up. Although it was Shima's weapon, it was not he who was wielding it, it was Bon, Renzo on the floor behind him, staring up at his friend.
"Shut up, Shima, she's a demon, just like Okumura." I looked passed them and found Rin staring at me nervously. "And you were engulfed by those flames." I calmed myself down and my flames disappeared and so did any confidence I had as I shrunk back into myself a little. "Don't you remember what happened to your brother, Shima?!"
"Yeah, but-"
"That's not gonna happen to you!"
"Bon! I'm alright, she didn't do anything." The group looked to the boy with pink hair as he stood up and walked around one of his best friends and over to me, holding his hand out with the sweetest smile I had ever seen. I cautiously took his hand and let him pull me up before he pushed me behind him, his hand linked with mine as I peered over his shoulder at everybody, Rin with a small smile on his face.
"She hasn't hurt anyone, I haven't got a single scratch or burn on my body." I nodded slightly in agreement.
"Uhm, also....during the blue night, so many people died because Satan was searching for a host body, and each one he tried failed to have the strength to hold his power..." Bon lowered the staff slightly, listening to what I had to say. "Or they lacked the willpower to fight him out of their bodies...the only person who did was Shiro...but something made him give up or falter, you could say...." Rin looked down a little, thinking it was his own fault, which it wasn't....although he will still blame himself. "He did it to protect Rin and I...the only reason Rin drew the sword the first time was so he could close the small gate to Gehenna that had been opened at our monastery by another demon....he did it to protect everyone there..." he sent me a small smile, as everyone remained on edge but still listened. "Neither of us want to hurt anyone...only continue Shiro's legacy and protect Yuki does..."
Shima squeezed my hand and I let my head rest on his shoulder.
"I see we have another of Satan's offspring." I let out a small scream as Mephisto spoke from close behind me.
"What the hell, Mephisto!?"
"Shima, come with me." He began to walk away "Bring your girlfriend along too." Renzo and I shared a look before following the demon.

We arrived in what I assumed to be Mephisto's office, although another man stood there too, blonde, tall, short hair....
"Renzo Shima, I'm sure you're aware of who this is?" My boyfriend nodded, bowing his head slightly to the blonde man. "(Y/n), do you?" I shook my head in silence.
"I am Lucifer, King of Light, one of the Eight demon kings."
"Like Mephisto?" He glanced over to the purple haired clown and sighed with a nod.
"I suppose so. The eight demon kings are also children of satan-"
"So you're basically my half-brother? So is Mephisto?" The two nodded as I kept my hand intertwined with Shima's.
"As is Astaroth and Amaimon." Mephisto nodded to Lucifer before disappearing out of the room. "I'd like to speak with the two of you, I'm sure you know why, Shima." He nodded. "I believe the Illuminati would benefit from having another of Satan's children within our ranks." The blonde stared at me and I looked to Shima.
"What's the Illuminati?"
"It's this group, like true cross, but we want to merge Assiah and Gehenna, and fully revive Satan." My eyes never left Renzo as he explained.
"You...are training to fight against demons and prevent the merging of our worlds, yet you're apart of this organisation...?" Shima nodded and I slowly nodded in understanding. "And I'm here, pour quoi?"
"For a simple reason, little sister, we in the organisation would like for you to join us."
"You have great power, all we have to do is free your demon heart."
"My what now?"
"Demon heart. It has been contained in whatever demon weapon you wield, as your brother wields the demon sword. All we have to do is break it." I thought for a moment and turned to Renzo again, who seemed a little guilty as I stared at him sceptically.
"Every time you've had it when I'm with you, you've been trying to break it?!" He nodded a little and apologised. "Ah yes, because sorry will fix you almost exposing me to everyone!"
"I'm sorry! Please! Just break it, join us in the Illuminati..."
I sighed and shrugged.
"Okay, I'll join your organisation." I handed Renzo the sheathed sword and watched as he took it from its bag before thinking of something.
"Shouldn't we do this in Inari? Someone will notice here if a demon's powers are released."
"Very well." Within seconds we were elsewhere, clearly in a room that Shima recognised because he unsheathed the sword and set the blade into what appeared to be a furnace, waiting for it to heat up a little before pulling it out and quickly stepping on the point and bending it so the handle was towards him,

...until it snapped.

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