DC Titans (Netflix): Jason Todd x reader (Season 2) {Part 1} ✔️

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Obviously as the title states, this will be based on the first episode of season two, so I'll warn you now, do not read on if you do not want any spoilers for this season!!

I wandered around the house with a familiar book in my hand, hard cover, wonderful material, old pages but still with that musky new book smell. A content smile ghosted my lips when I heard the elevator ding. As a 17 year old living in San Francisco, I didn't get to see my favourite people much since they seemed to travel rather a lot...especially since both of them are quite similar to my godfather, Bruce Wayne, or rather Batman. Their vigilante lifestyle had them going all around Gotham, which left me at home on my own. At first it was just Bruce and I, and then Richard joined the picture. We became close enough but then he up and left, not too long after that the one and only Jason Todd joined us in the manor and I had progressively become closer to him, much closer than I had been with Dick. Just to clarify, I was born 2001 while Jason was 1999 and Dick was 1990, so there was only some minor age gaps between me and the boys.
I set my much loved book on the corridor cabinet as I spotted my guests after they had a mini tour themselves.

"Jason!" His head whipped around to face me as I hurried up to him, his arms were out and he was quick to lift me so my legs were around his waist and his lips were on mine in an instant as my arms rest on his shoulders. We weren't dating or anything...we were just like this, overly affectionate you could say, but as time went on our feelings grew and we were so close to being together...if only I hadn't come to San Francisco.
As Jason tried to argue with Dick, I left my secret little nook in the room and went up to him. His eyes latched onto me and I drew his attention from his line of thought. The brunette had a hand stuffed in his short's pocket and the other held a blindfold as he looked me up and down since I was in a pair of black leggings, a sports bra and trainers. I shared a look with Dick and he nodded, stepping out of the room. Once he had, I stopped in front of Jason, letting my left hand trail up his chest to his shoulders before resting on his skin, lightly tracing his collarbone. My lips cautiously brushed over his and I felt his breath hitch for a moment before he leaned forwards ever so slightly and gently placed his lips on mine. He dropped the blindfold and carefully took ahold of my waist, pulling my chest to meet his as our lips moved with perfect but slow synchronisation.

"You, need to go with the others or Dick's going to be upset~" I teased, pulling away enough to speak but staying close enough to stay in the position we were in.

"Let's risk it..." His voice was barely above a whisper, his gaze flicking between my own and my lips. I hummed, lightly allowing my fingers to trace every noticeable muscle and bone from his shoulder to his waistband, hooking around it so my nails would subtly scrape across his skin, my lips now brushing his once again.

"Later." I gave him a gentle kiss before taking a small step back and sending him a flirty smile before sneaking out of his arms and hurrying off.

"Come on! You can't do that!"

"I just did!" My laugh echoed around the room.
My knuckles lightly tapped on the door before I tried the handle, only to find it locked after Jason had been denied a right to join the old Titans to take down Dr Light.

"Open the door..." I could hear him groan before something soft hit the door, I'm assuming it was his pillow. "Stop being a child, open the door." His response was muffled due to the barrier between us.

"In their eyes I'm just some immature brat, that's what you thought after all that time at Wayne Manor with me." He paused for a moment as I listened. "...before you left me on my own there." I stayed quiet, thinking over everything.

"You know I didn't mean it like that..."

"How did you mean it then? I spend years with you and then you just leave? Years of getting close with you, years of living with you, years of loving you-," my heart stopped for a moment...he loved me? "I know you think I act like a child-" I cut him off.

One-shots {Part 2}Where stories live. Discover now