Chapter Five

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At the end of the day Gaara waited by the door for his brother. He got some dirty looks while waited so he just kinda looked down and held his bag close. He felt some grab his arm and he glanced up to see his brother who just gently tugged him out of the school. Kankuro unlocked the car and got in, waiting for Gaara to get in. They both buckled up and Kankuro started up the car, rubbing his thumbs over the wheel while he waited for an opening to get out of the lot.

"Sooo how was your first day?" Kankuro asked as he looked at the cars passing.

"It was good. I meet I few students. It's really different here than back home." Gaara replied.

"Yeah, saw you met Kiba. Watcha think of him?" He asked as he grabbed his water bottle and too a sip.

"I think he likes you. Like really is into you. You should ask him out or something." The younger one suggested.

"What-!?" Kankuro coughed out a little, choking on the water.

"Mhm, he seems like that. I also met Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, and Lee. Do you think Mr.Hatake and Mr. Umino are a thing?"

"Where did you here that from?"

"Ino, she said that some people think they're dating. Do you think that?"

"Ino says some weird shit. I've learn that she probably gossips the most in your class. That's such a weird thing to ask," he smiled a bit before he pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive. "But yeah, I totally see it."

"Yeah? Hm...are Lee and Mr. Might related?"

"They sure look it, don't they? I don't think biological but I've heard that Gai adopted Lee. I dunno how true that is. Why you asking?"

"I dunno, Lee is going to be my partner in gym apparently."

"Hah! Sucks to be you. Don't get me wrong Lee is nice but holy shit he's crazy. He's super energetic, unlike you. Super physical and loves to work out, unlike you. Hell, he doesn't even need to be in gym because he's in sports. He just likes to work out and shit, unlike you."

Kankuro laughed a bit and drove right back home, glancing once in a while to his brother. After they got home Kankuro parked and grabbed his keys and bag. He messed with his apartment keys and sighed slightly while he did. Gaara followed him to the apartment and then he felt his phone vibrate. He scrunched up his nose a bit confused before grabbing it out and getting a little panicked at the caller ID. It's's been a two days since I've gone...he must be furious with me. He probably wants beat me and call me horrible things again and-

"Ignore it. You know what. Give me your phone." Kankuro said and puts his hand out as they walked up the stairs.

"W.what? Here.." Gaara asked slowly and hands over the phone.

Kankuro answers the damn phone, "Hey piece of shit. Sucks to be lonely doesn't it. Don't worry I'm taking care of Gaara so no need to be calling ever again. Bye!" He then hung up and blocked the number. 

"K...Kankuro! Oh no, he's gonna be so mad.." he said worriedly as he gets back his phone.

"Yeah? So? He lives a long while from here and he doesn't know where I live or go to school. And! I haven't heard from him until now so like, he doesn't fucking care. Do you plan on going back for a visit?"

" not really."

"It doesn't matter than."

"He was really bad to me."

"And I'm sorry for leaving you, Gaara. I'm a horrible brother for doing that but I couldn't do it anymore. I could go through that abuse and hurt anymore. I couldn't be in the damn closest anymore."

        Gaara nodded slightly as he walking inside of the apartment once Kankuro unlocked it. He slowly goes and sits on the couch as he messed with his phone. He started to delete everything that his dad could access and he completely reset his phone. Kankuro watched and went to the kitchen to microwave some food for them. What if he does find us..? What if he's so set to hurt me he somehow tracks me down? He'll kill Kankuro for sure and beat me till I'm so close to dying. He'll hurt so much and...I don't want him to find me-

"Gaara~Gaara! Hey! We are gonna fine. Alright? All good. How about you grab my phone and call Tem? She can probably come hang out." Kankuro smiled at the redhead.

"Okay..yeah. I haven't seen her in so long.." Gaara said before he grabbed Kankuro's phone from the kitchen and called their sister.

"Hey bitch, watcha need?" Temari answers.

"Hi's Gaara, I was wondering if you could come over to hang out..." Gaara muttered a bit and sighed.

"Oh, you're not the bitch. You're the good one! Since when are you in town? Are you okay? Oh Gaara, I'll be over as soon as possible. I haven't seen you in so long." She said quickly and her tone in voice instantly changed.

"I really missed you, I can't wait to see you..."

"I missed you too kiddo, I'll be right over. Bye!"

       With that Temari hung up and Gaara looked at the phone. He looked at the lock screen of his bothers phone then he peeked up. Kankuro was busy so why not curiously look though the phone. He shrugged a bit and then started to flipped through his brother's stuff. He wouldn't care if Kankuro looked through his stuff so he figured his brother wouldn't care. He clicked through some photos, smiling when he saw some pictures of him and Temari together. She didn't look much different from the last time he saw her, just matured a bit looks really pretty. He then clicked out of the photos and went right to his browser, curious to see what Kankuro had. He then accidentally stumbled onto plenty of porn which promptly started to play. He blushed brightly and almost dropped the phone at how loud it was. Kankuro turned around quickly and got all red.

"God dammit Gaara! You shouldn't know better not to look though my stuff man." Kankuro sighed and grabbed his phone back and paused it.

"I was just curious." Gaara said back and rubbed his red cheeks.

"Well if you're curious you watch porn on your own phone. Not mine." He looked around and walked back to get something to drink.

"I can? It is interesting. I never really watch any before. Father stalked my phone." The younger one rubbed his eyes a bit.

"I mean, sure..if you find the right stuff you like. Just use headphones please and clean up afterwards. Kay?"

"Um...alright. Okay."

New Kid at Konoha High (Gaara x Lee)Where stories live. Discover now