Chapter 25 Touchy-Feely

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Chapter 25

After I said those words, Oliver turned and looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Did you just cuss?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you just try to make out with one of my best friends, who is a guy, in case you haven't noticed, while you're dating me?"

Zayn raised his hand from where he was sitting. "I am just a victim here."

I turned back to Oliver. "I can't believe you would do this to me! I thought you liked me! You kissed me and everything!" I yelled.

"I was, erm, trying to wipe something off his face?" it was more of a question than an answer.

"Yeah, with your mouth! I may not be able to tell when my boyfriend is using me to get to another guy, but I'm not stupid!" I yelled.

Then I thought about the words I just said and realized I actually was pretty stupid. And blinded by his big brown eyes and gorgeous accent. Darn it.

"What is wrong with you? We invited you over so we could have a party and you go and get all grabby-handy with one of the most famous guys in the country!" I was really mad now. My hands were shaking and my vision was turning red.

Meanwhile, Harry came out of the room with Squishy right behind him.

"I heard yelling. Is everything oka-" he stopped talking when he saw the scene in front of him. He looked at Oliver.

"Why do you have your hand on my friend's thigh?" he asked in a tight, angry voice.

"Ummm," Oliver started. Louis then walked out of the bathroom in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He was whistling to himself until he also saw the scene around us. His whistling stopped abruptly as his eyes went to the hand on Zayn's leg.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a dull tone. I looked at Louis with my eyebrows furrowed.

"What does it look like he's doing!?" I screamed at Louis.

"Maybe he's just wiping something off Zayn's face?" Louis asked, looking at Zayn.

Zayn shook his head, "No I'm pretty sure he was making a move."

"Yeah, I was trying to make a move," Oliver said.

"Why are you still here!?" I shouted at him. What is wrong with this guy?

"I was hoping that if Zayn wasn't into guys then Harry would be," he explained.

This time it was Louis' turn to yell. He marched right up to Oliver and snapped his fingers. "Harry is mine, you're rude, goodbye!"

There were a few choice words added to Louis' speech but I'll leave those out.

I held the door open as Oliver walked out. I slammed it closed and turned to the boys.

"My life sucks, just so we're clear." Then I walked into my room and jumped on the bed, so I was staring at the ceiling.

For awhile I just laid there, until I decided that nobody was going to come in and comfort me. Back in the main room all five boys were sitting on the couch. I went and sprawled across Harry, Niall, and Liam' s laps.

"Why aren't I getting pitied right now?" I whined. Louis rolled his eyes.

"We've been telling you from the start that there was something wrong with the guy," he said dully, and went back to watching a game on tv.

I sat up, in the process elbowing Liam in the groin. He ground his teeth together and grabbed his.. area.

"Sorry about that," I apologized, patting his shoulder. "I didn't think he was touchy feely with men kind of weird! I just figured he would be a good shopping buddy!" I exclaimed to Louis.

Harry shook his head, "He has bad style though."

I don't even want to know.

I threw my hands out in frustration and managed to slap Niall in the face.

"Since when do I know anything about style!? Sorry I can't be as fashionable as you guys!"

Zayn reached over to pat me on the head. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I didn't use to know how to look good either."

"Since I'm horrible looking I demand to be taken out to go shopping."

There was a chorus of 'no ways!' 'I'd rather dies' and an 'I'm hungry!' the last one was probably from Niall.

I glared at him with my nostrils flared. I stopped breathing completely and could feel my cheeks heating up. After about forty-five seconds of that I started getting dizzy and the boys looked kind of scared.

This was actually a trick I used to use on my mom when I was a kid, when she wouldn't buy me something I wanted. I was about to pass out when Liam jumped up.

"Don't kill yourself! We'll take you shopping!"

I sucked a breath in and my chest heaved in and out, getting as much oxygen as I could. Then, I smiled in victory.

Bianca: 1 Boyband:0

********** New chapter!!!!

I feel so bad for not updating!! Last week was homecoming and I have tons of homework to do every night.

And school work comes first.

Because school is important.

And I care about it.

Also the homecoming dance was on Friday and I talked to the guy I'm in love with. But he wouldn't dance with me. So I went home and cried in the shower.

Anyways.. Please vote and comment if you liked it!!

Good job to those people who guessed right about Oliver!!=)

Thanks for the 10,000 reads!! Squishies, you are amazing!!

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