Dinner party

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Yola!!!!! I don't have much to say this time, so please enjoy this chapter of my music loving little demon!!!!!!
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned and pulled myself up. I looked around sort of dazed. I grabbed my phone and put on my music. I got off my bed and stretched. I grabbed an outfit out of my closet. I desided I would wear something more feminine today, to clear up the confusion surrounding weather I'm a girl or not.

I grabbed a jean jacked to cover my arms, well the scars on my arms, not my literal arms

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I grabbed a jean jacked to cover my arms, well the scars on my arms, not my literal arms. I then did my hair in a more feminine look.

This is the hairstyle and the outfit she chose

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This is the hairstyle and the outfit she chose. Ignore the pink tints of this girls hair, cause Reds hair is pure white.
I finished getting dressed and walked out onto the balcony. I started walking across the bridge to the twins treehouse. I entered the room and turned on the light, in response the twins just snuggled there head under the covers. I let out a little laugh. I then walked over and pulled the covers off of the two sleeping troublemakers.
"Hey." Kaoru whined.
"Give is our blanket back." Hikaru added in.
"Nope sorry boys, not going to happen. Get up and dressed or I will pour water over your head." I smirked.
"Were up!" They said in unison. I smiled.
"Good. Now get out of bed and get ready. When your done getting ready, go to the big treehouse in the middle. I'll be making breakfast there." I pointed to my treehouse. "I'm going to wake the others." I said and walked out onto the balcony. Then crossed the bridge into Mori-senpi's room. I flicked on the light and walked over shaking him awake.
"Hmm?" He looked at me.
"It's time to get up. Come to my treehouse after your ready." He nodded and I left. Next up was Kyoya. This one was going to be dangerous. I walked in and flicked on the light. I then got up and jumped on his bed. He shot straight up and glared at me. I just smiled.
"It's time for you to get out of bed Mr. Grumpy pants!!" I laughed "When your dressed come to the middle treehouse for breakfast." I looked over to see he had gone back to bed. Ok that made me mad. I glared and went to the water dispenser. I got a cold cup of water and a few ice cubes. I walked over, stuck the ice cubes down his shirt and poured the water over his head. He sat straight up. I grabbed his collar pulling him closer to my face.
"This is my house, I say get up it's time to get up. I say get ready you get ready. You got that Mr.Ootori?" I said venom lacing my my words. I then shoved him back down onto the bed.
"You will get ready, and I will stand here and watch if I have to you got that." I said, my motherly tone back in place of the venomous one.
"Yes ma'am." He said.
"Thank you. Now when your done getting ready go to the middle treehouse for breakfast." He nodded and I left going into Honeys room.
I flicked on the light.
"Honey get up there's candy." I said He jolted up.
"Candy?" He said. Eyeing me with excitement. I handed him a piece of taffy.
"Candy!!" He squealed and grabbed it.
"Time to get up and ready ok honey?" He looked up and nodded.
"When you are done getting ready please come to the middle treehouse for breakfast." He nodded and I left. I then walked into Tamakis room and turned on the light.
"Haruhi's wearing a dress!!" I lied.
"What my precious daughter is wearing a dress!! Where?" I let out a laugh.
"Haruhi's not wearing a dress, I just said that to wake you. Get up and ready, then meet us all in the main treehouse, that's we're breakfast is."
"Ok." He pouted. He really wanted to see Haruhi in a dress. I rolled my eyes and went into ash's room. I flicked on the light.
"Ash get up." I chirped in a sing song voice.
"Ugg never use that tone again. It's annoying." He grumbled.
"Awww don't be a Scrooge." I laughed. "After your done getting ready go to the main treehouse, we're having breakfast there." He nodded. I started walking out.
"Hey." I turned to him.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Is it ok if I call you little sis? You remind me of one." He said.
"That wouldn't be a problem." I laughed walking out. I then ran back to my treehouse to start cooking breakfast. What to make what to make. Hmmmm. Oh I know!!!! Eggs and pancakes!! I nodded my head and grabbed the mix. I then added the ingredients and stirred the mix around then put it on the skillet. I went over and cracked the eggs, and added a little bit of milk, a little bit of cheese and a little bit of bacon. I let the eggs sit for a little and turned to the skillet. I took the spatula and flipped the pancakes. They were larger, like iHop sized pancakes. Before long I had a large stack of them and freshly made eggs for everyone. As if on cue the twins walked in followed by the rest of the gang. Gang? Since when did I think of these people as my group? Weird.
"Y'all better be hungry. I made a lot of food." I gestured for them to sit down. They all took a place at the table. I placed the food in front of them.
"Alright let's dig in!" I cheered. They all started shoving food in their mouths, well other than Kyoya and Mori, they ate with proper table manners.
"Row-Chan." I heard Honey say. I looked over at him.
"Yes honey?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.
"Can I have syrup!" I laughed.
"Coming right up." I got up and gracefully walked over to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed the syrup. I then spun around and walked back over to the table. Careful to keep the slight limp I had hidden. I had slept on my leg wrong and some of the scars I've got started acting up. I smiled and tossed Honey the syrup.
"Thanks Row-Chan!!" He squealed. I giggled, it was hard to imagine that he was the oldest here!
"Hey Row-Chan, why do you live out here and not in your house with your mommy and daddy?" Honey asked. My eyes widened. Haruhi looked over at me eyes just as wide as mine. Crap what do I tell him. I can't tell him the real reason. Ummm quick Rowan quick! Come on, come on think think!!
"Oh, I moved out on my own will, I love my parents, but I needed my own space!" I said. Well its not exactly a lie. I did move out on my own will and I do love my parents, no matter how messed up they may be, and I did need my own space.
"Oh ok!" He smiled. Oh thank the lord. He bought it! I smiled at him.
"You better eat those before I eat them for you." I said eyeing his pancakes.
"Mine!" He hisses, pitting a protective arm around his precious pancakes. I giggled. He was a dork.
"Sooooooooo Red. How did you manage to wake up the AB bloods." Hikaru asked.
"AB bloods?" I raised my eyebrow. "What's a blood type gotta do with it?"
"You don't know?" Hikaru asked in disbelief. "People with the AB blood type are scary. I mean look at Kyoya, we don't call him the shadow king for nothing, and look at Honey. He's the worlds most dangerous boy alive!!!" I looked over at him, smirking in amusement.
"Hmmmm then I wonder what my name will be, if Kyoya's the shadow king and Honeys the most dangerous boy alive. I am AB blood type after all." I pondered.
"Y-Your w-what?" Tamaki stuttered.
"Oh and to answer your question, honey was relatively easy to wake, just had to give him a piece of candy, and as for Kyoya, I jumped on his bed. Then told him to get ready, but he fell asleep again so I stuck ice cubes down his shirt and poured water over his head. Then told him to get his lazy but up." I shrugged. Everyone looked at me in awe.
"How are you still alive?" Kaoru asked. Haruhi laughed.
"If you really think Red was going to let either of those two kill her, you've got another thing coming. She's been taking martial arts, as well as gymnastics since she was two. I didn't name her the queen of the thieves for nothing." She smirked. I gave them a closed eye smile.
"AHHH YOUR SOOO CUTE!!" The next thing I knew I was being picked up from behind and being spun around. I let out a growl and jerked my left elbow back, aiming for Tamakis gut. He lost a bit of balance and I used that overt unity to swing my legs up and over Tamaki, I placed my hands on his shoulder and once again flipped off of him. I landed softly and perfectly.
"Sorry Tamaki. But I hate being touched." I held out a hand to pull him up, he took it I pulled him up then dropped my hand. I looked over at the clock.
"Crap were going to be late if we stay any longer!" I jumped up. I then ran out of the door, the rest of the group following.
"Last one there's a rotten egg I laughed and ran over to one of my quick escapes, it was a plain rope with a single hole at the bottom. Large enough for a foot to fit in it. I slid my foot in and grabbed the rope. I looked and saw Haruhi doing the same thing I was. She smiled and jumped. I looked and saw all the boys trying to get the platform working. I laughed.
"Mori!" I yelled he looked over. "Move the wood underneath the platform." I yelled then jumped off the side of the balcony.
"Ta ta!" I laughed.
"Hey no fair! That's cheating!" Hikaru whined.
"No its not. There are 10 of these, all in different places, you just never thought to look. That's not my fault." I laughed, I felt my feet hit the ground, i quickly grabbed the foot hole and slid it on a piece of wood I used as an anchor. I then took off running to the path. The others not far behind me. I quickly scaled the obstacles, and even passed Haruhi, who had a pretty good lead. I reached the top and turned to look at them.
"I win!" I cheered giggling.
"Yah yah. I still think you cheated." Hikaru muttered.
"Awww is Hika-Chan being a sore loser." I said in a baby voice. He stuck his tongue out at me. I just laughed.
I turned to see a limo sittting on the side of the road.
"That would be me." Kyoya said, walking over. "You all can join me if you would like. It's 11 person seating in the back and we've only got 10."
"Make that nine." I said, "I prefer to walk to school."
"Oh but Mis. Eclipse, it wasn't an invitation. Your ridding with us weather you like it or not." I scowled.
"Fine. Let's go then." I grumbled.

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