xii. A well deserved punch in the face

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( Stranger Things, Season One )

The Flea and The Acrobat

Chapter Twelve: A well deserved punch in the face

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Chapter Twelve: A well deserved punch in the face

"It's like you're in love with her!"

Not long after the conversation in the basement, the party, Eleven, Eva and Via were walking along some old tracks, hopefully ones out of use as Eva didn't really feel like being hit by a train that day. Eva of course walked alongside Eleven and Via not too far in front, each of them behind the boys who were leading the way.

"Eve?" Eleven caught the attention of the brunette walking beside her, holding her arm for a second.

"Yeah, El?" Eva looked at Eleven, away from the trees around them.

"Turn back," she said, looking behind and then at Eva with a frown.

Eva frowned back, "Why? What's w-w-wrong?"

"I'm tired," Eleven replied simply, her eyes still fixed on Eva.

The strong eye contact between the two made Eva's stomach twist how she couldn't describe. She nervously put a hand on Eleven's shoulder, "I'm s-sure there isn't much more to g-go, if we're not th-there in t-twenty minuets, I'll ask t-to t-take you h-home,"

Eleven nodded slightly, but she still seemed anxious. She looked behind once more at the track behind them.

Eva frowned at her emotion before slowly reaching for El's hand nervously. Her face felt hot, despite the breeze brushing over them as she walked. Her breath even went a little bit funny.

The groups walk was long, and the boys in front began to slow down with Eva, El and Via finally able to catch up. They stood in a... scrapyard?

"Oh no," Dustin stated.

"'Oh-no', what's oh-no?" Lucas immiated.

"We're headed back home," Dustin informed them, slowly turning around to face them all.

"What?" Via questioned.

"A-A-Are you sure?" Eva asked, her compass still facing north.

"Yeah i'm sure, setting sun right there, we looped right back around," Dustin pointed towards the sun to the side of them.

"And you're just realising this now?" Lucas' voice was beginning to raise and Eva tensed, not wanting a fight, so she let go from Eleven and walked forwards a little in front of her.

"Why is this all on me?" Dustin defended quickly.

"Because you're the compass genius!" Lucas claimed.

Dustin tried to ignore what Lucas said and paused for a second. He continued to try and figure out their situation, "what do yours say?"

"North!" they all chorused.

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