Pretty short but oh well. I have had a lot of inspiration in a while and this is pretty different from what I usually write soooo
"You can't have the crown! It's my birth right! It's mine by blood." The young king stands. The crown on his head having just been passed to him a few years prior."By blood? You think that crown on your head is yours by blood? What did you do to deserve it?When did you bleed for it?" The knight stands, his armor covered in blood. He removes his helmet and slams it on the ground. The sound echos in the throne room. The last part of the castle untouched by war and soldiers and a pathetic battles over nothing.
"I have bled for this country and I've bled for the crown," he yells. "You've let this country fall in your mad pursuit of war. You attack our enemies and allies alike with no set goal in mind. You've destroyed us in only a few years. And you think you've bled for the crown?"
"Are you implying that the crown should be yours?" The king inquires, with a grin fitting the mad king.
The knight lets out a dark laugh.
"Ready to bleed for your kingdom now, are you?" He grabs his sword from its sheath and dons a grin as mad as the King's. "We'll see what kind of leader you are."
The king walks towards the knight, weaponless. In seconds the king ends up on the floor. The knight bends down and picks up the crown covered in blood. He walks out of the throne room to see his new war stricken kingdom. He places the crown on his head with a crazy smile on face.
"Mine by blood"