Chpt 2: Have some toast, and come to the valley

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Info: ( For this or future chapters)
(Y/N) - Your name
(H/C)- Hair color
(F/C) - Favorite color

Author note:
Hope you enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV:
"Pokeberries? I don't think there's such thing!" Pokeberries. *pfft* what a silly name.
"Ah, but here is our living proof (Y/N)." Snufkin stated.
"It May look appetizing, but a handful could make you go numb."
I folded my arms tightly around my chest. Well there goes breakfast.
"Well someone seems to be fickle. Might I ask, have you eaten today?" He raised a brow.
"Why no I haven't...but that's nothing for a stranger to be concerned about."
"I saved you from harmful fruit, didn't I? You might say I'm a tad concerned." He sounded slightly offended.
"It's nearly 11. Here, have some of my breakfast. I'll fish later anyways." Snufkin dug into his bag to reveal two pieces of crisp toast with a container of marmalade.
"That does look mighty good...but taking food from someone I've just met? Kinda of risky, don't you think?"
"Doubting me again I see, along with the berries."
"Oh not doubt Snufkin. I'm merely being cautious, that's all." I reassured the fellow.
"Well I suppose you just might have to trust me, won't you?" He insisted on sharing his breakfast once more.
"..Yes, I believe I shall." I take hold of the toast, and start to spread the marmalade about.
"Why thank you Snufkin. How kind. And with a stranger no less." My mouth crunched through the breads crust.
"Apart of nature to help those in need. Thankfully, I was in the right place at the right time." The humble man grinned.
"Thank goodness for that. Also, thank you for the meal." I said thickly through my toast.
"Say, where on earth did you find such cuisine? I don't recall any toast growing trees, or sprouting marmalade bushes."
With a smile, Snufkin said.
"Well down in Moominvalley of course. I visit when Spring has started once again."
"Moominvalley? I've never heard of such place. Do tell of this 'Moominvalley'."
"Well I can't really put it into words." He chuckled.
"You'd have to see it yourself (Y/N).Only then would you see how wonderful it is." Recalling the place seemed to fill Snufkin with delight.
"Well when you put it like that-"
"Onto Moominvalley (Y/N)! Come on!" Snufkin started to advance forward.
"Wait! How do I not know that you're making this up? Sounds to good to be-" I stopped as I began to see Snufkins annoyed expression.
"Right, sorry. Again being-"
"Cautious, I'm aware." He continued his path as I tagged along.
The walk was silent until this dude snatched a harmonica from his robe pocket.
"Woah.." I was in slight awe.
"Hm?" He hummed in response to my onlooking.
"Oh, I don't mean to stare! It's just that I've never seen anyone play the harmonica before before ." I twiddled with my thumbs , quite embarrassed.
"At least someone has an a appreciation for the arts." I added.
"I suppose. What, do you as well? Have an appreciation for the arts I mean."
"Oh most certainly!" I beamed.
Quickly grabbing my sketchbook from the side of my bag, I began to flip through the pages.
"May I look? If you don't mind." Snufkin asked.
"Not at all!" I smiled ear to ear. Finally, someone other than myself may give back honest feedback.
Handing him the sketchbook, I waited until he finished peering through the pages.
"Yes...these are quite lovely (Y/N). I'm no expert but I'd say this belongs in a museum." He slapped the book shut.
"You really think so?"
"All you can do is take my word for it." He shrugged, and went back to his harmonica. The rest of the walk was peaceful, his music soft and melodic. Only a while until we reached his beloved 'Moominvalley'.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
" (Y/N), we're here!" Snufkin nearly squealed.
"Golly..." My eyes landed on what seemed to be a town, with the daily folk running about. Some seemed to be as busy as can be, while others were strolling about on the streets or browsing in the shops.
"This is only part of what you'll see today." He said.
"Quickly! To one of my favorite shops!" Snufkin ran into a little building like a toddler high on sugar. I simply rolled my eyes and followed. What a strange man. Kind and Intriguing, but strange. I opened the door to be greeted with the pretty sound of wind chimes. How cute.
"There you are (Y/N)! Come have a seat!" I saw Snufkin in the distance, sitting at a small wooden table. Man that guy moves fast. A little too fast. I started to feel uncomfortable as some town folk became onlookers.
"A new traveler?"
"Must be a friend of Snufkins!"
"Oh how grand! I hope they stay!"
"Mama, is my pot pie ready yet?"
"Hush Jeffrey! The grownups are talking!"
I had finally reached snufkin, who greeted me with a warm smile.
" A delightful little place isn't it?"
"Most certainly..though I am mildly concerned about why everyone was looking at me as I walked by."
"Well no one remembers the last time another traveler entered Moominvalley. Other than myself, you're the second one to pass through little Moominvalley." He chuckled, grabbing to what seemed like a menu.
"Really? Well I feel honored!" I bowed playfully.
Snufkin seemed amused by my childish behavior.
"But I have to ask, didn't we just eat?"
"Well YOU just ate, I haven't. And I say I'm famished. But, would you like some tea to wash down your food?" He questioned.
"Mint tea sounds fantastic. Thanks Snufkin."
"Don't mention it."
A waiter who seemed to be a Moomin came to our table, and took our orders. Snufkin had ordered a muffin while I just asked for a cup of mint tea. We payed, had a delightful conversation, and left.
"Wow, what a day." I huffed.
"A day it was." Snufkin noded in agreement.
"Well, I best be off. Running into you was the highlight of my day! Well, half of it! Tis' not over ye-"
"Wait, I thought you were staying." Snufkin cut me off for the 100th time today.
"Excuse me? I never said such thing. Although, it would be delightful, I cannot be a traveler without the word 'travel' in it, now can I?" I snickered, but Snufkin didn't seem to enjoy my antics.
"A traveler doesn't have to be traveling constantly (Y/N)." He said.
"Well yes, I suppose your right, but to stay in Moominvalley when I've only discovered it? That's a big decision. And to only be introduced to it by a person I've only met today? It all fast."
I shook my head.
"But to walk in the hot sun all day doesn't seem appealing in slightest." He scrunched his nose in discomfort.
"It seems we both have our own opinions then ." I had started to become impatient.
" wouldn't hurt to think about it (Y/N)." He mumbled, seeming a little disappointed.
I started to brainstorm the pros and cons of staying here. I couldn't imagine setting down anywhere at the moment. Heck, I haven't been able to do that my whole life! But Moominvalley seemed to be different, and more lively than other places I've stumbled upon.
"..Okay, I'll consider it." I sighed.
"Excellent. Let us make a deal (Y/N)."
"Depends on the deal." I said, a little curious.
"I shall let you stroll around the woods, until you make your decision. If you do not return in two weeks, I see you have chosen not to stay. If you show up sooner than that, then you stay."
What a wager. Hm. It took a good 10 seconds of thinking whether or not I'd agree to this..
"..Alrighty snufkin, you've got yourself a deal."
With that, we shook hands. It was a deal, and decision was yet to be made.

End of Chapter 2

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