prologue - part 2

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"Kevin Ashwood, right?"

"That's me."

"Come with us."

Many noises echoed throughout the bunker. The agonising screams of a female, the pitter patter of feet, the whirring of machines. Certain noises only present in certain parts of the bunker. The noise most prominent when Kevin began his journey was the tapping of feet, his own and two guards that escorted him out of his cell and down a short hallway. As soon as he entered the hallway, the screaming was the more prominent sound. He wondered if that would be him in a few minutes, and he bit his lip at the thought. He couldn't help but wonder if he was doing the right thing or not. Regardless, it was too late to run away now. He was sure if he tried he'd be gunned down in an instant and would join his parents in a graveyard.

They came to a halt just before a doorway, though Kevin was unsure about why. He shuffled slightly to the right, tilting his head to the side, though his adjustments in attempt to see through the doorway were unnecessary as the source of the pause he was searching for was shortly dragged out by two guards either side.

It was a girl, and she was completely limp in their grasp, her legs scraping against the ground as they heaved her along. Though that was nowhere near the most significant thing about her; for she had a pair of rather large and blood coated hippogriff-looking wings sprouting out of her back.

Quite frankly she looked like she'd been pulled straight out of a fairytale. Kevin's eyes laid on the girl as his eyebrows furrowed, was this what they'd do to him? He couldn't help but wonder. Though his thoughts were interrupted as suddenly he noticed one of the guards drop her left arm. Though.. he didn't drop it.. it had phased right through him. Kevin blinked rapidly, rubbing his eyes before looking back at her as if he didn't believe what he'd seen, the unconscious girl had just phased through the guards grip. She really was straight out of a fairytale.

"Move along now." A voice sounded, averting Kevin's attention back to his place in all of this. Obediently he trailed behind into the room the girl had just been pulled out of.

"That's, what- three out of sixty to survive now?" A more distant voice queried, his fingers tapping away at a keyboard. Three out of sixty? Only three survived?

"Right, thanks for saying that in front of me. I'm not scared at all." Kevin muttered under his breath, clear sarcasm evident in his tone. Sarcasm seemed to be the only thing keeping him the tiniest bit calm in all of this, it at least distracted him from his ever increasing heart rate.

Kevin sought to keep his eyes to himself as he was guided to a vertical chair and laid against it, many metal binds attached around his neck, wrists, waist and ankles. He worried that if he looked around again he'd hear another person say 'this one has a 2% chance of survival' or something similar.

He dared ask no questions about how this worked, he simply kept silent, eyes following the hands that crowded around him and hooked him up to the surrounding machinery through wires and needles. The last two wires were patched to his temple, and he watched as they all backed away, assuming whatever they were doing would start now.

The wait was causing adrenaline to release throughout his veins, his eyes remaining wide open, refusing to blink as he waited for something to happen. Though no matter how long he waited, he would have never been prepared for the sudden woe that sunk into the back of his brain.

Kevin gritted his teeth sharply, managing to contain any screaming for now, though his eyes could no longer hold open and slammed shut. His nails dug into the chair, his body seemed to be attempting to cause pain elsewhere to dim out the new pain seeping through his veins.

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