chapter 7

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Zemo had deemed Kyla weak and frail. He'd not allowed her the super soldier serum because he thought it would've killed her, things like that he left to Kevin, however he didn't have much choice now. Kyla had returned from the mission alone, however she held an infinity stone, so he couldn't be completely mad.

"It'll kill me." Kyla muttered to Zemo, fiddling with her fingers nervously as she looked up into his merciless eyes. He showed no sign of backing down, though, and it terrified her.

"So long as you do it, that doesn't matter. These are worth a lot more than your life." Zemo responded bluntly, gesturing to the stone that lay on the table besides them.

"You know what to do." He insisted, growing more and more impatient with the girl and her fear. He didn't expect her to survive, and if she did the cost could be fatal. Kyla knew this, and she was filled with conflict. She hoped merely bringing the stone back would've satisfied him, but Bucky was right. She wondered if she could take the stone and run back to him before Zemo gunned her down.

"Now!" Zemo growled at her, anger quickly painting his features at Kyla's hesitation. Kyla was slightly startled by his sudden aggression, though she bit her lip and reached over towards the time stone. Quickly she picked it up, clutching it in her hand. She slammed her eyes shut and focused on the task at hand, an image forming in her head as she raised her hand in front of her.

Zemo took a few steps back as she picked up the stone, watching from a safe distance as she raised her hand towards a stand of shattered and old vials. He pursed his lips in hope, heart beating in his ears as he could do nothing but watch and hope she did it. Relief flooded his senses as the broken vials began to piece themselves back together, a blue liquid filling each one until all thirty vials were full. As soon as they were full, Kyla collapsed onto the floor, dropping the time stone onto the ground. Zemo rushed over quickly, shoving Kyla's body aside with his foot and admiring all the serum before him.

"And this is how the Avengers will meet their end." Zemo declared proudly, safely transferring the many vials into a large metal briefcase. Carefully he used a pair of metal tweezers to place the time stone into the case besides the vials. He left Kyla behind him on the floor, taking the metal briefcase out of the room.


"Kyla? Can you hear me?" A faint voice called out, and Kyla wearily furrowed her eyebrows as she rolled over onto her back. Her eyes gradually fluttered open, and the met with the familiar lively eyes of a man she recognised. Immediately she sat up, wincing as the pressure on her hand stung.

"Bucky?" Kyla questioned, her voice quiet and shaky as she looked up at him. Bucky's blank expression shifted to confusion as he noticed the scars that wrapped around her hand, and he gently lifted it up, turning her hand over to see her palm entirely scorched. His eyebrows then furrowed in anger, and he looked back up to her.

"Escape with me." Bucky practically demanded, biting his lip as he awaited an answer and checked their surroundings for any guards.

"I can't do that.." Kyla replied after a while of hesitation, part of her wanted to go but ultimately she was still under Zemo's control and couldn't choose otherwise.

"I thought you'd say that, in which case I won't give you the choice." Bucky answered, as he spoke snapping a vibranium cuff onto the scarred hand he held. Immediately Kyla pulled away, though Bucky yanked her back by the chain.

"If anything, you're staying here." Kyla argued, jumping to her feet and swiping her other wrist away as he tried to cuff it, instead grabbing his hand and making him attach it to himself. Bucky scowled at her, looking down at the chains that now linked their wrists together. It would've been fine if he had a key, but Tony hadn't given him one. Though, this wouldn't stop him from taking her back.

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