Chapter 5 Park Hangout

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Third Person p.o.v.

Once the last bell of the day ringed through the halls a stampede of kids flushed out the school to get home. Phillip had told Damien that he was gonna wait for him at the front of the school. Phillip didn't wait long till he saw Damien walking out the school and towards his direction. Phillip smiled widely at his friend and they both walked together to the park. They occasionally talked on their way there but their walk was mostly silent. Once there they looked around for something to do. Phillip smiled as he walked over to the South Park pond. Phillip set down his backpack under a nearby tree and grabbed a flat stone. Damien sets his bag down as well and watches Phillip from under the tree as he throws the stone and it skips three times before sinking in the water. Damien was both impressed and amazed which surprised him. He never skipped a stone before because of the lack of water in Hell. Phillip turns his head to Damien and smiles softly.

"Aren't you gonna join?" Phillip asked.

"I, uh, I don't know how to do 'that'." Damien said pointing to the pond, this made Phillip confused.

"You don't know how to skip stones?" Phillip questions and Damien shakes his head. Phillip quickly grabs another flat stone from the ground and waves Damien over. Damien walks over and Phillip grabs Damien's hand.

"I'm gonna teach you." Phillip says and places the stone in Damien's hand. Phillip then holds Damien's hand and positions it to where he can easily throw the stone. While still holding Damien's hand, Phillip leads Damien with his own hand as they toss the stone into the pond and it skips twice. Damien cheers for himself as Phillip smiles at his reaction. When Damien finished cheering he looked over at Phillip and was quite embarrassed of himself. What was more embarrassing was the neither of the boys hands had let go of one another. After the boys realize this they pulled their hands away and blushed brightly, looking away from each other.

"T-Thanks for teaching me Pip." Damien said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Y-You're welcome." Phillip said embarrassed. They continue hanging out and skipping stones till a question pops into Phillip's head.

"Hey Damien?"


"Can you show me what you can do with your powers? I'm quite interested in them." Phillip spoke curiously.

"Alright but don't get too close, I don't want to accidentally burn you." Damien warms and Phillip nods. Both boys sit down with their legs crossed and across from each other. They say between the pond and the tree but closer to the tree so they could be under the shade.

"So I don't just have one power, I have multiple."

"What are they?"

"When I was younger I could only turn others into animals, launch fireballs and summon shadow demons. Now I can manipulate fire, float and create a hell hole." Damien explains as he slowly starts to levitate off the ground. Phillip looks up at him astonished at the sight. "Sadly, I'm still learning so I can only float 5 feet in the air." Damien then holds out his hand and fire appears in the palm of his hand.

"Wicked..." Phillip said amazed at the sight. Hearing this made Damien smirk.

"Cool huh?" Damien says and Phillip nods his head. Damien then floats back down and let's the fire disappear.

"I'd show you a hell hole but I usually only make one for when I need to go back home." Phillip nods his head, understanding what Damien means.

"Speaking of which, it's getting late. I'll walk you home." Damien says, getting up from his spot and walking over to the tree to grab his bag.

"Y-You don't have to if you don't want to." Phillip said not wanting to trouble his friend.

"Who says I don't want to?" Damien says, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. Phillip blushes at what Damien had said. 'H-He wants to walk me home?' Phillip thought to himself but decides not to question it. Phillip walks over to the tree and grabs his bag as well. They walk to Phillip's house which was less than a 10 minute walk. On the way there Damien was showing Phillip some fire tricks he has been practicing. Finally home Phillip and Damien exchange goodbyes. Phillip watches as Damien creates a hell hole and jumps into it before it closes back up again. Phillip thought it was super cool. He walked into his house and ran to his room with a big smile on his face. He screamed in his room from excitement. That's when his phone went off. Butters had texted him.

Butters- Hey Pip! So how did the date go?

Phillip rolled his eyes from Butters choice of words but it still made him blush a deep red.

Phillip- Blimey! What did I tell you? It wasn't a date! Just a normal hang out at the park.

Phillip did feel a bit sad after typing that. He did wish it was a date but he knew Damien would never date him. He had a whole school of girls falling for him.

Butters- Sure it's wasn't~ ;)

Phillip rolled his eyes again at the stupid winky face and laughed. His phone then went off again. But this text wasn't from Butters.

Damien- Hey. Do you mind if we call? I need some help with the homework, math isn't exactly my best subject.

Phillip blushes deeply from the sudden text from Damien. It took him a minute but he finally was able to write a reply.

Phillip- I don't mind mate! I'd be happy to help a fellow out!

Damien- I can hear your British accent through the text.

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