Chapter 9.

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Meh. Dedicated to that one awesome Directioner with an amazing Narry story <3 :D


"Who was that?" My moms voice made me tear my eyes away from the spot Ian had just vanished from.

"It was uh. ." I trailed off, looking back towards the door, "Ian." I whispered so softly I doubt anyone even heard me. I took a step toward the door, determined to find out what had just happened, when I felt a slight tug on my wrist. I looked back and noticed it was my dad.

"Just let him go. It's obvious he's going through something, just give him space." My dad's face was sympathetic as if he knew exactly what had happened. I sighed, sitting down next to him. The rest of the afternoon was spent trying to enjoy my day, but I just couldn't. My mind would some how linger back to Ian and his odd behavior. At one point I thought to text him, until I realized I didn't even have his number. Disappointing.

Sunday flew by with no signs of Ian, not even a note. Had I scared him off?

Before I knew it , it was Wednesday, 4 days since I'd last seen him. I was beginning to worry, what if I really had scared him off? I'd been going to the park everyday, because running is important. Okay no, not true. I was going in hopes I'd run into him. That's where I was now. I was laying on the grass staring up at the clouds. Madness by Muse was playing from my ipod, the breeze moving my hair across my shoulders. I took in a deep breath before sitting up, knees raised against my chest.

I came face to face with those silver eyes I'd been desperately hoping to see. Before I could reacted he pulled me up on my feet and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head against my neck. I quickly threw my arms around his neck bringing him even closer.

"Where have you been?" I said , at the same time he said, "I'm so sorry."

I sighed, loving how tightly he held on to me. He made me feel so lost and protected. I grinned against his shoulder, tightening my arms around him one last time before pulling away. We walked over to a nearby tree and sat against it. I watched him as he stared across the park. I wondered if I should talk or just wait. I sighed, hoping he'd get the hint. He did.

"I'm sorry." He repeated. I gave him a one shoulder shrug, "Why'd you rush off like that? And then disappear for like 4 days?"

He rested his head against the tree, and ran his hand through his hair. He was wearing a plain fitted shirt with dark jeans. He looked tired, and his right eye had a light bruise underneath it. I lifted my hand and ran my thumb under his eyes.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" I rattled off. He smirked, making me wonder how he could be acting so calmly.

"That's a lot of questions Little Nali', are we playing 20 questions again?" His smirk still intact.

I dropped my hand and knocked my shoulder with his. "Just answer the questions Mr. Mysterious." He gave me a questioning look but didn't comment on his new nick name.

"I got in a fight." He said simply, I rolled my eyes, wow could he be more obvious.

"Wow, I hadn't noticed, I thought you had just gotten into your moms make up again." I laughed. Ian stiffened beside me, causing me to look at him. His lips were pressed into a tight line and his eyebrows were furrowed together. He pushed himself off the ground and brushed his pants down. I quickly stood up, following his actions.

"Ian?" I asked quietly. He turned to look at me, his face still expressionless. I frowned, "Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head and intertwined his hand with mine, "Come on, let's take a drive." He said as he pulled me towards the parking lot. I fallowed quietly, not wanting to say something else that might upset him. I was so busy looking down at the ground that I didn't realize we had stopped, causing me to bump into his shoulder. I gave him a quick smile and jumped in his car. I had no clue where we were going. I turned to look at Ian and noticed his face had softened a bit. I looked out the car to see we were pulling into a cemetery. Then it hit me. My eyes must've widened beyond what was even possible and I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the car floor. I lifted my hand to my mouth and turned to look at Ian as he parked. Oh God no. He gave me a small smile and got out of the car. I didn't move, just stared out the window looking at all the headstones. I started to softly bang my head against the window when I suddenly hit air. I opened my eyes and saw Ian had opened the door and was holding his hand out expectantly.

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