Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to My idiot boyfriend, Oscar.

hello loves ! meeeeeeeh, 

1. I am so so super sorry I took soooooo long to update this </3 ): I've been so humoungusly busy. I hate being an adult sometimes >:[  

2. I have a new cover, what do you guys think? Good ? Bad? Lame? Miss the old one? Need a completely new one? Is it cute looking? Does it catch your eye? Does it make you want to read it? 

hahah, anyways. that's about it. Enjoy this chapter. To the right is pictures of Ian, because you can never have too many pictures of this beautiful guy<3 *sigh* I'm ranting ! i'm done now 8) go on now. ..go on.. .


It was one week later. Monday the 28th to be exact. Christmas had gone and passed without any acknowledgement from us. We'd been spending every  possible moment in the hospital with mom. Ivy and Angel had been coming along with me whenever they could, along with Ian.

Oh, Ian. Ian was on another level of amazing. He's been my rock this whole time, making sure I slept enough, ate when I needed to. When I'd start crying out of the blue, he'd be right by my side comforting me. Thanks to him I'd been getting through all this. I wasn't closing myself off like I usually would, and it felt great. He, was great. I'd also started to notice that dad was looking better. Small things, that anyone else would oversee, but I noticed. He was starting to walk at a quicker pace than before, he ate more also. He was starting to look, dare I say it, like before. When he wasn't sick. He'd been putting off going in for his regular check up. Refusing to leave mom's side. I'd walk in to her room and there he was, right by her side, holding her hand and talking casually. He was being so strong. Ivan was being like I would be. He was closed off. Most of the time he was sitting in the corner chair, just watching her. Not uttering a word. It seemed he was encouraging her to be okay by just his stare. 

Today was the day mom would be getting pulled out of her coma. The doctors said her swelling was all gone. Apparently the medication was some kind of miracle pill. I wasn't complaining, just a step closer until we could take her home. Her broken arm was healed up for the most part and her broken ribs were almost like new. ALMOST.  Once they pulled her out of the coma it was expected to take 1 to 2 days for her to fully wake up on her own. Soon all these stress and worried filled days would be a thing of the past. 

"Analilia, you have to eat." Ian grumbled out as he took another bite out of his apple. I snapped out of my day dream and looked over at him. He was staring back at me as he slowly chewed, eyes in slits. I could hear a pop whenever he'd bite down. I tilted my head to the side, trying to hear it clearly. 

"Is that your jaw?" I asked him, as I lifted up a spoon full of chocolate pudding to my mouth. He stopped mid-chew and raised an eyebrow.

"Is, what, my jaw?" he retorted, before biting in to his apple again. bloop! 

"That cracking sound, it sounds like it's coming from your jaw." I answered, as I dramatically licked the last of the pudding off my spoon. He smiled slightly at my actions but quickly sobered up. 

"Ah, yeah. That's my jaw." he stated, making me give him an annoyed look. 

"Well?" I urged on.

"Well what? Just eat your food Nali." He answered, sounding a little uncomfortable. 

"What happened to it? Why does it do that?" I said, completely ignoring his demand for me to eat. He looked up at me from his water and gave me a blank stare. Making me glare back at him. Why most boys be so secretive? Another silent minute passed before he finally spoke up.

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