Chapter 1 - Start With Something New

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Sorry about the story. Please continue reading this! =)
The rating is now [PG-13]


-Avery POV-

I sighed as I made my way through the airplane. The fifth time me and my family will be moving to a new town. We just hurried and packed our stuff without glancing back. This time I didn't know why we were moving again. My parents just said, 'For special reasons' What does that even mean? Special reasons? I just ignored what they said until now.

I walked down the aisle of the airplane; my black leather boots making small thumping noises. I'm wearing my favorite white dress that goes two inches above my knee, my dress fitting like a second skin. A black vest is hanging over my dress, with my brunette hair pulled up in to a messy bun. My parents didn't really care what I wore, they just let me wear whatever I wanted.

My older brother following behind me, with our parents in-front of us. We all were pulling a suitcase with our clothes and necessary things in them.

I let out another sigh for the day once we've finally stopped walking. Me and my brother plunked down on a chair near a window while our parents sat down in two seats that were near ours. I'm glad we haven't taken off yet, because I wanted to spend as much time as I can before we are in a new place.The last place we were at was Washington, but now were moving to California.

"Do you think it will be nice?" My brother asked me with a smile.

"What, California?" I asked him, trying not to act all depressed. it didn't work because my brother was looking at me with worried eyes.

"Yes; what else would I be talking about?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know; I guess it will be nice. The only part I'm excited about is the Beach."

"I'm excited; we might be able to settle down without moving every month" He said trying to reassure me.

He may be right. We might settle down for once in our life. I let out a sigh the third time today; taking out my ipod to play some soft music. I closed my eyes while leaning my head back on the chair. A soft piano song is playing in my ears. I fell asleep before I even knew it.

I woke up with metal music blaring in my ears, a small scream leaving my lips "Ah!" I ripped my earplugs out before the music could damage my ears. After I heard someone laughing to my left, I saw my brother rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. I glared at him, a growl leaving my lips.

My brother says in between laughing "Oh my god, that is so funny!"

"Hey, you know what else is funny" I asked my brother with a sickly sweet tone, sarcasm completely in my voice.

"No, what?" He asked, wiping a few tears that escaped his eyes from laughing to hard.

I stand up with a grin saying, "Your face shoved down in to the floor."

My brothers eyes widened in to saucers "You wouldn't!"

Leaning down on my knee, I whispered in his ear with a I-Can-Win-Anything tone "Try me."

After I said that my brother scurried away almost tripping on other peoples suitcases. I stood up shoving my ipod in my baby pink purse, then I pulled my suitcase along with me, whistling like nothing happened, but I couldn't help but put on a victory smile. I win against my brother in mostly all things we do.

While walking down the airplane aisle I noticed that mostly everyone was off the plane already. How long did I sleep? I shook my head, not worrying about how long I slept. Looking up ahead I saw my brother and our parents. It seems like they were talking about something serious, because they didn't even notice me walking towards them. Once I stopped right next to them I couldn't help but hear them say my name in a low whisper. I had to struggle just to hear it.

I snapped my gaze up towards my mom when she asked me a question "Are you ready sweetie?"

"Yes" I grumbled, not really excited about the new place were gonna live at.

My father looked at me with concerning eyes, a small smile gracing his lips "It won't be that bad. You will find new friends, and I heard there's a beach nearby. There is a lot of things to occupy you while were there. Most of all, you can run free through the forest now, since your a Wer-"

Mom sends dad a death glare, cutting in without dad finishing his sentence "-Oh and we almost forgot to tell you. We have some old friends that will be living next to us. I heard they have a son and a daughter. You and your brother might get along with them."

I wonder what my dad was going to say? I will ignore it for now, but that doesn't mean I won't figure it out. I did let out a groan once I heard what my mom was saying. I didn't want to make any friends while I was there. Because once we leave again, I will have to leave them. And it would hurt to much knowing I would have to leave them. I hurt already. I had to leave my friend Leanna back in Washington. Me and her were best-friends, we had almost everything in common. She understood me more then anyone. Even more then my mom.

I was knocked out of my thoughts from my brother coughing in this awkward atmosphere, he says gesturing to the airplane door "Mm, we should get going."

"Yes we should!" My dad hurried and said before any other awkward stuff could come up.

My brother and me followed our parents to the stairs on the airplane, stepping out to meet warm summer air. I looked around the place from the top of the stairs, from far away there were buildings poking out over houses.

"Come on sweetie! We can view the place tomorrow once we have settled in!" My dad yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs.

I nodded to him, taking slow steps down the stairs while taking in my surroundings. There were a lot of people coming to California these days. It is a nice place to be, even when there is a beach to relax on, stores that are here that aren't in many other places.

Once I reached solid ground I felt a little dizzy from being on the airplane to long, but I balanced myself easily. I'm athletic so I'm used to moving around a lot. My family and me headed through the building where there was at-least over 100's of people walking through like a huge swarm of bee's. We passed by where you bought the tickets; towards the exit.

Once we made It out, we all let out a big deep breath of relief. My dad was the first to speak, muttering under his breath "Crowded as always."

Mom let out a small giggle after he said that. My brother joining in on the laughter. I couldn't hold back the giggle that left my lips. Me and my family got along very well. We were like pea's in a pod; bee's in a hive; bird's in a nest. There was no way to break us apart.

We started walking to my dad's parked red BMW. My dad almost took off instantly once we got in the car. Wonder what has dad like that? I have seen my dad like this a few times, but that was only when we were traveling.

Instead of letting out a sigh this time, I decided to at-least act cheerful by putting on a smile. It's time to start with something new. Well not actually that new, since we've been traveling alot.

Hello California, here comes my weird family.

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