Chapter 10 | I'll Kill You

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"Run!" I yelled to Caleb hearing the mail splutter to the driveway and I followed him in a run.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!" Jason screamed to us as we tried to run back to the front door.

He wasn't far behind me.
I could hear his footsteps heavy.
Just right behind me.
So close.

I felt a heavy hand latch onto my left wrist holding me back from running. Caleb turned at the whimper I let out staring at me with desperation in his eyes. "Go Caleb. Run!" I yelled to him, relieved to see him turn and run to the door.

"That's fine." Jason whipped me around to face him holding on, with one hand to my frail wrist that he had caught, and the other to my shoulder to prevent me from getting out of his incredibly tight grip. I had to bit my lip to prevent from yelling out as his fat thumbs dug into my skin. "You little bitch!" His hot breath made my skin crawl and I covered the fear in my eyes with a challenging confidence.

"Screw you." I spat back almost regretting it when his large hand lifted from my shoulder and swung into my cheek leaving behind a sharp stinging from where I was just punched. His arm twisted, my wrist along with it yanking me away from his disgusting face which I was grateful for. My wrist continued to twist and I whimpered again although I tried not to. I didn't want to give him that power over me but the pain was so great I just couldn't stop myself. My back was to him now since he was twisting my wrist beyond its limit.

Before I knew what I was doing I heard an angry howl and the grip tighten on my wrist. I had kicked him in the shin. "Don't do that again." His breath reeked of booze and I knew I shouldn't test him.

He grabbed onto my shoulder whispering dangerously into my ear: "You never should have gotten involved in this." My wrist throbbed with unimaginable pain. "I will kill you." The pain increased. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing everything to go away. "It doesn't matter where you go. Or where you try to hide." I couldn't take it anymore. I let out a soft squeal letting the tears trickle down my cheeks. "I will find you. And I will kill you."

"Get away from my daughter!" I heard a threatening yell and I opened my eyes, relieved at the familiar voice. My dad stood only feet away holding a gun to Jason. But that didn't stop him. I wasn't even sure if he could twist the delicate wrist anymore if he tried but my suspicions were address when indeed tried. I heard a muffled crack and my scream filled the silence between us. My dad pounced on Jason knocking him to the ground, swinging punch after punch. I grabbed my wrist softly in my other hand and ran to the front porch still watching the fight.

"And don't come back!" I heard my dad yell a couple seconds later as Jason scurried off, tail between his legs, bleeding into his white shirt.

"Aw honey are you ok?" My dad ran over brushing the sweat from his forehead.

"I think I need to go to the hospital." I muttered truthfully bitting my lip. My dad's hand landed to the black and blue that was forming on my right cheek the sting still evident from the hard hit.

"Did he hit you?" My dad's fists clenched at his sides. "I should have killed him. I'm gonna kill him!"

"Dad!" I yelled breaking him out of his furious state. "Hospital!" I motioned to the car.

"Oh my baby!" Mom cried as she hugged me tightly to her. "My baby! Are you alright?" She looked me up and down her eyes finally settling on my bruised cheek.

"Where's Caleb?" I looked around frantically as if I would spot him out here. "Caleb!" I yelled as I ran into the house. "Caleb are you ok? It's Lexie." I stopped when I heard a small sniffling. I followed it to the kitchen. "Caleb! Are you ok? Were you hurt?" I asked looking him over.

Caleb said nothing, just looked over to me with that same desperate look that he had given me earlier. "It's ok Caleb. I'm fine. You're fine. Everything's fine." I tried to reassure him through the throbbing pains shooting up my arms and down my finger tips. My elbow down was numb to me with a stinging, piercing, scream- deserving pain. I bit my lip harder this time trying to make it seem like everything was indeed ok. But everything was not ok. Not at all. "Come here Caleb." I sat down on the floor motioning for him to slide next to me. Once he did, he laid his head down on my lap and I rested my good hand on his head. "Everything's going to be ok Caleb."

Caleb was quiet for a while, he didn't speak but he also didn't cry out like he normally did. His tears seemed to have dried out by now. The only response I managed to get out of him was a simple statement: 

"I told you he would be mad."

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