Day of the funeral

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Today is the funeral and there are supposed to be celebrity appearances I'm not worried about that I just wanna say my good byes and go ,as I walk in the funeral with the family I see my dad tearing up ,this WAS his best friend ,they were like brothers , the female rapper Trina said something's and they legend Betty wright said some things also ,then we had rick Ross and his crew ,and a whole bunch of djs , after the funeral we went to the graveyard and begin to Barry him but glanced over at Zae and he had brought and old gardening glove that his dad owned and held it close to his heart and as they were lowering the casket into the ground he wouldn't let it go someone finally had to pull him back and console him it would only be right to have his repast at a club so they held one repast at the church and one at " Miami nights " after the one at church Zae and I went back to his house while everyone else went to party and celebrate the life of Zae's dad

At Zae's house

Liyah) hey Zae it's gonna be okay ,he's in a better place now ok

Zae) ........

Liyah) Zae

Zae) yeah ,I'm just ,why would they do this ,I swear liyah when I find out who did this imm-

Seeing him angry had liyah feeling some type of way but before she could stop herself She cut him off with a kiss,not just any kiss , a kiss filled with lust .

Liyah) omg I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-

Zae cut liyah with another kiss and this time he deepened it

Zae) no ,don't be

He grabbed her hand and walked to his room ,they laid down together and began talking

Zae) why didn't you tell me you wanted to be more than friends ?

Liyah) cause I never thought about us that way

Zae)the way you just kissed me , I couldn't tell

Liyah) call it what you want but get out

Zae) Get out? of my room? get out ?

Liyah bust out in laughter

Liyah) at least get out if the bed I'm finna got to sleep

Zae) me too its been a long ass day

Zae layed down right in his bed while liyah was still sitting up Indian style

Liyah) um nigga

Zae) girl lay down you know you wanna sleep with me anyway

Liyah) keep on imma beat yo ass lil boy

Zae) girl ain't shit on me lil

Little did she know he wasn't lying

Zae and liyah went to sleep but before the night was over liyah phone rang loudly and it was her dad ,

Liyah) *sleepy voice* hello?

Dad) liyah , grandpa died

He bluntly stated

Liyah)damn, um ok I'll talk to you later dad ,as a few tears fell from her eyes

I've only seen my grandpa twice and one of those times was two weeks earlier when he was in the hospital dying from cancer , I cried because although I didn't see him I still talked to him on the phone a lot and it was my grandpa

Zae) baby what's wrong

I must've woke him up with my crying

Liyah) my grandpa just died

Zae) aww bae I'm so sorry if there is anything you want me to do just tell me

Liyah) naw ,I just wanna play 20 questions

Zae)*chuckles* ok you go first

Liyah)are you a virgin?

Zae)*laughs* nah Kaliyah I am ,why do you wanna make love to me right now 😂😂😂😂

Liyah)-___- lmafo that's not funny and not right now😉

Read the next chapter to hear all about their game

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