Two months went by

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Liyahs dad called zae and had something exciting to tell him

Liyah didn't know what it was but she had been a little on edge because zae hadn't been acting himself lately , coming home late , not showing affection towards her he started to make her drive herself to school I mean I was only one week left of school and they'd never be going back but still she wasn't so happy

But this is how it started

After school liyah decided to follow wherever zae was going after school

As she was driving she called him

He picked up after 5 rings

"Hey baby" she happily said

"Sup" he nonchalantly said

"Oh um I was just seeing if you were coming home right now" she inquired

"No,stopping by moms then ill be there " he said

(He really was stopping by his moms, the reason he'd been so tired and blunt lately was because he was planning a big trip for them where they would stay two weeks but of course she didn't know that )

"Well okay love , see ya when you get here" she said

"Yea" he replied

zae visited his moms and talked to her about life and how much they missed his father he left he kissed his mom and sister goodbye .

He had gotten a call from and old friend named diamond

"Hello" he said

"Yeah , this diamond" she responded

Remembering who she was he said "diamond,diamond OH! DIAMOND hey shawty wassup"

"Lol nothing , I just haven't heard from you in a while every since you got a new girlfriend "

"Lol my bad shawty , did you ,um need something?"

"As a matter of fact yeah can you come over I need to talk to you"

"Um well I guess text me the address and ill be right over"

2 minutes later she text him the address . he drove right to her house and knocked on her door

And she openly invited him in

"Zaeeeeeee"she exclaimed

He chuckled "wassup"

"Come in , you can sit on the couch how's everything been since ya know , your dad ?"

She took a seat next to him

He sighed deeply "things have been rough but ya know I'm pulling though "

"I'm sorry bout that , forreal , so who is this little girl friend of yours"

"Oh she just awesome everything about her to me is perfect I like really love her , I've never felt this way about a female "

"Oh , does she know I was your first"

"No I told her I was a virgin"

"But why didn't you tell her"

"I don't know but it's getting late soo um I need to go "

He thought she was leaning in for a hug but she really wanted a kiss so she kissed him and he kissed back

"C'mon diamond what was that?"

"I just , ugh I'm sorry "

"Don't sweat it , um I gotta go soooo see you later ?"he said

"Yeah , i guess" she replied

(Zae p.o.v)

( p.o.v means point of view)

Damn, what have I gotten myself into, diamond is fine as fuck but liyah is my princess , I couldn't do that to her , right? Damn damn damn ,tommorow ill just go to diamond adn tell her we can't do this ,right?

" Heyyyyy baby " zae said

" Mhm hey " she responded

" what's wrong with you " he asked

" where you been " she asked

" at my moms I told you

(Liyah's p.o.v)

So he thought it was ok to come back home at 2 in the damn morning usually I'm the type of bitch that wouldn't give a fuck about the where abouts of a nigga ,simply cause I trust him but why the fuck this nigga smell like Chanel N5 ,nah this ain't Finna work ,should I wait for him to tell me or have to fuck him and that bitch up aight lets see

" Xavier why do you smell like perfume" she asked

" maybe cause I was at my moms "

" listen I'm not about to do this with you all I was asking you was for the truth "

" I'm telling you the truth !"

" then why have you been acting all strange lately and this was the icing on the cake , you said you smelled like perfume cause you were at your moms ,the perfume you smelled like was channel number 5 , your mom hates that perfume and I don't have it , so I don't even want to hear it anymore ,goodnight "

"You didn't even let me say anything "

" you said enough, goodnight"

Authors P.O.V

I mean I think she handled that like a woman , she didn't leave , she stayed

Liyahs P.O.V

As I layed there thinking why would he'd do that and I've been there for him through everything I've been too faithful but whatever , fuck it imma find out who this bitch is

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