The First Day

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It was the first day of vocaloid university, Yuma arrived early and waited an hour or two at the front gate for his bae. Finally he saw Kaito arrive and ran over to him and gave him a hug, "I missed you..." Yuma said as he squeezed Kaito a little bit tighter. "I missed you too..." Kaito said, and then Yuma lightly kissed Kaito on the cheek. "I hope we're in the same room," Yuma said as he let go of Kaito. "Me too..." Then both of them held each other's hands and walked up to get their schedules and dorm room numbers, "I'm in room 305," said Kaito while he was looking at Yuma. Yuma then frowned and said, "I'm in room 309..." "Well at least we're near each other..." Kaito said then noticed that Yuma was starting to cry. "It's okay... I'll visit your room at least once a day.... Ok?" he said as he put his hand on Yuma's shoulder, "Ok...." Yuma said softly.

They both went to their dorm rooms, when Kaito arrived at his room he saw that he was sharing a room with Len. "Kaito!!!!" Len screamed with excitement, and then hugged Kaito. "Hi Len." Kaito said in return. However he was missing Yuma already, his heart felt empty. "I'll be back, ok Len?" Len then nodded his head in return, then Kaito went to Yuma's room, he knocked on the door, but there wasn't a reply, so he knocked again and said, "It's me Kaito..." then suddenly the door swung open and he was tackle-hugged by Yuma. "I miss you already." Yuma said as he hugged Kaito, "So who are you sharing a room with?" Kaito asked Yuma. "I'm sharing my room with.... Piko... But he's nothing like you babe..." Yuma replied while squeezing Kaito. "I love you to..." Kaito said as he hugged Yuma back. Then Len walked up to Kaito and Yuma who were still hugging, "I can switch with Yuma if you want." Len said while smiling at the cute couple still hugging each other. "You don't have to..." Yuma said while trying to hide his rose pink cheeks in Kaito's scarf. "It's ok, cause you two look cute together and I don't want to see the two of you sad." Len said cheerfully, "R-r-really?" Yuma stammered, still trying to hide his blushing. "Yep, I'm more than happy to swap with Kaito." Piko said as he joined in the groups conversation, "You two are the most perfect couple that I've ever seen!" "Thanks a lot you two!" Kaito and Yuma said in sync.

Since it was the students first day there the students got the day off to get used to everyone and to settle in, so Yuma and Kaito both went to go get ice-cream. "Do you want to share like usual?" Kaito asked Yuma, Yuma nodded to say yes while holding Kaito's arm, "Mint-chocolate?" Kaito asked Yuma who was still holding Kaito's arm. "Ummm... How about we have raspberry today?" Yuma asked Kaito, "Okay..." Kaito said in reply and brought the ice-cream.

They found a table to sit at and sat next to each other and started to eat the ice-cream, Kaito took the first bite then got a spoon full for Yuma and fed it to him. Then Miku, Meiko, Gapuko, Rin, Len and Piko saw the two eating the ice-cream together and sat at the table watching them. Then Kaito saw the group and stopped feeding Yuma and himself, "What are you guys doing, watching us?" Kaito asked while blushing, and then Yuma hugged him. "You two are a cute couple, we saw you two acting all cute and decided to watch." Said Meiko. "See what did I tell you? They're really cute!" said Len. "Umm... Thanks? But you guys can go now cause we were...." Kaito started to say when Miku interrupted, "Oh... you two are on a date! Ok, let's go guys cause we don't want to ruin their date." Then the group left Kaito and Yuma alone. "Finally..." Yuma said as he let go of Kaito then waited for Kaito to start feeding him again. Kaito then started to feed Yuma and himself the ice-cream. Once the ice-cream was all gone Yuma looked at Kaito and slowly moved even closer to him, then he placed his hands on Kaito's cheeks, "Ummm..." Kaito started to say when he was cut off by Yuma's soft, cold lips against his. "How was it?" Yuma asked Kaito after removing his lips from Kaito's, "It was... good..." Kaito said in slight shock, "We can continue if you want..." Yuma said with his hands on Kaito's face. "When we get back to our room... Cause I don't want everyone to know that we're gay..." Kaito said while holding one of Yuma's hands that were on his face, "Oh... ok... So where do you want to go?" Yuma said as he slowly removed his hands from Kaito's rose-pink face. "How about we go to our room and have some catching up time?" Kaito said as he smiled at Yuma. "Sounds great!" Yuma said as he looked at Kaito.

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