Chapter Four

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Anatoly looked at the man who'd been talking to Eloise. He refused to raise his head, his face still a deep crimson. Then he looked to Eloise. She was like a summer day, a spring rose.

God, she's beautiful, he thought.

He felt the sudden, overwhelming desire to go to her, and so he did.

He moved past the others without a word or a glance, all the while Eloise watched him, secure in her knowing that he would come to her.

Anatoly swept her up in his arms and kissed her. She was light in his grasp, an intimate dance partner. 

She drew back, breathless, and laughed. 

Anatoly smiled. "Hey stranger."

For many nights afterward Eloise would sit up in her bed and think about that. She'd turn those two words over and over in her head. Hey stranger. 

Thomas clapped him on the shoulder, "Hey is right, Romeo. What? No kiss for me?"

Residnikov didn't laugh, though he felt he should have. "Sorry," he said, "Got a little carried away."

He saw Harry watching the scene with a playful grin, then remembered in a flood that he should feel uncomfortable in this room of familiar strangers. Anatoly left the group suddenly to stand two paces from where Harry stood. He eyed his friend sideways, looked away, and then took the last two steps carefully. 

There was something about Harry that inspired trust. It was like when you see red on the road and think "Stop". Just so, when you saw Harry, you thought "Trustworthy."

He tried to casually gesture to his friend that he wanted a private word, not realizing the scene he was causing. Harry smiled and winked at the room, putting everyone back at ease. When they still continued to watch, however, Harry's lips compressed and he gave them a look that bade them go back to acting normal.

Anatoly was an exceptionally handsome young man;  patient in word and deed, with dark hair and a gloomy but all the more intriguing demeanor. Behind his eyes, always deep in thought, was a mystery that many had let their imagination run wild with. What's more, there came with him a sense of great potential, as though he were burdened all the rich promise of red wine.

"You okay," Harry whispered when the others turned away.

"I'm fine," Anatoly said, "I'm just a little confused. Why is everyone here?"

"Why is..." Harry looked confused, "You mean you really didn't get my text?"

"No," Anatoly said, "I left my phone at home. I had to sneak out, my parents have been like wardens over a solitary prisoner."

Harry frowned, "Maybe we should let them know you're okay."

Anatoly shook his head, "If they know I'm here they'll come grab me."

Harry laughed, "Come on, I think you're being a bit overdramatic."

Anatoly gave him an stern look, and Harry swallowed. "Okay, whatever you want," he said.

"So why," Anatoly asked impatiently, "Is everyone here?"

"Oh, uh," Harry stammered. He gestured to the tv, "I invited everyone over to watch the game."

Anatoly's eyes passed over the tv dismissively. Harry, suddenly endowed by the sense that Residnikov had not believed him, put on a vexed expression and was about to say something when Anatoly interrupted him. 

"The thing is," Anatoly began, his voice tremulous. 

It was so obvious that what Anatoly was about to say pained him that Harry's heart broke for his friend. He resolved then that, whatever happened, he'd do everything he could for Anatoly. He felt honored that Anatoly should come to him, and then again single him out from everyone, even Eloise, to ask his painful questions.

"Go ahead, tell me," he said.

"I know you, Brian, Tom, Mike, and...." Anatoly glanced at Eloise, and their eyes met instantly. Though she talked to the two guys he didn't know and one of the girls, she must've been watching him very closely. "... and Eloise," he went on.

Harry nodded, not understanding but wanting to give the impression that he did.

"But these others," Anatoly looked around, "I feel I should know them, but...."

"Ah," Harry said, finally getting it. He pointed first to the girl on the couch, "That's Helena, Brian's girlfriend." He pointed to the girls near Eloise, naming them one by one, "Taylor, Claire, Moira, and Alice."

"I knew all of them," Anatoly asked.

Harry cringed, internally hating himself for rubbing in all that his friend had lost. "Yeah."

Anatoly rubbed his head, "And those other two, who are they? Did I know them too?"

"No," he said, "those are friends of mine from Columbia. That one blushing there is Ron, he and I go back to sophomore year. And the other one, he's someone I've only recently met. His name is something long and hard to pronounce, but everyone calls him Daniel."

Anatoly's face paled. He looked a ghost. 

"If this is all too much, I can tell everyone to come over some other time. Really, it's no problem at all. I can understand feeling overwhelmed, being bombarded by all these names and faces and whatnot. Or maybe we can go to your place, or Eloise's, whatever it's up to you."

"No," Residnikov croaked. 

"No, you want to leave, or-"

"No. I'll meet them."

Harry laughed. "Great! Perfect, I'll-"

Anatoly had stopped listening. There were other things on his mind, things he had to consider.

Harry recognized the distant look on his friend's face, but kept talking anyway. He didn't think it extraordinary that Anatoly would be distracted after all he'd been through. Yet, eventually, even his long fused patience waned.  "Did you hear me," He said.

Anatoly shook his head, "Sorry, what?"

Harry's momentary frustration bled away at Anatoly's tone, his voice softening immediately. "I said you should go up and take a shower first, I'll lend you some clothes."

Anatoly was about to refuse, but he looked down at himself. Thinking about how he must look, he nodded. "Sure."

Harry lead him upstairs, chattering all the while. He showed him to the bathroom, "And turn right for heat. Now, be careful, turn it too much and you'll-"

Anatoly chuckled, sparing a sidelong glance for his friend. "I lost my memory, Harry," he said, "But I'm not an idiot."

Harry blushed"You're right, sorry. I'll leave clothes for you just outside. Take however long you need."

Anatoly stepped into the shower, and Harry turned to go. "Hey, Harry."

Harry stopped in the doorway, "What's up?"

"You're a good friend, too good."

Harry smiled, "You just remember that?"

Anatoly turned away. "No."

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