Part #5. After The Fight.

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I was standing in the outdoor area of the orphanage, i had just won the fight against Fudo and completed my latest quest, i was feeling exhausted but after a few seconds of breathing i felt perfectly fine, i assumed it was Gamer's Body at work.

"Well that's handy" i mumbled to myself.

I walked back inside and went to my room, i opened the door and sat down on my bed with my back leaning against the wall. I closed my eyes and just focused on breathing, i liked to do this because it lets me listen to the noises, some of them peaceful, some of them not.


Meditation allows you to focus inwards and calm yourself even when in the direst of situations. Meditation boosts your INT and WIS by 2 points, your HP Regen and CP Regen by 2 points per 30 seconds.

Well that's useful, i was kind of waiting for that to happen. Well i'm still fairly low on health so i might as well try it out.

I crossed my legs and sat with my back straight, i could feel the skill activate and my health started going up quite quickly until it was fully regenerated, i felt calm and collected as i meditated.

After i was finished meditating i hopped off my bed and went outside again, i figure since i got some new skills i should probably level them up. So i was outside and there was no one around, guess they're off doing other things.

I stepped in front of the tree and took a basic sparring stance, the same as when i fought Fudo.

I punched the tree and kicked it, i continued to do this for awhile until i got a notification.

"Martial Arts Mastery" Has leveled up by 1!

Sweet! I continued to punch and kick the tree until i had a thought. I wondered if i could level up multiple skills at the same time, so i went back to punching and kicking the tree while also observing anything around me.

"Observe" Has leveled up by 1!

+1 WIS

I guess that was a wise decision then? Well that's good, i continued attacking the tree and leveling up Observe until i leveled them up 1 more time, then i took a steady stance and threw all my strength into a punch that made a big dent in the tree.


Power Strike allows you to bring out your strength and cause more damage then normal. STR increased by 5 COST: 15 CP

Huh i think that is the first skill i got that needs to use Chakra, anyway i used Power Strike on the tree and the dent i made grew bigger until my fist was about halfway through the tree.

I pulled my fist out of the tree that now had a fist shaped dent in it and a bell ringed inside the orphanage signifying lunch time. I walked inside and grabbed a tray with some rice and bread before walking back to the table i sat in before and looked at my food before another thought came to me. I wondered if i could get a cooking skill.

I walked over to the kitchen area and looked in when i saw that no one was there, i guess everyone got their food.

I walked in and looked around, i have no idea if anyone saw me or not but i assume that they couldn't care less. I found a pile of spare cookbooks and decided to look at those later, i looked at the stove and saw that there was an oven connected to it, i thought that was odd but now that i think about it i am pretty sure that Naruto had an oven in his apartment.

I decided to try and get a new skill and hopefully also do something nice for the other orphans, i washed my hands and started collecting ingredients i started mixing the ingredients together, i remembered a recipe for banana bread that i had made in my past life a few times, after i mixed the ingredients and poured the mixture into a baking tray i turned the oven on and waited, after the oven dinged i opened the oven door and went to take the tray out but i touched the tray without any gloves and i ended up burning myself, i looked around to see if i could find any baking gloves, but i didn't find any... So i decided to do something fairly stupid. And grab the tray, then put it on the work counter where i then let go and quickly held my hands under cold water.

"Regret regret regret regret. Sooooooo much regret."

NEW SKILL ACQUIRED: "Physical Endurance"

Physical Endurance allows you to bear any pain for longer, it decreases the damage taken by 1

On the plus side, new skill, but i kind of think that the system is making fun of me.

Anyway i continued baking until i had enough banana bread for everyone in the orphanage. Once i did that i heard the notification sound.


This skill allows you to cook, increase its level to make the food taste and look better.

Well that's good.


By making over 35 dishes of food without the skill "Cooking" you have acquired this title, with this title equipped your food will taste like atleast a 3 star meal.


I grabbed the trays and began setting them down at the counter where the kids get their food, i ringed a bell to get their attention then left the kitchen area and sat down at my table.

Everyone went to the counter and got some banana bread, i sat down and watched everyone's reactions... All of them were good, they all seemed to enjoy it.

+2 CHA

Huh i guess its because i did a nice thing? Anyway i just realized that i have some stat points to use so i thought the word "Stats" and the stats menu popped up.

Name: {Kasai Uchia} LVL: 2 {85/100}
Title: Tiny Chef
Age: 7 (Almost 8)
HP: 105/105 | CP: 40/40

Alignment: Leaf. Orphanage
Rank: Civilian

STR: 3
DEX: 2
VIT: 4
INT: 7
WIS: 7
CHA: 11

Points: 4

I took a look at my stats and decided that i should increase my weakest stats first, so i put 2 points in DEX and 1 point in STR, i allocated the last point into LUC

Name: {Kasai Uchia} LVL: 2 {85/100}
Title: Tiny Chef
Age: 7 (Almost 8)
HP: 105/105 | CP: 100/100

Alignment: Leaf. Orphanage
Rank: Civilian

STR: 4
DEX: 4
VIT: 4
INT: 7
WIS: 6
CHA: 9
LUC: 3

Points: 0

(And that's it for this part, i hope you all enjoyed it. See you all later eh!)

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