Part #7. Progress.

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Part #7. Progress.

(Wow! people are actually reading this! Anyway i hope you all enjoy this and have a great day.)

"Kasai" POV

As i stepped into the food hall I saw that the few children there were deep in conversation, so I walked over to a random table, sat down and activated Eavesdropping

I didn't hear anything interesting, but i leveled Eavesdropping up a couple times so that was good. I decided to activate Meditation so i could also level that up while i sat down and kinda stared into space.

After doing that for like an hour and a half i snapped out of my concentration of nothing and realized that Toriko-san was grabbing peoples attention.

Toriko: "Excuse me children, today we are going on a fun little field trip!"

Nearly all of the children cheered, but it came to a sudden stop when she continued.

Toriko: "To the library!|

... There was only silence.

Child: "You LIED TO US"


Toriko: "Anyway this field trip is optional so anyone who wants to come please line up in front of the door after breakfast."

...Anyway that sounds like a learning experience, and since i am the Gamer i should probably go on that trip. I looked at the clock and saw that breakfast was gonna end in 5 minutes, so i stood up and walked out of the food hall and into the front entrance.

I waited for about 2 minutes until Toriko-san and a few kids showed up, once she made sure everyone who wanted to come was here she opener the door and I finally got my first look at the village hidden in the leaves.

It was quite amazing, everything was almost a mix of oriental Japan and the usual designs for modern buildings, it was an interesting experience to see so many places in such an iconic franchise, I even saw the Yamanaka flower shop on the way to the library.

Once we stepped foot in the library i saw that it was almost entirely stocked with books, they all looked brand new, i guess this is what happens when computers, tv, or the internet don't exist. A lot of my time spent in my past life was on the internet, i guess the only thing to keep me entertained here is training, fan boying over the characters and places i see, and gaining new skills.

This is my new life i guess.

Anyway after realizing how different my life is for a few seconds I started browsing through the books, I started to use Observe on the books and found some thing interesting.

SKILL BOOK: Horse Riding - Horsing Around (Im so sorry)

This Skill Book allows you to instantly learn the basics of taming and riding horses

Would you like to learn this skill book? [Y]/[N]

Oh my god... I totally forgot about skill books! How did i forget about these!

I pressed "No" because i believe that the book would be destroyed and since its the library i don't think that would be very nice... Also i don't have any money to pay for this... Dang it.

I browsed through the shelves of books, making sure to Observe them in case i find any more Skill Books. One day i will come back here and get some of these skills.

Anyway i believe we can check out one book and keep it for 3 days... So the question is, do i get a book to learn from? Or a story book for the other orphans...

...Oh god... I can't decide! On the one hand i could possibly find a good book and learn something from it, on the other hand i read to the orphans and they get amused for an hour or two.


Oh my god i am an idiot, aren't there skill books that are also stories? Why don't i just find one of those! So i started looking and Observing the many books in the story section until i finally found the book i was looking for.

SKILL BOOK: Animal Taming - "The boy who spoke with nature"S

Learn how to befriend animals and have them fight by your side.

Would you like to learn this skill?

I grabbed the book off the shelf, it was bigger then I thought and was surprisingly heavy.

I walked over to Toriko-san since when we were walking to the library she explained that she wanted to see the books and make sure they were appropriate for children. Makes sense, but i'm pretty sure it wont matter in the end since most of the orphans want to become ninjas.

The show, while having some serious moments, lessened how much killing is normally involved in a ninja's life. I don't think its wise to assume that the missions will be as light hearted as in the show, ninjas are actual assassins trained to kill people. In time i will have to accept the fact that i may have to kill people... But i'm still a kid in this world and that should give me plenty of time.

Anyway after becoming depressed again i brought the book to Toriko-san.

Toriko: "Hello Kasai, have you found a book you want to get?" She asked

I nodded and held up the book.

Toriko: "Oh! 'The boy who spoke with nature' a classic!" She thought for a moment before asking me a question. "Do you mind reading this book to the other kids at the orphanage? I think they will really enjoy it."

I nodded and smiled, i walked over to the checkout counter and placed the book on the desk. The librarian walked over a few seconds after.

Librarian: "Hello, how may i help yo-" she looked around confused before looking down and seeing me. "Oh i'm sorry, i didn't see you there."

"It's fine, may i check out this book please Miss?" I asked.

Librarian: "Yes you may, just make sure to have it back in three days." she told me.

"Okay!" I said and grabbed the book, i nearly fell on my back but i caught myself and walked over to a seat, i set the book on the table next to the seat and opened the skill book. I started reading and i ended up reading until we had to go, its quite an interesting story.

We walked back to the orphanage and opened the doors to the front entrance, i went to one of the empty rooms in the orphanage, it was fairly small and had chairs facing the wall, i grabbed one of the chairs and brought it to the back of the room and sat down.

I waited for about 5 minutes and several orphans walked in the room and sat down on the floor, they were all facing me.

Once everyone who wanted to be here was here i opened the book and started reading.

"Once upon a time there was a boy with an odd ability, the ability to communicate with animals..."

After finishing the story, i closed the book and the orphans clapped before leaving.

I stood up and walked to my room, when i got there i took my shoes off and crawled into bed, once there i decided to open my Stats window and see how i've done so far.

Name: {Kasai Uchia} LVL: 3 {135/150}
Title: Tiny Chef {Makes the food you make taste like 3 star meals}
Age: 8
HP: 105/105 | CP: 45/45

Occupation: The Gamer, Orphan
Alignment: Leaf, Orphanage
Rank: Civilian

STR: 4
DEX: 4
VIT: 4
INT: 8
WIS: 7
CHA: 11
LUC: 4

Points: 0

I looked over my Stats until i realized something... The age had changed, i guess today was my birthday... Well i guess happy first birthday reincarnated me.

(Okay! I have finally finished this chapter! Sorry it took so long, i've had a bit of writer's block and it was kinda frustrating not letting you guys see this. But as usual I hope you've enjoyed this and have had a great day!)

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