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I walked out of the school not even caring that I would miss my last class. I couldn't sit there with him while he gawked at me. My once long time crush, and he only saw me because of my alter ego. He didn't care about the real me at all. I was two very different people, and when I was me, I felt like... well me. Ladybug was a character. I walked to the park trying to clear my head. Nature usually did that for me... I sighed sitting on a bench a little away from everything.

"Marinette?" I looked up seeing Luka walking towards me, "what are you doing here?"I just stared at him for a second not sure what to say. "Why are you crying? Come here." he sat beside me wrapping his arms around me pulling me into his chest. I didn't even realize I was crying, but as soon as he said that I realized my chest hurt from my staggered breathing. I melted into him, hoping that I could disappear. Things with adrien were still fresh, I still had that crush on him. It didn't disappear because I liked luka more. It still hurt to realize that Adrien never cared about me like that. "It's okay marinette" he whispered in my ear "whatever it is it's okay" he started humming something, and I felt my entire body start to relax. I closed my eyes and just listened to his beautiful voice, feeling the music fills my head and body, slowly bringing me the clarity I had hoped to find. He looked down at me his eyes full of concern "are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm fine" I whispered "just... Adrien came to talk to me and... well it's not exactly what I was expecting." he nodded slowly

"Are you okay after that akuma attack?" I nodded slowly looking up at him

"I was just worried about you... I wish I could have done more, but ladybug is the one with the superpowers..." he smiled slyly

"Yes indeed 'she' is. And 'she' is very good at saving the day. What would paris do without 'her'" he chuckled softly looking deep into my eyes. I looked at him confused

"Why do you keep talking about her like that? She's a person too." he chuckled

"Oh I'm well aware she's a person. A very cute and lovable, courageous, strong willed, self sacrificing person. Someone everyone can always rely on. Someone who's a little oblivious when it comes to seeing things for herself. Someone who is well worth the wait." he held me closer, making me blush brighter.

"Wh-what are you s-s-saying...?" not him too... did he only care for ladybug as well? I thought he was different...

"Well, ma-ma-marinette" he teased "what I'm saying is that I suspect that I know who ladybug is." he leaned in close "and I suspect that she's you." he smiled looking down at me "now I don't expect you to confirm or deny it. But I do have my reasoning. I only started to suspect after I was akumatized, it was a few days later when I was watching some of the clips of ladybug interacting with silencer. The way that she spoke to him, the way she refused to call him silencer but instead 'Luka', she tried to convince him that she could help him, not hawkmoth. It was then that I started to realize, all of the thinks about you that were so wonderful, and that made me fall for you, were also present in her, almost exactly the same. So... it simply makes sense. A wonderful civilian who wants nothing more than to be able to help those around her would be the type of person to put on a mask and save people if she had the power to.'' I blushed brightly looking up at him not sure what to say.

"S-so... what you said to me that day..."you're the most extraordinary girl, as clear as a music note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing inside my head since the first day we met." that was... for me? N-not for her?" he smiled at me kissing my forehead

"Yes, it was for you marinette. I don't care that you have an alter ego, I just like knowing that you do. Honestly, it makes me worry a little less with these akuma attacks. You're a hero, you can protect yourself, plus you have a bunch of hero friends looking out for you. But it isn't the reason that I like you if that's what you're asking.'' I smiled and buried my head in his shoulder. He saw me. He really did.

"I am" I whispered. He rose an eyebrow looking down at me "ladybug" I said softly "i am ladybug I mean." he smiled and nodded

"I figured by your reaction." he chuckled softly "if you don't mind me asking... what was it that adrien said that upset you so much?" I looked down sighing

"He figured out i'm ladybug too. And he wanted to date me, for that reason alone." she looked up at him, "I told him I wasn't interested in being an idol for him. And that I had a wonderful amazing boyfriend." he chuckled softly holding me closer.

"I do my best" he said softly "come on, I wanna show you something." 

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