Yoan :Chapter 8

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Yoan, Julie, Dakota, and Ren had finally made it back to the heart Capital. The result of their cave adventure left a bad taste in the party's mouth. Yoan explain how Joey was in possession of a specialist card and how after defeating the deamon, who also was in possession of a specialist card, he revealed he was working with Chleo. Yoan explained how he tried to get the card before Joey but ultimately Joey's powers overwhelmed him. Yoan was embarrassed of how easily he was defeated. The other assured him that the did all he could and now all they could do was speak with the king. Yoan departed from the rest of the group to speak with the king in the throne room. Upon seeing him enter the king happily greeted him and motioned for the others in the room  to leave.
"Yoan my good boy. It has been some time. Tell me. What did the king say. Why has he been so quiet this past month?"
"Well your majesty, it would seem that the king is dead. There was a coup in the Clover kingdom. It is now ran by a man named Ace."
The kings face turned deadly pale. "Ace? The king is dead? Oh no no no this can not be."
"Yes sir. Also-"
"No, there are more important things that need to be done now. I assure you there's nothing more vital at the moment." The king look worried as he began pacing back and forth and quickly began giving Yoan orders.
"Firstly you must meet with someone. I have a contact that is well versed in the lands. Go to him and simply say 'the farmer has return for his chickens'. He will know what it means. After he gives you the information I need you to kill him and come back. Once you get back you take Ren and his group to the locations he gives you and asset the situation there. You should know what to do when you get there."
Yoan was confused and it showed on his face.
"What about the specialist cards?" The king looked slightly annoyed.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore. I have my elite guards looking into it. You just handle this for me. You did great work and you'll be rewarded handsomely. I've already had a large amount of funds added to your account. Finish this task for me and you may find yourself with a new title." The king sat on his throne. "Keep this matter between us. If you'd like, you can travel with someone but do not reveal to them your objective. Tell them you're picking up a delivery for me and bring me back anything. The man you need to kill should have all types of important looking things laying around." The king dismissed Yoan who promptly left. The king sat in silence, his face resting in one hand before he calmly and softly spoke. "Spencer."
A smooth slow voice replied although no one could be seen in the room with the king.
"Yes my lord."
"Do you think they saw anything? No. Do you think HE told them something?"
"Everything should be fine my lord. This is just a slight bump in your plan. The specialist cards returning is just another opportunity my lord."
"You're right. Just in case. Have someone watch over that group. I can't have any rumors starting about me."
"Of course my lord. As you wish."

Yoan left the Kings castle and made his way back to his living quarters. He flopped down on his bed as he went over the past events in his head. So much had happened that he could barely keep up with it all. He closed his eyes as his mind began to drift as he fell asleep. While he slept he had a strange dream. He was walking in the ruins of the Heart Capital. It looked as if a great battle had been fought there. A woman stood before him with long silver hair. Yoan recognized her immediately. "You're -"
"Yes." She interrupted him. "I am the last specialist who possessed the powers you now have. But that is not of importance now. What you see before you is a possible future for you. You must prepare yourself. There is great destruction on its way but you have the means to stop it."
"Wait. What are you saying. The capital is going to get destroyed? What's going to happen."
"The future is uncertain, but you must find people you trust and find the remaining specialist cards. You must be prepared. You must." The world around Yoan began fading as the woman suddenly appeared further and further away from Yoan. He suddenly shot up from his bed with a shout, breathing heavy. "WAIT!"
Yoan looked around to see Ren, Julie , and Dakota starring at him.
"Uhhhhhh..... what's up guys?" Yoan chuckled as he straighten himself up.
"What was that? You had a bad dream? Don't worry about it. Happens to best of us, especially after what we just went through."
Dakota put his arm around Yoan and picked him up out the bed.
"That's why we're gonna go get a drink. Come on."
"Ok ok but I can walk geez."
Ren and Julie laughed while Dakota put Yoan down. Yoan hurried to the door. "Last one there pays the bill." Yoan ran out with the other behind him as they raced to the bar.
Once they got to the bar they all happily ordered drinks and celebrated not paying. Everyone except Yoan, who somehow ended up losing to his seniors. He was ultimately unworried as he had just been paid by the king anyway. The thought of the kings payment made Yoan remember his new objective.
"So guys. The king gave me a new mission."
"Really. What is it this time. Gonna go look for more cards? If so I'm in." Julie gulped her drink and raised her hand at the bartender for another.
"What did he say about your powers Yoan? Was he impressed?" Ren asked.
"That's the thing. After I told him about  Ace and the old king being dead, he didn't want to hear anything else. He turned pale and just told me to go meet with some guy as soon as possible."
"And here you are drinking with us."
Dakota raises his glass before taking a gulp.
Everyone laughed.
"Yea here I am. I was gonna head out tomorrow morning. I was wondering if one of guys wanted to come with me?"
"Oh me! Me! I'll go."
Julie reached across from Ren to wave her hand in Yoan's face.
"Alright Julie. We'll go in the morning. We shouldn't be gone for too long."
"Yes you two have fun on your little trip. Dakota and I will enjoy our little break. I don't mind it at all. Do you buddy?"
"Not in the slightest."
They chatted for a while more before Julie and Yoan departed to prepare and sleep for the journey the next morning.
They headed out the following morning and like their previous journey saw little to no deamon beast. Bored, Julie began to ask Yoan questions she'd been longing to ask him.
"So Yoan. Why didn't you just keep the first card you found for yourself."
"What do you mean Julie. Chleo stole it from me."
"No not that. I mean why did you try to give it to the king in the first place. You could've just kept it to yourself or something."
"Oh. Well honestly, while having the powers was cool, I just thought of what I could get if I gave it to the king. He would have to give me something great for it. Wealth for sure. And I thought if I found this when my father was sick, then maybe I could have afforded the medicine he needed to live. So I had to give it to the king, so if my family ever needs help again I will be able to provide it." Yoan looked down as they continued their journey. After a moment of silence Julie spoke.
"I'm sorry to hear that Yoan. Forgive me for asking."
"You're fine Julie. I have to ask though, why were you so eager to go on another mission. We just got back."
"Well that's easy. I want to fight some deamons." She smiled brightly.
"That's it."
"Yep. When I was younger people always told me I should just get a job in the capital or become a wife but I didn't want to do that. The boys looked like they were having some much fun while they were training and everyone looked up to DFF members. I couldn't just watch. So I got the biggest boy I could find and tried to beat him so I could get recognized."
"Well, how did that go?"
"Haha. Does Dakota look like an easy target to you?"
Yoan was shocked. "No way. It was Dakota?"
"Yea. And I didn't win. But I held my ground against him and he offered to help me get better afterwards. Even since then we've been best friends. He does have a little secret that he tries to keep from everyone that I helped him with."
Yoan looked at Julie questioningly but decided not to ask. "If it's a secret then I do-"
"HE'S A TOTAL HOUSE WIFE. It's so crazy. I couldn't understand it. He likes to sew and do other housework too. He would be a better wife than I would. It's weird, it's like our personalities got switched. But don't tell Dakota I told you ok?"
Julie smiled at Yoan who reluctantly agreed. As their conversation was beginning to end, they came upon their destination. They looked at the tiny hut and observed the surrounding area, a feeling of familiarity coming to them. They knocked on the door but it simply opened. They took a step inside as was shocked when a man sitting in the far end of the room turned to face them.
"Bj?!?" They exclaimed.

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